December 19, 2014

Economic Progress Institute: 2014 Rhode Island Standard of Need

ITEP Work in Action

What it costs to live and raise a family in Rhode Island and how work supports help families meet basic needs

Rhode Island is a beautiful state with sandy beaches, world class restaurants, and a vibrant arts and culture scene. Yet many workers in our state struggle just to pay for the basics, making it all but impossible for them to enjoy all that our state has to offer. In fact, many workers would not be able to get by if not for government funded work and income supports that close the gap between low wages and high costs.

The Economic Progress Institute publishes the Rhode Island Standard of Need (RISN) to answer two fundamental questions:

What is the cost of meeting basic needs for families and individuals in Rhode Island?

How do state and federal work and income  supports help households meet the cost of basic needs?

Read the full report

