ITEP Work in Action
Advocates and policymakers at the state and federal levels rely on ITEP’s analytic capabilities to inform their debates on proposed tax policy changes. In any given year, ITEP fields requests for analyses of policies in 25 or more states. ITEP also works with national partners to provide analyses of federal tax policy proposals. This section highlights reports that use ITEP analyses to make a compelling case for progressive tax reforms.
ITEP Work in Action January 12, 2021 Policy Matters Ohio: Ohio Needs a Corporate Profits Tax
Moreover, the 2017 federal tax law has put more money in the pockets of many Ohio business owners. The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, slashed corporate taxes and provided a… -
ITEP Work in Action December 10, 2020 Center on Budget and Policy Priorities: Improved State Taxes on Wealth, High Incomes Can Help Fuel an Equitable Recovery
Families’ access to wealth has played a large role in determining how the pandemic has affected them. The worst of the economic and health effects have largely bypassed wealthier, higher-paid… -
ITEP Work in Action December 8, 2020 Connecticut Voices for Children: Advancing Economic Justice Through Tax Reform
Connecticut Voices for Children released a new report, “Advancing Economic Justice Through Tax Reform,” which proposes a tax restructure so that the system is fair for all residents. The report provides an… -
ITEP Work in Action November 18, 2020 Florida Policy Institute: 2021 Legislature Must Prioritize Revenue-Raising Solutions, Not Budget Cuts, To Bolster Post-Pandemic Recovery
Through smart investments, it is possible to make up billions of dollars without cuts. FPI proposes initiatives to close corporate loopholes such as “combined reporting”— already implemented by 28 states… -
ITEP Work in Action October 30, 2020 Florida Policy Institute: Florida Would See an Extra $577 Million in Sales Tax Revenue Under Amendment 2
As Florida Policy Institute and many others have demonstrated, gradually increasing the minimum wage to $15 per hour by 2026 would help lift households out of poverty and reduce pay inequities long… -
ITEP Work in Action August 26, 2020 South Strong: Racial Equity and Taxes in Southern States
Southern states have a particularly egregious record on tax equity, rooted partly in racism. Lawmakers baked some of the most egregious and anti-democratic tax policies into southern state constitutions, such… -
ITEP Work in Action August 25, 2020 Keystone Research Center: REPORT: Why Pennsylvania Needs a State Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC)
If one thing has become clear during the COVID-19 pandemic, it is that workers who do essential things like providing care for the sick, stocking shelves at grocery stores, and… -
ITEP Work in Action August 18, 2020 Revenue for Rhode Island: An Equitable Path Forward
We propose raising revenue for Rhode Island by adding one new tax bracket for the top 1% of earners – from 5.99% to 8.99% on adjusted gross income above $475,000.… -
ITEP Work in Action August 10, 2020 Massachusetts Budget and Policy Center: Supporting Racial Equity and a Robust Recovery with a Corporate Income Tax Rate Increase
By returning the state corporate income tax to pre2010 rates, the Commonwealth could raise $375 million to $500 million a year to help fund a racially equitable, economically just, and… -
ITEP Work in Action June 17, 2020 New Jersey Policy Perspective: Unemployment Insurance Taxes Paid by Undocumented Workers Top $1 Billion
Over the past ten years, unemployment insurance taxes paid based on undocumented immigrants’ work in New Jersey added more than $1.36 billion to state and federal unemployment insurance trust funds,… -
ITEP Work in Action June 9, 2020 New Jersey Policy Perspective: Road to Recovery: Reforming New Jersey’s Income Tax Code
A sensible way to address revenue shortfalls and an unfair tax code is to raise income taxes on the state’s wealthiest households. By reforming New Jersey’s income tax, our recovery… -
ITEP Work in Action May 21, 2020 Washington State Budget and Policy Center: It’s time to include undocumented immigrants in state response to COVID-19
