ITEP Work in Action
Advocates and policymakers at the state and federal levels rely on ITEP’s analytic capabilities to inform their debates on proposed tax policy changes. In any given year, ITEP fields requests for analyses of policies in 25 or more states. ITEP also works with national partners to provide analyses of federal tax policy proposals. This section highlights reports that use ITEP analyses to make a compelling case for progressive tax reforms.
ITEP Work in Action January 21, 2015 Arise Citizens’ Policy Project: Study on Alabama’s tax system: The less you make, the bigger share you pay
Low- and middle-income Alabamians pay more than twice as much in taxes as a share of their income compared to the state’s wealthiest residents, according to a study released Wednesday… -
ITEP Work in Action January 20, 2015 Tennessee Comptroller of the Treasury: Tennessee Transportation Funding
This report is in response to a 2014 request from the Fiscal Review Committee of the Tennessee General Assembly. The purpose of this study is to provide an overview of… -
ITEP Work in Action January 20, 2015 Indiana Institute for Working Families: The Status of Working Families in Indiana – 2015
The Status of Working Families is a biennial report that analyzes the general state of Indiana’s economy as it relates to working families by examining data on poverty, labor force… -
ITEP Work in Action January 16, 2015 NC Policy Watch: North Carolina’s unfair tax system highlighted in new report
The latest Who Pays? report released today by the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy (ITEP) takes a look at the fairness of state tax systems. For North Carolina, the… -
ITEP Work in Action January 16, 2015 Arise Citizens’ Policy Project: Study on Alabama’s tax system: The less you make, the bigger share you pay
Low- and middle-income Alabamians pay more than twice as much in taxes as a share of their income compared to the state’s wealthiest residents, according to a study released Wednesday… -
ITEP Work in Action January 16, 2015 DC Fiscal Policy Institute: The Recommendations of the D.C. Tax Revision Commission Are Having a Favorable Impact on the District
The Institute on Taxation & Economic Policy (ITEP) issued its 2015 report — Who Pays? A Distributional Analysis of the Tax Systems in All 50 States – today. The fifth… -
ITEP Work in Action January 16, 2015 Arkansas Advocates for Children and Families: Arkansas ranks 11th in tax burden on poor
Arkansas ranks eleventh in the nation when it comes to taxing the poor. The poorest Arkansans, those making under $9,600 per year, pay two times more in taxes as a… -
ITEP Work in Action January 16, 2015 Kentucky Center for Economic Policy: Kentucky’s Upside Down Tax System Asks the Least of Those at the Top
In Kentucky, the wealthiest residents pay the lowest overall state and local tax rate as documented in a new edition of a study by the Institute on Taxation and Economic… -
ITEP Work in Action January 16, 2015 Louisiana Budget Project: Taxing the Poor
In less than three months, Louisiana legislators will convene for their annual session. It’s an odd-numbered year, which means it’s a two-month “fiscal” session that’s supposed to be focused on… -
ITEP Work in Action January 16, 2015 Maryland Center on Economic Policy: Low-Earners Paying More in Taxes than the Well-Off in Maryland
Those earning the most in Maryland pay the lowest share of their income in state and local taxes, at just 6.7 percent, according to the Institute on Taxation and Economic… -
ITEP Work in Action January 16, 2015 Economic Progress Institute: Making Work Pay for Working Families: Increasing the State’s Earned Income Tax Credit
Rhode Islanders who work full-time should be able to support their families. Yet, far too many are struggling to pay for housing, heat, food, and health care. Increasing Rhode Island’s… -
ITEP Work in Action December 19, 2014 Economic Progress Institute: 2014 Rhode Island Standard of Need
What it costs to live and raise a family in Rhode Island and how work supports help families meet basic needs Rhode Island is a beautiful state with sandy beaches,… -
ITEP Work in Action December 11, 2014 North Carolina Budget and Tax Center: 2015 Budget Undermines North Carolina’s Competitiveness
The 2015 state budget, passed by the NC General Assembly and signed by Governor McCrory, undermines North Carolina’s competitive position in the 21st century global economy. Lawmakers failed to provide… -
ITEP Work in Action December 11, 2014 North Carolina Budget and Tax Center: 2015 Budget Undermines North Carolina’s Competitiveness
The 2015 state budget, passed by the NC General Assembly and signed by Governor McCrory, undermines North Carolina’s competitive position in the 21st century global economy. Lawmakers failed to provide… -
ITEP Work in Action December 4, 2014 California Budget Project: A State EITC- Making California’s Tax System Work Better for Working Families
A new CBP report discusses the benefits of establishing a California Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) and the key policy considerations in creating this state credit. Read the full report. -
ITEP Work in Action December 4, 2014 Massachusetts Budget and Policy Center: Automatic Income Tax Rate Cuts – Frequently Asked Questions
A thriving state economy – one that delivers broadly shared prosperity to workers, families and businesses – depends on key public investments in schools and colleges, subways and highways, public… -
ITEP Work in Action November 25, 2014 Michigan League for Public Policy: Let’s Not Make it Harder for People to Get to Work!
Improving the state’s roads is critical to economic growth in Michigan. Not only do people depend on the roads and public transportation to get to work, but businesses—and potential businesses—rely… -
ITEP Work in Action November 24, 2014 Policy Matters Ohio: Ohio’s Affluent are Big Beneficiaries of 2013-2014 Tax Changes
State tax changes approved over the past two years have further tilted Ohio’s tax system in favor of the wealthiest. Read the full report -
ITEP Work in Action November 3, 2014 New Mexico Voices for Children: Expanding New Mexico’s Working Families Tax Credit Would Generate Economic Activity and Help Hard-Working Families
New Mexico’s Working Families Tax Credit not only lifts tens of thousands of low-income families out of poverty each year, it also generates economic activity because the money is spent… -
ITEP Work in Action October 7, 2014 Oregon Center for Public Policy: Move Across State Lines for $40 a Month?
Say that you’re the sole breadwinner for your family and you earn $100,000 a year in Oregon. Would you pack your belongings and move your family north to Washington… -
ITEP Work in Action September 8, 2014 North Carolina Justice Center: Stronger Earned Income Tax Credit and Minimum Wage – Both Needed to Help Low-Wage Working Families
There are two critical policy tools that can help put low-wage workers on the path to economic security: the minimum wage and the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC). Together these… -
ITEP Work in Action August 26, 2014 Policy Matters Ohio: Out-of-Step
Changes to the Ohio EITC this summer doubled the credit, but poor design choices mean that most low-income working families won’t get the benefit. Read the full report -
ITEP Work in Action August 18, 2014 Policy Matters Ohio: The Great Ohio Tax Shift
Tax overhauls in the past nine years have slashed average tax bills for the top 1 percent by more than $20,000, while the bottom three-fifths pay more as a group.… -
ITEP Work in Action August 1, 2014 Fiscal Policy Institute: NYS Can Help Low-income Working Families with Children by Increasing its Earned Income Tax Credit
It comes as no surprise to working families that New York State’s tax system is fundamentally unfair. Low- and middle-income workers pay, on average, a much higher share of their… -
ITEP Work in Action July 31, 2014 Missouri Budget Project: Earned Income Tax Credit: A Targeted Tax Change with Significant Impact
The federal Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) is a federal tax credit for low- and moderate-income working people. It encourages and rewards work as well as offsets federal payroll and…