June 22, 2022
New ITEP Report Examines the Path to Equitable Tax Policy in the South
“From the inception of the emerging American nation, the South is a central battleground in the struggles for freedom, justice, and equality. It is the… -
June 21, 2022
Creating Racially and Economically Equitable Tax Policy in the South
The South’s negative outcomes on measures of wellbeing are the result of a century and a half of policy choices. Lawmakers have many options available to make concrete improvements to tax policy that would raise more revenue, do so equitably, and generate resources that could improve schools, healthcare, social services, infrastructure, and other public resources.
June 15, 2022
State Rundown 6/15: States on Alert as Inflation Concerns Rise
With inflation dominating headlines both nationally and locally, state lawmakers around the U.S. are searching for ways to put their revenues to good use, and not surprisingly, some options are better than others…
June 10, 2022
Rising Prices: Another Reason to Be Wary of Tax Cutting Right Now
Many state lawmakers see any economic challenge as an excuse to cut taxes and in 2022, some are citing inflation as a reason to do… -
June 8, 2022
State Rundown 6/8: Tax Policy Features Prominently During Budget and Primary Season
As voters head to the polls to weigh in on their state’s primary elections and legislators convene to hash out budget deals, tax policy remains atop the agenda…
May 25, 2022
State Rundown 5/25: Tax Discussions Heating Up as Summer Begins
While the temperature ticks up outside, the temperature in state legislatures around the country has fallen slightly. But with several states still dealing with ongoing tax and budget issues, this summer could be a hot one…
May 11, 2022
State Rundown 5/11: Mid-Year Special Elections and Primary Season Kicks Off with Taxes in the Spotlight
As 2022 inches closer to its midpoint, important tax policy decisions are being put in the hands of voters, as special elections and the primary season begin…
May 6, 2022
Most Senate Democrats Join Republicans in Calling for Corporate Tax Break
The vast majority of Senate Democrats joined their Republican colleagues in approving a new corporate tax break related to research in legislation that contains no offsetting corporate tax increases.
April 27, 2022
State Rundown 4/27: States Remain Active on the Tax Front
While tax discussions among federal lawmakers continue in fits and starts, major tax news continues to make waves across the nation…
April 26, 2022
Revenue-Raising Proposals in President Biden’s Fiscal Year 2023 Budget Plan
President Biden’s latest budget plan includes proposals that would raise $2.5 trillion in new revenue. While many of these reforms appeared in his previous budget, some of them are brand new, such as his proposal to prevent basis-shifting in partnerships and his Billionaires Minimum Income Tax.