In addition to state and local taxes, new estimates show that the labor of undocumented workers in Washington state has resulted in nearly $400 million of contributions to the state… -
ITEP Work in Action May 14, 2020 Fiscal Policy Institute: Unemployment Insurance Taxes Paid for Undocumented Workers in NYS
In the midst of a pandemic, there has been a growing call for undocumented immigrants, who make up five percent of the New York State labor force, to be covered… -
ITEP Work in Action April 30, 2020 New Mexico Voices for Children: Essential But Excluded
Immigrants pay taxes and are important contributors to New Mexico’s economy. Nationwide, immigrants pay hundreds of billions of dollars in federal, state, and local income and other taxes. New Mexico… -
ITEP Work in Action April 30, 2020 Community Change: End the Tax Penalty Against Immigrant Workers
The Earned Income Tax Credit is a powerful path out of poverty in America, but millions of immigrant households are barred from receiving it, even though they would otherwise qualify… -
ITEP Work in Action April 15, 2020 GBPI: Implement Immigrant-Inclusive Policies During the COVID-19 Crisis
Immigrants represent one in 10 Georgians and are critical to Georgia’s economy, with 31 percent of main street businesses owned by foreign-born Georgians and undocumented Georgians contributing $352 million in… -
ITEP Work in Action April 2, 2020 NC Policy Watch: Those Federal COVID-19 Checks: What They Mean and Who Might Get Left Out
In a replay of how aid checks were dispensed during the Great Recession, the CARES Act reveals giant holes in how we get cash to people in desperate need. Without… -
ITEP Work in Action April 2, 2020 Colorado Fiscal Institute: Protection From a Pandemic: The Federal Response to COVID-19 in Colorado
The federal response contains important provisions designed to help individuals and families, businesses, and state and local governments respond to this unprecedented event. This report aims to provide a summary… -
ITEP Work in Action March 2, 2020 West Virginia Center on Budget and Policy: House Income Tax Plan Benefits Wealthy and Could Punch Large Holes in State Budget
Once the fund reaches “an amount equal to or exceeding 2.5 times the total net reduction in personal income tax revenue collections that would have been received in that fiscal… -
ITEP Work in Action February 28, 2020 Chicago Resilient Families Task Force: EITC Expansion and Modernization
Expanding and modernizing the Earned Income Tax Credit will put more money back in the pockets of the people who need it most. Recent polling suggests such policies would be… -
ITEP Work in Action February 21, 2020 Commonwealth Institute: State Funding Proposals Include Regressive Tax Increases – Many without Offsets
Although many significant state (Virginia) tax policy bills filed for this year did not move beyond the committee level, several proposals remain under consideration. A large transportation funding package (HB… -
ITEP Work in Action February 20, 2020 Hawai’i Budget and Policy Center: Hawai’i’s Earned Income Tax Credit: Next Steps
In 2017, Hawaiʻi passed legislation to create a state EITC.11 The new law allowed qualified taxpayers to claim a state tax credit beginning in 2018. The state tax credit amounts… -
ITEP Work in Action February 19, 2020 West Virginia Center on Budget & Policy: Senate Tax Plan a Bad Deal for West Virginia
Senate Republicans unveiled their latest proposal to eliminate the business personal property tax this week, passing the proposal out of the Senate Finance Committee. The plan, which builds upon an earlier… -
ITEP Work in Action February 13, 2020 Kentucky Center for Economic Policy: Tax Plan Would Fix Kentucky’s Budget Challenges by Addressing Upside Down Tax Code
Kentucky’s current tax system lets those with the greatest ability to pay taxes contribute the least as a share of their income. A study by the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy… -
ITEP Work in Action February 12, 2020 GBPI: Georgia Leaders Face Choice Between Tax Cuts for High Income Earners and Funding Key State Priorities
Twelve days into the 2020 session of the Georgia General Assembly, legislators voted to take a week-long break from regular business to allow extra time for deliberations over Georgia’s fiscal…