Oregon is one of nine states that currently allow taxpayers to claim federal income taxes paid as a deduction on personal income tax forms. Under current law, Oregon taxpayers can…
The Commission on Virginia’s State and Local Tax Structure for the 21st Century has an opportunity to offer a vision for equitable and sensible reform. Equity, simplicity and the interaction…
The state of Louisiana is currently facing a substantial budget shortfall. Recent estimates suggest that legislators crafting the state’s fiscal year 2001 state budget must make up almost $5401 million…
The Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy (ITEP) has analyzed the proposed “Virginia Children’s Educational Opportunity Act 2000” (H.B. 68 and S.B. 336), to measure the effects of the bill’s…
In 1996, the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy released a report entitled Who Pays? A Distributional Analysis of the Tax Systems in All 50 States.1 One of the findings…
The Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy today released an analysis showing that states with high income tax burdens have experienced more rapid economic growth than states with low income…
Tennessee’s state legislature is currently considering several proposals for increasing state tax revenues to cover newly emerging budget deficits. The following analysis compares the distributional effects of two proposals that…
A recent report by the National Taxpayers Union (NTU) tries to make the case that adoption of an income tax in Tennessee would stunt the growth of the state’s economy…
A recent report by the National Taxpayers Union (NTU) tries to make the case that adoption of an income tax in New Hampshire would stunt the growth of the state’s…
The proposal being considered, to create an alternative flat-rate income tax of 5.75 percent of Federal Adjusted Gross Income, with an exclusion for capital gains income for assets held more…
First, is Kentucky a low or high tax state? The best measure of overall tax level, in my view, is taxes as a share of personal income. By that measure…
In recent years, the tax treatment of capital gains income has been one of the most hotly contested issues in federal tax policy. This debate has recently spilled over onto…
Oregonians will soon be considering whether to allow taxpayers to deduct more of their federal income taxes from the Oregon personal income tax. Under current law, Oregon taxpayers can deduct…
Since the beginning of 1995, a series of tax changes have been enacted that are reducing New York State tax collections by several billions of dollars per year. One question…
An analysis of more than 550 Minnesota economic development disclosure reports— tracking more than $176 million in loans, grants, and tax increment financing (TIF) by cities, regional bodies and state…
Thank you Mr. Chairman and members of the Committee for the opportunity to appear today. I will be discussing three aspects of House Bill 109, the Hager/Below/Fernald Education Funding and…
Several proposals for reforming the Maryland personal income tax have recently been suggested, including accelerating previously enacted rate cuts, increasing retirement income exemptions, and introducing new rate cuts above those…
This report offers an examination of these and other issues pertaining to the tax system of Iowa and the state’s economic and social environment. Included in the study is an…
Minnesota is to be commended for having a detailed tax expenditure budget-most states do not. The report, prepared by the Department of Revenue, is a useful resource for the development…
It is beyond the scope of this testimony to do a complete analysis of the New Hampshire tax system. The following table, however, shows that New Hampshire, as with most…
This report will examine Minnesota’s major taxes, who pays these taxes, and how taxation has changed over time. The study will also examine Minnesota’s economic and social indicators, and state…
This study looks at taxes paid by income group, as shares of income, for every state and the District of Columbia. Our primary finding is that by an overwhelming margin,…
In short, while not all “tax expenditures” are evil, many of them undermine tax fairness, impede economic growth and divert scarce tax dollars away from better uses. If we hope…