June 27, 2019

New House Bill Sponsored by Rep. Tlaib

media mention

Tlaib said in recent weeks that she was working on a bill that was like the EITC “on steroids.” The liberal Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy called the measure, dubbed the BOOST Act and which offers a $3,000 credit to single filers and $6,000 to married couples, the “most expansive to date” in that arena. That’s because recipients wouldn’t be required to work — making it, as The Washington Post put it, the closest congressional proposal yet to a universal basic income.

The credit would also be indexed for inflation, and would phase out higher up the income ladder. In all, ITEP says the credit would cut taxes by some $380 billion in 2020 alone, with more than half of that going to the bottom 40 percent of earners and around two-thirds of adults and children in the U.S. getting at least some benefit. Read more
