March 8, 2017

Kentucky New Era: State gets $36M from immigrants here illegally

media mention

The report, released Thursday by the Washington, D.C.-based Institute on Tax­ation and Economic Policy, comes as President Donald Trump works to ramp up immigration enforcement across the nation in part through an executive or­der expanding the groups of immigrants prioritized for removal and as Trump suggests he may push for broader immi­gration reform. The Kentucky Center for Economic Policy, which highlighted the report, said that the $36.6 million in­cludes $20.1 million in sales and excise taxes on items like gas and retail goods; $11.3 million in personal income taxes through payroll tax and in some cases by filing income tax returns; and $5.2 mil­lion in property taxes when landlords pass costs through in rent and from an estimated 21 percent who own homes. Read more
