November 3, 2015

Idaho Statesman: Does ‘fixing’ Idaho taxes mean cutting, or something else?

media mention


“The other two legs of Idaho’s tax structure are sales and property taxes. On both scores, Idaho is in the lower half of states, and much lower on property taxes. Its overall tax structure is also fairer than most across income levels. State rankings on tax inequality compiled by the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy put Idaho at No. 43 — that is, fairer than all but a handful of other states. The most unequal state was Washington, with its high reliance on the regressive sales tax. Oregon, with its high reliance on more progressive income taxes, ranked 48th. Utah was 34th.”

“The other two legs of Idaho’s tax structure are sales and property taxes. On both scores, Idaho is in the lower half of states, and much lower on property taxes. Its overall tax structure is also fairer than most across income levels. State rankings on tax inequality compiled by the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy put Idaho at No. 43 — that is, fairer than all but a handful of other states. The most unequal state was Washington, with its high reliance on the regressive sales tax. Oregon, with its high reliance on more progressive income taxes, ranked 48th. Utah was 34th.”
