February 18, 2015

The Kansas City Star: American Tax Policy Has 50 Shades of Gray

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The Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy recently examined state and local tax policy and found Kansas has the ninth-most “unfair” tax system in the nation. A Kansan earning $47,700 a year — smack dab in the middle of all earners — pays 9.5 percent of his or her income in state and local taxes. A Kansan earning $1,191,700, on the other hand, pays an effective state and local tax rate of just 3.6 percent.

Missouri does a bit better. It ranks 30th on the institute’s unfairness scale, helped by a more progressive income tax.

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Read more here: http://www.kansascity.com/news/local/news-columns-blogs/local-columnists/article10476536.html#storylink=cpy
