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Promote fair tax policy!

Your gift to ITEP promotes tax justice. With your help, we do research that supports taxing millionaires and billionaires, taxing big corporations and raising revenue for the things our people, our communities and our planet need.

Together, we can create a country with more economic justice, more racial justice, more climate justice … and more tax justice.

With support from friends like you, we helped pass a corporate minimum tax at the federal level. We helped pass millionaires’ taxes in Massachusetts and New Jersey, capital gains taxes in Washington, and refundable tax credits for families with kids all over the country. With your help, we’ll continue to defend and promote fair and equitable tax systems.

Donate Online
Make a one-time donation or become a monthly sustainer using our online donation form.

Donate Stock
Your gift of appreciated stock or securities will help ITEP in our fight for fair and adequate taxes.

Make a Planned Gift
Remember ITEP in your will or trust and create a legacy of giving for equitable tax policy. ITEP works with you and your professional advisor to choose the planned giving option that best works for you and your family.

Give by Mail
If you prefer to give by mail, please send your donation to the following address:
The Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy
1200 18th St NW, Suite 675
Washington, DC 20036

All donations made to ITEP, a 501(c)(3) organization, are tax deductible.

Learn more about how your investment will be put to work to create fair and sustainable tax policy:

Federal Policy Work State Policy Work Corporate Tax Work


State Nonprofit Disclosures