Marco Guzman
Senior Analyst
Marco provides research and analysis to help support state policymakers across the country, including in many of the Great Plains states and Southwest. Prior to joining ITEP in 2020, Marco spent more than four years providing commentary and tracking state tax news as an associate editor with Tax Notes.
Marco earned his bachelor’s of science degree from Arizona State University and a Master of Public Policy from George Mason University.
marco at itep.orgRecent Publications and Posts view more
Undocumented Immigrants Pay More Than Their Fair Share of Taxes
Undocumented immigrants help fund teacher salaries, road and bridge repairs and other local quality-of-life improvements. They also pay into vital programs that make up our social safety net (including Social Security, Medicare and unemployment insurance) even though they will likely never see any benefits from these programs — because, in most circumstances, they are legally prohibited from accessing them.
Sales Tax Holidays Miss the Mark When it Comes to Effective Sales Tax Reform
Nineteen states have sales tax holidays on the books in 2024. These suspensions combined will cost states and localities over $1.3 billion in lost revenue this year. Sales tax holidays are poorly targeted and too temporary to meaningfully change the regressive nature of a state’s tax system.