Lower-income families therefore receive the most benefit from the exemption for groceries. Repealing it would disproportionately increase the share of income they pay in taxes, making Kentucky’s tax system more regressive than it already is.
ITEP Work in Action
Advocates and policymakers at the state and federal levels rely on ITEP’s analytic capabilities to inform their debates on proposed tax policy changes. In any given year, ITEP fields requests for analyses of policies in 25 or more states. ITEP also works with national partners to provide analyses of federal tax policy proposals. This section highlights reports that use ITEP analyses to make a compelling case for progressive tax reforms.
ITEP Work in Action April 12, 2017 Kentucky Center for Economic Policy: Taxing Groceries in Kentucky Would Hurt Low-Income Families, Weaken Revenue Growth
ITEP Work in Action April 12, 2017 The Progressive Pulse: Undocumented immigrants pay their fair share of taxes, too
Tax Day is just around the corner, and this year is no different than any other for countless undocumented immigrants filling tax forms in North Carolina. Current rhetoric on immigration… -
ITEP Work in Action April 11, 2017 Connecticut Voices for Children: Testimony Supporting H.B. No. 7316 – An Act Concerning Evaluation of Business Assistance and Incentive Programs H.B. No. 7313 – An Act Imposing a Surcharge on Income Derived From Investment Management
At Connecticut Voices for Children, we view the state budget as the clearest statement of Connecticut’s policy priorities. We believe that these priorities should advance long-term inclusive economic prosperity, equity… -
ITEP Work in Action April 6, 2017 Keystone Research Center: Who Pays for Property Tax Elimination?
Across all Pennsylvania families, property tax elimination would increase taxes by $334 per family. While property taxes would fall by an average of $1,685 per family, sales and income taxes… -
ITEP Work in Action April 5, 2017 Senator Jeff Flake: Tax Rackets: Outlandish Loopholes to Lower Tax Liabilities
“With a top rate of 40 percent, the U.S. has the highest corporate tax rate in the world.9 Yet, many corporations have not paid any federal income taxes for years.10”… -
ITEP Work in Action April 3, 2017 Kentucky Center for Economic Policy: Undocumented Immigrants Contribute $37 Million Toward Investments in Kentucky Each Year
Undocumented immigrants living in Kentucky pay $36.6 million in state and local taxes each year, according to a new report from the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy. These substantial… -
ITEP Work in Action April 3, 2017 New Jersey Policy Perspectives: Undocumented Residents Pay $587 Million a Year in NJ Taxes
New Jersey’s undocumented immigrants contribute $587 million in state and local taxes, the sixth highest level of all the states. And those contributions would increase by $73 million – the… -
ITEP Work in Action April 3, 2017 Fiscal Policy Institute: Economic Contribution, Taxes Paid, and Occupations of Unauthorized Immigrants in New York State
There is a widespread misconception that unauthorized immigrants do not pay taxes. Yet, a careful national study prepared by the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy—and coreleased in New York… -
ITEP Work in Action April 3, 2017 NC Policy Watch: What you need to know as the state Senate moves to cut taxes yet again
The North Carolina Senate is moving ahead yet again – perhaps as early as this afternoon – with a new proposal to further reduce state taxes and the revenues they… -
ITEP Work in Action April 3, 2017 The Progressive Pulse: New analysis: Most of NC senate’s “middle class” tax cut would actually flow to the wealthy
BTC’s analysis of SB 325 uses a more robust model developed by the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy (ITEP), a non-profit, non-partisan organization. ITEP’s microsimulation tax model calculates tax… -
ITEP Work in Action March 31, 2017 Evidence Counts: Senate Tax Plan Creates Big Budget Hole, Shifts Tax Load Onto Working Families (Updated)
Last Wednesday, the Senate passed Senate Bill 409 that makes sweeping changes to the state’s tax system that decrease personal income and severance taxes while increasing sales taxes. Similar to… -
ITEP Work in Action March 31, 2017 The Progressive Pulse: Why cutting taxes for business again makes no sense
When businesses pay their share of taxes, North Carolina is able to invest in the things that build thriving communities and a prosperous economy – things like good schools, roads,… -
ITEP Work in Action March 29, 2017 Evidence Counts: Tax Reform Might Improve WV’s Business Tax Climate, Sound Familiar?
