News Releases
news release April 13, 2017 Resources for Tax Day 2017
Federal and state taxes are a contentious point of policy debate all year round but are especially salient in the minds of most Americans as Tax Day approaches. This year,… -
news release March 31, 2017 New Analysis Compares Tax Rates Paid by Companies Lobbying for/against Border Adjustment Tax
An Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy analysis finds that, on average, companies that are opposed to the Border Adjustment Tax pay higher tax rates than a coalition of companies… -
news release March 29, 2017 Gas Tax Trivia Apropos for April Fool’s Day
April 1 will mark the longest-running streak that the federal gas tax has remained stagnant, a short analysis from the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy reveals. Saturday will mark… -
news release March 28, 2017 Corporations’ Offshore Cash Hoard Grew to $2.6 Trillion in 2016
U.S. corporations now hold a record $2.6 trillion offshore, a sum that ballooned by more than $200 billion over the last year as companies moved more aggressively to shift their profits offshore, according to a new report, Fortune 500 Companies Hold a Record $2.6 Trillion Offshore, released today by the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy (ITEP).
news release March 27, 2017 New 50-State Analysis of AHCA Tax Provisions
A new Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy analysis of tax provisions in the American Health Care Act provides a 50-state breakdown of how taxpayers would be affected by the… -
news release March 6, 2017 ITEP and CTJ Boards Announce Alan Essig as New Executive Director
The Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy Board of Directors and the Citizens for Tax Justice Board of Directors are pleased to announce that Alan Essig has been named the next executive director of both organizations. Robert McIntyre, director of CTJ, will retire effective March 31, and Matthew Gardner, former executive director of ITEP, has assumed the position of senior fellow. Mr. Essig will begin his new role on April 3, 2017.
news release March 2, 2017 Yes, They Pay: Updated Report Finds Undocumented Immigrants Annually Pay $11.74 Billion in State and Local Taxes
A newly updated report released today provides data that helps dispute the erroneous idea espoused during President Trump’s address to Congress that undocumented immigrants are a drain to taxpayers. In… -
news release February 28, 2017 Contrary to Rhetoric, President’s Tax Plan Will Disproportionately Benefit Wealthy Taxpayers and Corporations
Following is a statement by Matthew Gardner, senior fellow at the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy, regarding President Donald Trump’s address to Congress. During the speech, Trump said he will reduce the corporate tax rate and provide “massive” tax relief for the middle class.
news release January 18, 2017 Trump/Congressional Tax Holiday Would Net $514 Billion Corporate Tax Break
Fortune 500 corporations stand to reap $514 billion in tax breaks under President-elect Trump’s proposal to allow companies to pay only a 10 percent tax rate on offshore profits. And the 10 firms that have most aggressively shifted their profits offshore would glean fully 25 percent of this massive corporate tax break, the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy (ITEP) said today.
news release August 30, 2016 News Release: U.S. Should Take a Page from European Commission’s Book And Crack Down on Corporate Tax Avoidance
Following is a statement by Matt Gardner of the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy regarding the European Commission’s ruling today that the Apple Corporation must pay as much as… -
news release May 4, 2016 ITEP Statement on Illinois Department of Revenue Analysis of House Bill 689
For Immediate Release: May 4, 2016 Contact: Jenice R. Robinson, 202.299.1066 X29, [email protected] Earlier today, the Illinois Department of Revenue (ILDOR) released an economic analysis of the tax changes…