December 3, 2015

Test Tube: What Happens When You Don’t Accept Immigrants?

media mention

“World-wide, these examples of anti-immigration laws imply that immigrants somehow cause harm, however, there aren’t really any studies that definitively show any long-term negative effects of a country accepting immigrants. In the U.S. conservatives often accuse immigrants of “taking our jobs”, when in reality they are an exploited source of cheap labor with little to no rights or workplace protections. Undocumented workers aren’t eligible to receive government assistance in the form of welfare or food-stamps. If they do get a fake Social Security number, they just end up paying into a system for which they’ll never be able to withdraw from. Undocumented immigrants paid  and estimated $10.6 billion to state and local governments in 2010 according to the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy (ITEP). What options do immigrants have when seemingly more and more countries are clamping down on them? Trace explores the costs–and many common misconceptions–of immigration.”