Today, the House will vote on HB 2933, the latest version of “tax reform” in the state. HB 2933 would broaden the sales tax base, lower the sales tax rate… -
ITEP Work in Action March 26, 2017 Evidence Counts: House and Senate Tax Proposals Shift Tax Load Onto Working Families (Updated)
The House and the Senate have advanced two similar tax bills that make substantial changes to the state’s personal income and sales tax, which account for over 75 percent of… -
ITEP Work in Action March 23, 2017 Kentucky Center for Economic Policy: Tiny Fraction of Wealthiest Kentuckians Gain from Tax Cuts in Health Repeal
The House plan to repeal healthcare reform, known as the American Health Care Act (AHCA), provides a tax cut to the wealthiest people while reducing the number of Americans with health… -
ITEP Work in Action March 23, 2017 Pennsylvania Budget and Policy Center: The Fair Share Tax to Support Public Investment in Pennsylvania
This paper puts forward a plan, which we call the Fair Share Tax, that would take a major step toward fixing Pennsylvania’s broken tax system and raise the revenues we… -
ITEP Work in Action March 22, 2017 Policy Matters Ohio: Testimony to the Senate Ways & Means Committee on Senate Bill 35
The federal earned income tax credit (EITC) was designed to keep people working, lift families out of poverty, boost their income to help weather financial emergencies, and help offset payroll… -
ITEP Work in Action March 21, 2017 Policy Matters Ohio: Testimony to the House Ways & Means Committee on House Bill 49
Governor Kasich’s tax proposal would further reinforce the shift in Ohio’s state and local tax system in favor of affluent residents and against those with lower or middle incomes. Under the plan, Ohioans who made under $56,000 last year – those in the bottom three-fifths of the income spectrum – on average would pay more tax than they do now.
ITEP Work in Action March 21, 2017 Hope Policy Institute: Everyone Pays Taxes, Including Undocumented Immigrants
According to a new report by the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy (ITEP), it is estimated that undocumented immigrants in Mississippi pay almost $22,684,000 in state and local taxes. Nationally, undocumented immigrants pay over $11.74 billion in state and local taxes. The report, entitled “Undocumented Immigrants’ State and Local Tax Contributions,” highlights the contributions of undocumented immigrants as taxpayers to state and local governments.
ITEP Work in Action March 20, 2017 Maine Center for Economic Policy: MECEP Testifies Against Bills to Cut Taxes for the Wealthy at Expense of Maine’s Schools
Augusta, Maine (Monday, March 20, 2017) State legislators on the taxation committee will hold a public hearing today on several bills that would roll back the tax to pay for education enacted under Question 2, the ballot initiative passed by Maine voters in November 2016. As a result of Question 2, the state will have the capacity to provide 55% of school funding mandated by voters previously in 2004.
ITEP Work in Action March 20, 2017 Evidence Counts: Wealthiest 1% of West Virginians Gain from Tax Cuts in Health Care Repeal
The House proposal to repeal the federal Affordable Care Act (ACA) and replace it with the American Health Care Act (AHCA), provides only a tiny fraction of very wealthy West… -
ITEP Work in Action March 19, 2017 The Economic Progress Institute: Understanding Rhode Island’s Motor Vehicle Tax
The Motor Vehicle Tax (commonly known as the “Car Tax”) is a property tax collected by each Rhode Island municipality based on the value of each motor vehicle owned. There… -
ITEP Work in Action March 19, 2017 North Carolina Justice Center: BTC POLICY BASIC: Marginal versus Effective Personal Income Tax Rates
A great deal of confusion abounds in discussions about state personal income tax rates and how they apply to income. This policy basic clarifies the difference between marginal and effective… -
ITEP Work in Action March 19, 2017 North Carolina Justice Center: Still walking the path to zero: The Senate tax plan will harm North Carolina’s goal of building a stronger, inclusive economy
Senate leaders continue to pursue reductions to the income tax rate for wealthy taxpayers and profitable corporations even as they claim to be focused on helping low- and moderate-income taxpayers.… -
ITEP Work in Action March 19, 2017 Montana Budget & Policy Center: Capital Gains Tax Credit Valuing Wealth Over Work in Montana
In 2003, the Montana Legislature passed a capital gains tax credit that benefits a very narrow portion of our population at the great expense of our collective ability to adequately…