ITEP Work in Action
Advocates and policymakers at the state and federal levels rely on ITEP’s analytic capabilities to inform their debates on proposed tax policy changes. In any given year, ITEP fields requests for analyses of policies in 25 or more states. ITEP also works with national partners to provide analyses of federal tax policy proposals. This section highlights reports that use ITEP analyses to make a compelling case for progressive tax reforms.
ITEP Work in Action January 31, 2020 Massachusetts Budget and Policy Center: The Gas Tax: What it is and Who Pays
Data from the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy (ITEP) detail how the current system of state and local taxes in Massachusetts is regressive, largely because the state uses a… -
ITEP Work in Action January 31, 2020 Florida Policy Institute: Earned Income Tax Credit Crucial for Working Families
State EITCs are better targeted to people with low income than blanket tax exemptions, so they help to reduce the disproportionate impact of sales and excise taxes. According to new… -
ITEP Work in Action January 30, 2020 Alabama Arise: End Alabama’s state grocery tax and protect school funding
How to untax groceries without costing education a dime It’s crucial to replace the grocery tax revenue without hurting the people who would benefit most from the tax’s elimination. Fortunately,… -
ITEP Work in Action January 28, 2020 West Virginia Center on Budget & Policy: Who Pays? Rethinking West Virginia’s Tax System
To get a sense of a state’s values, one often need look no further than its tax system. What a state spends its tax dollars on and how it acquires… -
ITEP Work in Action January 28, 2020 New Mexico Voices for Children: Expanding New Mexico’s Best Anti-Poverty Program
The Working Families Tax Credit (WFTC) is New Mexico’s equivalent of the federal Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC). The WFTC’s eligibility levels and credit amounts are based directly on the… -
ITEP Work in Action January 28, 2020 Arizona Center for Economic Progress: In Search of a State Budget That Creates Opportunity for All
While all families in Arizona help pay for health, education and public safety through state and local taxes, low-income and middle-income families pay a larger portion of their income in… -
ITEP Work in Action January 26, 2020 The Arizona Center for Economic Progress: In Search 2020
In Search of State Budget That Creates Opportunity for All When all types of state and local taxes are combined—income, sales, and property—families with income in the lowest 20 percent… -
ITEP Work in Action January 15, 2020 Reforming Connecticut’s Tax System: A Program to Strengthen Working- and Middle-Class Families
Connecticut Voices for Children released a report that examined the state’s income and wealth inequality and the state’s regressive tax system that exacerbates these inequalities.
ITEP Work in Action December 19, 2019 Center for American Progress: The TCJA 2 Years Later: Corporations, Not Workers, Are the Big Winners
Researchers at the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy (ITEP) surveyed corporate financial reports for the first year that the TCJA was in effect and recently published their findings. Examining 379… -
ITEP Work in Action November 5, 2019 Arizona Center for Economic Progress: More Money for Public Education Will Benefit Arizona Small Businesses
Most small business owners will continue to be taxed at some of the lowest personal income tax rates in the nation. Small business owners whose profits and wages from their… -
ITEP Work in Action October 25, 2019 Budget & Tax Center: A Costly Cover for More Business Tax Cuts in NC
Analysis from the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy shows that 27 percent of the total net tax cut from the increase in the standard deduction will actually go to… -
ITEP Work in Action October 1, 2019 Urban Institute: Are States Betting on Sin? The Murky Future of State Taxation
“Sin taxes” are often viewed as budget saviors, though they play a rather small role in state budgets. Although states raise revenue from sin taxes, policymakers should be mindful of… -
ITEP Work in Action September 11, 2019 The Half Sheet: Over 1 Million Virginia Taxpayers Expected to Miss Out on Refund Checks
If everything goes according to schedule, Virginia’s tax department will begin issuing $110 refund checks – $220 for joint filers – to Virginia taxpayers beginning next week and continuing through… -
ITEP Work in Action September 4, 2019 MECEP: NEW REPORT: Maine reaches new milestone on the road to tax fairness
Starting in 2020 and for the first time in decades, the Mainers who earn the least will no longer pay a larger share of their income to state and local taxes than those who earn the most, according to a policy brief published today by the Maine Center for Economic Policy.
ITEP Work in Action August 12, 2019 Georgia Budget & Policy Institute: The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act in Georgia: High Income Households Receive Greatest Benefits
This report offers the first comprehensive look at how the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 (TCJA), in combination with Georgia’s enacted response, will impact the state budget and… -
ITEP Work in Action August 8, 2019 Policy Matters Ohio: Ohio Tax Shift Away From the Wealthy: The Pattern Repeats
The main tax measures in Ohio’s new budget bills will bring tax increases on average for lower- and middle-income taxpayers, while those at the top of the income scale on… -
ITEP Work in Action July 16, 2019 CommonWealth: Before the T Derailed, its Funding Got on the Wrong Track
Overall, funding for the Commonwealth during the last two decades has relied increasingly on sales taxes and regressive user fees, while cutting income tax rates. As a result, we have… -
ITEP Work in Action July 11, 2019 Arizona Center for Economic Progress: Using Increased Revenues from Conformity on More Tax Cuts is Fiscally Irresponsible
Arizona Should Use Increased Revenues to Prepare for Next Recession Instead of Giving Tax Cuts While a recession does not appear imminent, the current economic expansion began in June 2009… -
ITEP Work in Action July 3, 2019 The American Prospect: Without Congressional Input, Trump May Further Widen the Gap Between Rich and Poor
“This is just another tax break for rich people,” says Steve Wamhoff, director of federal tax policy at the Institute on Taxation and Economy Policy, who authored a blog post… -
ITEP Work in Action June 4, 2019 Policy Matters Ohio: Refundability Now
The federal credit is so effective that 29 states, including Ohio, have used it as a model for their own EITCs, calculating the state credit’s value as a percentage of the federal one. However, Ohio’s credit leaves out the most important part: refundability.
ITEP Work in Action May 23, 2019 Connecticut Voices for Children: Impact of the FY 2020-2021 Appropriations and Finance Committee Budget and Revenue Proposals on Children and Families
The report recommends that state legislators and the Governor repeal the state’s Bond Lock, revise the volatility cap, and implement additional tax reforms that begin to correct the state’s regressive… -
ITEP Work in Action May 15, 2019 Policy Matters Ohio: The Good and the Bad in the House Tax Plan
The tax plan approved by the Ohio House last week would sharply limit an income-tax break for business owners that costs more than $1 billion a year while providing few… -
ITEP Work in Action May 10, 2019 Connecticut Voices for Children: Voices from the Capitol: Countdown to the End of the Session
Staff experts from our national partners – Elizabeth McNichol of the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities and Aidan Davis of the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy – joined… -
ITEP Work in Action May 7, 2019 Maryland Center on Economic Policy: Improving the Child Tax Credit Would Benefit More than 700,000 Marylanders
Refundable tax credits like the Earned Income Tax Credit and the Child Tax Credit make an important difference for working families, together bringing more than 100,000 Marylanders’ family incomes above the federal… -
ITEP Work in Action April 26, 2019 Connecticut Voices for Children: Testimony Supporting H.B. No. 7415
Smart state fiscal policies can play a critical role in building strong, equitable state economies. It is time we fix our tax laws to give working people and children a…