April 20, 2021

The Washington Post: Biden Wants to Crack Down on Corporate Tax Loopholes, Resuming a Battle His Predecessors Lost

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More than 60 percent of U.S. multinationals’ reported foreign income is booked in seven small countries that promise to only nibble at corporate profits, about twice the share as in 2000, according to Bank of America.

The tax avoidance efforts — entirely legal under U.S. law — resulted in 55 of the nation’s largest corporations paying no federal income tax last year. FedEx, for example, reported $1.2 billion of pretax income and received a federal rebate of $230 million, according to an analysis by the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy.

Corporations’ success in minimizing their tax bills has had a corrosive effect on public opinion. Gallup polling in recent years has consistently shown about 70 percent of Americans believe corporations are paying too little in federal taxes. Read more
