September 18, 2015

WUNC: Under New Tax Plan, Timing Belt Change Would Cost $30 More On This Volkswagen Jetta

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“Sen. Josh Stein, a Democrat from Wake County, disagrees. He says the plan would favor high-wage earners because everyone pays the same income tax—instead of lower rates for people who make less money, as was the case in previous North Carolina tax models—and new consumer service taxes take up a bigger proportion of the incomes of middle and low wage earners.
More than 20 states charge service taxes, including Florida, Missouri, Tennessee and West Virginia, according to the non-partisan Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy.”

“Sen. Josh Stein, a Democrat from Wake County, disagrees. He says the plan would favor high-wage earners because everyone pays the same income tax—instead of lower rates for people who make less money, as was the case in previous North Carolina tax models—and new consumer service taxes take up a bigger proportion of the incomes of middle and low wage earners.

More than 20 states charge service taxes, including Florida, Missouri, Tennessee and West Virginia, according to the non-partisan Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy.”


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