April 28, 2015

Wonkette: You Won’t Believe How Kansas is Paying for Rich People’s Tax Cuts

media mention

Among the fifth of the Kansas population with the lowest incomes, the average person pays 11.1 percent of what they make in state and local taxes, including sales taxes. Among the wealthiest one in every 100 Kansans, the average tax bill is just 3.6 percent of annual income, according to a recent report from the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy.

Faithful Wonkers (and why would you cheat on us?) will remember that Kansas Gov. Sam Brownback recently signed a bill that made sure that all those welfare-receiving snatchwhistles don’t spend all their luxurious wealth on Caribbean cruises or swimming pools, because that is clearly a problem facing Kansas. Also in that bill? A provision that those on public assistance are only allowed to pull out $25 in government riches per day, which basically prohibits them from doing things like buying food in bulk, in order to save money. And now, if these changes go through — which duh, they will — Kansas can be sure those poor people buying stacks of baloney at the corner convenience store will PAY THEIR FAIR SHARE, so that the rich aren’t unfairly burdened.

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