February 2, 2021

The (Tacoma) News Tribune: Washington parents would get big tax breaks under Biden’s COVID relief plan

media mention

The Institute for Taxation and Economic Policy estimated that the second lowest 20% of Washington income earners, those making $28,800 to $53,200, would save an average $2,470.

The middle 20%, who make $53,200 to $84,400, would get an average $2,190 break, and the next group of 20% would see an average $2,110 break. They earn $84,400 to $135,700.

The next 15% of incomes would save an average of $2,090. They earn between $135,700 and $290,600.

Among wealthier earners, average savings would range from $190 for the top 1% of incomes – those making more than $653,700 – to $1,750 for the next 4%, who make $290,600 to $653,700.

Read more here: https://www.thenewstribune.com/news/politics-government/article248866689.html#storylink=cpy
