January 14, 2013

Tennesseans for Fair Taxation: The Real Budget Deficit: A Call to Invest in Tennessee, its Communities, and its People

ITEP Work in Action

Instead of being the leader we should be, Tennessee trails the nation, and the region, in these key public investments. The consequences are evident. We’re 45th in high school graduation rates, 4th in violent crimes per capita, and fi rst in bankruptcies.

When we hear these dismal rankings though, it is important not to fault our government or its employees. Our teachers, police, fi re fi ghters, housing inspectors, and other public employees work hard to do the jobs they were hired to do with limited resources.

The fault for these poor rankings lies with those elected offi cials who have failed to make the needed investments. As citizens of this great state, we have the capacity to demand change and chart a new course.

Read the Original Full Report

