January 14, 2013

Connecticut Voices for Children: Testimony Regarding Senate Bill No. 1007: An Act Concerning the Governor’s Recommendations on Revenue

ITEP Work in Action

“Today I submit testimony regarding Senate Bill 1007 An Act Concerning the Governor’s Recommendations on Revenue, in particular, regarding components of the act which concern the personal income tax.

Specifically, this testimony makes three broad points:

1) The Governor’s personal income tax proposals generally represent an improvement to Connecticut’s current income tax.

2) The total elimination of the property tax credit, however, as well as increases to the sales tax make the middle class the hardest hit of any income category.

3) By scaling back the property tax credit proposal and modestly expanding other elements already included in the package, we can protect the middle class and still meet or exceed revenue-raising targets set by the Governor.”

Read the Full Report (PDF)
