December 7, 2015

American Press: Edwards, GOP conflicts expected

media mention

“Edwards, as a state representative, and other Democrats fought for Medicaid expansion under Obamacare, but they were unsuccessful primarily because of Gov. Bobby Jindal’s opposition. Edwards said he would expand the program on his first day in office, but has since said legal issues have to be resolved first.

An increase in the current $7.25 per hour minimum wage to $8.50 per hour is another goal, but Edwards would like to see Congress increase the wage first. If it doesn’t, he said he will try to do it. Recent attempts in the Legislature to boost the minimum have failed.

The earned income tax credit dates back to 1975. The Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy said the goal of the credit is to provide targeted tax reductions to low income workers, reward work and boost incomes of low-wage workers. The tax break is available in 25 states.”

Edwards, as a state representative, and other Democrats fought for Medicaid expansion under Obamacare, but they were unsuccessful primarily because of Gov. Bobby Jindal’s opposition. Edwards said he would expand the program on his first day in office, but has since said legal issues have to be resolved first.
An increase in the current $7.25 per hour minimum wage to $8.50 per hour is another goal, but Edwards would like to see Congress increase the wage first. If it doesn’t, he said he will try to do it. Recent attempts in the Legislature to boost the minimum have failed.
The earned income tax credit dates back to 1975. The Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy said the goal of the credit is to provide targeted tax reductions to low income workers, reward work and boost incomes of low-wage workers. The tax break is available in 25 states.


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