ITEP Work in Action
Advocates and policymakers at the state and federal levels rely on ITEP’s analytic capabilities to inform their debates on proposed tax policy changes. In any given year, ITEP fields requests for analyses of policies in 25 or more states. ITEP also works with national partners to provide analyses of federal tax policy proposals. This section highlights reports that use ITEP analyses to make a compelling case for progressive tax reforms.
ITEP Work in Action February 26, 2014 North Carolina Justice Center: Many of America’s Most Profitable Corporations Pay Little or No Federal Income Taxes; Headquartered Companies in N.C. Top the List
Washington, D.C. (February 26, 2014) – A comprehensive five-year study of 288 highly profitable Fortune 500 companies finds that 111 of them paid no federal corporate income tax in at… -
ITEP Work in Action February 26, 2014 New Jersey Policy Perspective: Many of America’s Most Profitable Corporations Pay Little or No Federal Income Taxes
New Jersey-based Honeywell, which in 2012 was awarded a state tax break of $40 million not to leave New Jersey, paid no federal corporate income taxes in 2009 and 2010,… -
ITEP Work in Action February 26, 2014 Policy Matters Ohio: The Sorry State of Corporate Taxes
Two Ohio companies — American Electric Power and FirstEnergy — were among the 26 major companies that in the aggregate paid no federal income tax over the five-year period between… -
ITEP Work in Action February 26, 2014 Maryland Center on Economic Policy: Major US Corporations Not Paying their Fair Share in Federal Taxes
Maryland residents filling out their tax forms and paying their monthly utility bills might be surprised to find out that one of the companies that 526,000 of them write checks… -
ITEP Work in Action February 18, 2014 Open Sky Policy Institute: Data show middle class benefit of LB 1097 paltry compared to higher earners
While some proponents of LB 1097 – a bill to cut Nebraska’s income taxes – talk about the bill’s benefit to the state’s middle class, a look at the data… -
ITEP Work in Action February 18, 2014 Oklahoma Policy Institute: Tax cut will provide little benefit to most Oklahomans
The average Oklahoman would get just $29 from Governor Mary Fallin’s proposed income tax cut, while one-quarter of the total benefit would go to the wealthiest 1 percent of households,… -
ITEP Work in Action February 18, 2014 Missouri Budget Project: Nixon-Kraus Tax “Deal” Would Undercut MO Services, Including Education
According to recent analysis, the tax “deal” between Governor Nixon and Senator Kraus is skewed to benefit Missouri’s wealthiest families, and leaves all services vulnerable to cuts as a result… -
ITEP Work in Action February 14, 2014 Policy Matters Ohio: Income-tax cut would favor well-to-do
An across-the-board cut in rates favored by Gov. Kasich may allow low-income Ohioans to buy a slice of pizza a year, on average. Those in the middle could purchase a… -
ITEP Work in Action February 10, 2014 Kentucky Center for Economic Policy: Measuring the Tax Plan Against Key Principles
Governor Beshear has released his tax reform proposal, and analysis and debate over the plan has begun. It’s important that this discussion keep in mind three principles that are needed… -
ITEP Work in Action February 7, 2014 Open Sky Policy Institute: Looking for Clarity: An Overview of Nebraska Budget and Tax Policy
To help Huskers decode how Nebraska makes budget decisions and creates tax policy, we have created Looking for Clarity: An Overview of Nebraska Budget and Tax Policy. This easy-to-read primer… -
ITEP Work in Action February 7, 2014 Kentucky Center for Economic Policy: Tax Plan Misses Opportunity to Make Overall Tax System Fairer
The combined impact of the tax increases and tax cuts in Governor Beshear’s reform proposal would not help improve the regressive nature of Kentucky’s tax system, according to analysis of… -
ITEP Work in Action February 6, 2014 Open Sky Policy Institute: Income tax cut bills would decimate state budget, lead to cuts, property tax hikes
A pair of bills to cut income taxes would blow holes in the state budget, aren’t aimed at the middle class and are not likely to grow the economy. Furthermore,… -
