February 29, 2016

Politico: New Jersey Playbook

media mention

“IMMIGRATION — “N.J. undocumented immigrants pay $590M in taxes, report finds,” by POLITICO’s Katherine Landergan: “Undocumented immigrants contribute more than $590 million in state and local taxes in New Jersey, according to a study released Wednesday by the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy. The report, which was also released by the think-tank New Jersey Policy Perspective, found New Jersey has the fifth-highest state and local tax payments from undocumented immigrants. In total, undocumented immigrants contribute more than $11.6 billion in taxes each year in the U.S. Erika Nava, a policy analyst at NJPP, said that New Jerseyans should know that these immigrants are paying their fair share of taxes…The report also said that New Jersey would gain $24 million in revenue if the Obama administration’s recent executive actions on immigration were implemented.””

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