November 30, 2015

MediaPost Communications: Pfizer’s Pitch: Tax-based Deal Is Good For U.S.A.

media mention

“But, absent the sound and fury of politicos — and just-plain folks who also feel they could stimulate the economy if they paid less in taxes — it doesn’t amount to a heck of a lot more than “paying a projected tax rate of about 17 or 18%, down from Pfizer’s current 25%” in the long run, he reasons. “… It’s not as if Pfizer is uprooting all of its factories and R&D and moving them to Dublin, too. As Matt Gardner, executive director of the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy, put it earlier this month, ‘An inversion by Pfizer would very likely amount to pretending to be Irish, much like the Notre Dame mascot,’” Weissman writes.”

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