January 12, 2016

Convenience Store and Fuel News: Which States’ Gas Taxes Are Going Up in 2016? And which are going down?

media mention

“Four states increased gasoline taxes at the start of 2016, while five actually lowered them. That’s according to an analysis by The Institute on Taxation & Economic Policy (ITEP), a nonpartisan, Washington-based research organization that focuses on local tax-policy issues. The four states that increased their gasoline tax on Jan. 1 are Florida, Maryland, Nebraska and Utah. These changes ranged from a 0.1-cent-per-gallon (CPG) increase in Florida, where the state gas tax is linked to the Consumer Price Index, to a 4.9-CPG increase in Utah. For Utah, this is the first of potentially more increases that could push the gas tax up to 15.5 CPG, based on future inflation rates and gas prices.”

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