A new ITEP analysis provides critical data for the debate over whether to repeal the $10,000 cap on state and local tax (SALT) deductions. The report finds that repeal of the SALT cap without other reforms would worsen economic disparities and exacerbate racial inequities baked into the federal tax system.
News Releases
news release April 20, 2021 SALT Cap Repeal Would Exacerbate Racial Inequities
news release April 2, 2021 55 Corporations Exploit Old and New Loopholes to Pay $0 in Federal Taxes in 2020
Media contact Twenty-six of the 55 companies paid nothing over three years In 2020, a year marked by a pandemic, small business closures and widespread job loss for ordinary people,… -
news release March 31, 2021 President Biden’s Infrastructure Plan Moves Toward Ending “Zero-Tax” Profitable Corporations
Following is a statement by Matthew Gardner, a senior fellow at the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy, regarding the corporate tax provisions in the “American Jobs Plan,” released by… -
news release March 31, 2021 New Research: Tax Policy Choices Can Narrow or Worsen the Racial Income Gap
Media contact A new report released today by the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy spotlights a stark challenge confronting state and local lawmakers. Tax policy has the potential to… -
news release March 10, 2021 American Rescue Plan Uses Government Muscle to Tackle Big Economic Problems
Media contact Following is a statement by Amy Hanauer, executive director of The Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy, regarding the American Rescue Plan, which has cleared both houses of… -
news release March 2, 2021 ITEP: Senate Should Pass Rescue Plan without Delay
Senators and representatives can look to recent history—the 2007-2009 recession—for lessons on how to best address the current economic crisis. If we do too little, the economy will stay weak much longer, hurting all of us.
news release January 26, 2021 New Analysis: President Biden’s Proposed Child Tax Credit Expansion Would Reduce Poverty, Address Racial Disparities
Media contact The credit would boost after-tax income for the poorest 20 percent by $4,570 or an average 37% of their incomes President Biden’s proposed expansion to the Child Tax… -
news release January 20, 2021 ITEP Statement on President Biden’s Inauguration: Ready for Change
Media contact Following is a statement by Amy Hanauer, executive director of the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy, regarding President Biden’s inauguration. “Today, we pause to recognize President Joe… -
news release January 14, 2021 ITEP: Biden’s American Rescue Plan Is the Start We Need to Right the Economy
Following is a statement by Amy Hanauer, executive director of the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy, regarding President-elect Biden’s economic package released today. “President-elect Biden’s plan offers sound solutions… -
news release January 7, 2021 Dems Promised $2,000 Payments. Here’s What that Would Mean for Taxpayers Across the Income Spectrum.
New estimates from ITEP show how taxpayers across the income spectrum would fare should Democrats enact the $2,000 payments they promised would happen if they gained control of the Senate.
news release December 21, 2020 COVID Relief Bill Will Help Families Now; Bigger, Bolder Package Needed in 2021
Following is a statement from Amy Hanauer, executive director of the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy, regarding the COVID-19 relief deal reached Sunday night.
news release December 2, 2020 Lame-Duck Session No Time for Perfection, but a Bold Compromise on COVID Relief Is Needed
Time for COVID relief is dwindling. A bipartisan group of lawmakers introduced a $908 billion COVID relief package on Tuesday, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is floating a relief proposal and Sen. Mitch McConnell is circulating a wholly inadequate package. The best chance for legislation may be to include it in an omnibus appropriations bill, which Congress must pass this month. Following is a statement from Amy Hanauer, executive director of the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy, regarding congressional negotiations over another round of economic relief.
news release October 7, 2020 New 50-State Analysis of Biden Revenue-Raising Tax Proposals
A state-by-state analysis of President-elect Joe Biden’s proposal to raise taxes for filers with income of more than $400,000 finds that in 2022, just 1.9 percent of all taxpayers would face a direct tax increase. This would vary only slightly by state. For example, in West Virginia, 0.6 percent of taxpayers would see an increase, and in Connecticut, 3.7 percent of taxpayers’ taxes would increase.
news release September 30, 2020 People Need Relief. House Compromise COVID-19 Bill Addresses Urgent Needs
Media contact Following is a statement by Amy Hanauer, executive director of the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy, regarding the COVID-19 relief bill that the U.S. House is expected… -
news release September 27, 2020 ITEP: New York Times’ Trump Tax Revelation Confirms What We Already Know
“The New York Times revelation of Trump’s years of dodging taxes confirms something we already know. There are two tax systems: one that most of us follow, and another far more generous one for the very rich.”
news release September 17, 2020 New 20-Year Study Provides Insight on How State Tax Systems Worsen Inequality and the Racial Wealth Gap
A new study finds that over the last 20 years, Illinois’s tax system has effectively sapped $4 billion more from Black and Hispanic communities than it would have under a graduated income tax while also allowing the state’s highest-income (mostly white) households to pay $27 billion less in taxes, the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy (ITEP) said today.
news release September 10, 2020 GOP ‘Skinny Bill’ Rightly Fails, Too Skimpy for This Crisis
“Nearly one in eight households don’t have enough to eat. Millions are at risk of eviction. State and local governments are facing revenue shortfalls of well more than $500 billion, leading to inevitable layoffs and cuts to critical services. Knowing that, the Republican Senate put forth a so-called skinny COVID relief package that failed to address these concerns. Too skimpy for this crisis, the bill failed as it should have.”
news release August 31, 2020 Trump’s Payroll Tax Executive Order Creates Problems, Fails to Help Those Most in Need
Media contact Following is a statement by Steve Wamhoff, federal policy director at the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy, regarding President Trump’s executive order that would suspend the employee… -
news release July 23, 2020 Republican COVID Relief Plan Doesn’t Rise to the Moment
Media contact Following is a statement by Amy Hanauer, executive director of the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy (ITEP), regarding the pending Republican plan for phase IV COVID-19 relief.… -
news release July 21, 2020 New Analysis: Payroll Tax Cut Would Cost $336 Billion, Benefit Top 1 Percent Most
Media contact Temporarily eliminating all federal payroll taxes through the end of the year would cost $336 billion, deliver 64 percent of its benefits to the richest 20 percent of… -
news release July 13, 2020 ITEP: Tax Cuts for the Rich Will Exacerbate Inequality, Fail to Address Current Economic Crisis
Following is a statement by Amy Hanauer, executive director of the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy, regarding White House Advisor Larry Kudlow’s statement on priorities for the next economic relief package.
news release May 6, 2020 ITEP: White House Seeks to Exploit COVID-19 Crisis to Enact Unpopular Tax Cuts
Following is a statement by Amy Hanauer, executive director of the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy, regarding the Trump administration’s musings to respond to the COVID-19 health and economic crisis with tax cuts.
news release April 24, 2020 ITEP: Making Decisions on Federal Relief Based on Blue v. Red States is Morally Bankrupt
Following is a statement by Meg Wiehe, deputy executive director of the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy, regarding Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s press release on “blue state bailouts” and suggestion that states facing budgetary shortfalls should seek bankruptcy protection.
news release April 21, 2020 ITEP: Congress Must Provide More Relief to States
Media contact Following is a statement by Amy Hanauer, executive director of the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy, regarding the Senate bill on small business relief. “State budgets have… -
news release April 14, 2020 ITEP: Tax Cuts for Millionaires in the CARES Act Violate Public Trust
“Public trust and the broad agreement that families and communities needed immediate relief from the economic crisis allowed the $2.2 trillion economic relief package to move quickly through Congress. Yet during a crisis in which thousands have lost their lives and millions are losing their jobs, their health care and their retirement security, some of our lawmakers snuck in tax benefits for the nation’s richest families.”