December 16, 2019

Washington Post: A New Report Hands Democrats a Major Weapon Against Trump

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There is probably no more glaring example of President Trump’s massive betrayal of the economic populist nationalism that infused his campaign than the 2017 tax law. It isn’t just that he signed a massive tax cut that showered most of its benefits on the very highest earners after vowing to take on financial elites.

It’s also that in so doing, Trump fully embraced conventional GOP plutocracy after strongly suggesting that he was decidedly not a Paul Ryan-style Republican, vowing major public spending on infrastructure, universal health care and a strong stance in defense of social insurance.

Now a new report underscores yet another way in which Trump’s tax law represents a profound betrayal of that spirit. And it gives Democrats a new opportunity to undercut Trump’s populist aura, or whatever is left of it, anyway.

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