ITEP Work in Action January 30, 2014 Corporation for Enterprise Development (CFED): 2014 Assets & Opportunity Scorecard
In the wake of the recession, policymakers at all levels of government adopted policies aimed at hastening the recovery and increasing financial security and opportunity. Cities, counties and states… -
ITEP Work in Action January 27, 2014 Wisconsin Budget Project: Top 5% of Wisconsin Residents Get 18% of Tax Cuts Proposed by the Governor
The distribution of the tax cuts proposed by the Governor isn’t our chief concern about how he would use the projected state surplus. We’re primarily concerned that Governor Walker’s plan… -
ITEP Work in Action January 24, 2014 Missouri Budget Project: Tax Proposals Before Senate Ways & Means Would Dramatically Reduce State Revenue, Disporportionately Benefit Wealthiest, But Not Create Jobs
The Missouri Senate Ways & Means Committee will hear three major tax bills this week. Though they differ in their components, each would drastically reduce state revenue, disproportionately benefit Missourians… -
ITEP Work in Action January 24, 2014 Open Sky Policy Institute: Typical family pays less tax in Nebraska than in most similar states
Middle-income Nebraskans pay relatively low taxes compared to their counterparts in eight nearby states with similar economies and tax structures. A family earning the median family income in Nebraska ($63,442)… -
ITEP Work in Action January 15, 2014 Michigan League for Public Policy: Tax Cuts Won’t Grow the Economy
Across-the-board income tax cuts will not boost Michigan’s economy but would contribute to rising income inequality, and further drain resources from public schools, community colleges, universities, health care and… -
ITEP Work in Action January 13, 2014 New Jersey Policy Perspective: $elling New Jersey $hort: Across-the-Board Income Tax Cut Would Harm the Garden State
An across-the-board state income tax cut would be detrimental to New Jersey’s future because it would do nothing to create jobs and grow the economy while disproportionately helping those who… -
ITEP Work in Action January 3, 2014 Wisconsin Budget Project: Governor Walker’s Tax Shift Plan Would Raise Taxes for Most
Governor Walker has said he is interested in eliminating the state’s income tax and raising the sales tax to make up for lost revenue, a move that would result… -
ITEP Work in Action January 3, 2014 Policy Matter Ohio: Homestead Exemption Still Out of Whack
The state budget approved in June limits eligibility for Ohio’s homestead exemption, but doesn’t do enough to focus the property-tax break on seniors who need it most. Read the Full… -
ITEP Work in Action December 20, 2013 Hawai’i Appleseed Center: Creating a Fairer State Tax System and Economy for All Families
Our state’s lower-income families are faced with almost insurmountable structural challenges to escaping poverty. They face the highest cost of living and highest cost of shelter in the nation, with… -
ITEP Work in Action November 21, 2013 New York State Tax Reform and Fairness Comission: Final Report
The New York State Tax Reform and Fairness Commission conducted a comprehensive and objective review of the State’s taxation policy, considering ways to eliminate tax loopholes, promote administrative efficiency and… -
ITEP Work in Action November 13, 2013 Michigan League for Public Policy: The Path to Prosperity: Ten Steps Michigan Must Take to Strengthen Its Economy
Over the last decade, Michigan policymakers have addressed the state’s economic and fiscal problems largely through a combination of budget cuts, tax shifts and reliance on one-time revenues–under the mistaken… -
ITEP Work in Action October 29, 2013 Policy Matters Ohio: Another Ohio tax cut for the affluent?
Senate bill 210 would take the savings from Medicaid expansion and use it for an across-the-board income-tax cut that might buy a cup of coffee for low-income Ohioans but would… -
ITEP Work in Action October 22, 2013 Arkansas Advocates for Children and Families: Arkansas tax system should do more for working families
According to a new report from Arkansas Advocates for Children and Families (AACF), tax changes passed during the 2013 session consisted largely of personal income tax cuts benefiting upper-income taxpayers…