“The State of Working Pennsylvania 2018,” Keystone Research Center’s 23rd annual review of the Pennsylvania economy and labor market finds that, nearly a decade into the current national economic expansion, many Pennsylvania workers are still waiting for a raise. The report points to three factors that help explain this.
ITEP Work in Action
Advocates and policymakers at the state and federal levels rely on ITEP’s analytic capabilities to inform their debates on proposed tax policy changes. In any given year, ITEP fields requests for analyses of policies in 25 or more states. ITEP also works with national partners to provide analyses of federal tax policy proposals. This section highlights reports that use ITEP analyses to make a compelling case for progressive tax reforms.
ITEP Work in Action August 30, 2018 Keystone Research: The State of Working Pennsylvania 2018
ITEP Work in Action August 22, 2018 Kentucky Center for Economic Policy: Clean Up the Tax Code to Invest in Our Commonwealth
To move our tax code in the right direction, Kentucky should rejoin 32 other states with a graduated income tax based on ability to pay. Income below $37,500 single/$75,000 married… -
media mention August 17, 2018 Press Herald: Will Maine Referendum On Home Care Result In ‘Marriage Penalty’ Tax?
Aidan Davis, senior policy analyst at the nonpartisan Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy, wrote a letter to the Secretary of State’s Office on June 15 stating that the income… -
ITEP Work in Action August 6, 2018 Itchy Tax Trigger Finger: Tax Foundation Says Aim Toward Foot
Accounting for all the possible curveballs the future economy might throw at our state is impossible. That’s why legislators bother coming together every year to assess our budget and make choices based on the best available, most current information. One dubious new style of tax change, “tax triggers”, attempts to base major future tax and revenue changes only on the information we have today. Tax triggers are dangerous and generally work by automatically kicking in a tax cut when revenue or some other metric reaches a certain level.
ITEP Work in Action August 1, 2018 Indiana Institute for Working Families: The Status of Working Families in Indiana: 2018 Report
Indiana faces a choice of whether to continue down a southward-leading path of low-road policies, or to rebuild its economy for Hoosier families. By adopting a policy agenda for working families that improves Indiana’s jobs with higher wage and labor standards; strengthens protections for Hoosier families including repairing the safety net and crafting consumer and job safeguards; and increases economic mobility through improved access to education, rebalancing the state’s regressive tax and budget structure, and focusing economic development on strengthening Hoosier families and communities, Indiana can reclaim its place as a leader in the Midwest and in the nation.
ITEP Work in Action July 15, 2018 Cleveland.com: Changes Needed in Ohio’s Tax Policy (Opinion)
The Institute on Taxation & Economic Policy has examined the major state tax changes since 2005. For the top 1 percent, who make at least $480,000 a year, the tax cuts average $40,790 annually. Middle-income Ohioans on average have not received a cut, while those in the poorest fifth, earning less than $22,000, got an average increase of $140.
ITEP Work in Action July 15, 2018 American Federation of Teachers: A Decade of Neglect–Public Education Funding in the Aftermath of the Great Recession
“A Decade of Neglect: Public Education Funding in the Aftermath of the Great Recession,” details the devastating impact on schools, classrooms and students when states choose to pursue an austerity agenda in the false belief that tax cuts will pay for themselves.
ITEP Work in Action June 28, 2018 Washington Post: N.J. Approaches a Government Shutdown as Democrats Feud Over Tax on Millionaires
New Jersey is just days away from a government shutdown over a plan to raise taxes on the rich that has divided Democrats and revealed the political difficulty of raising funds for the party’s ambitious social spending goals.
ITEP Work in Action June 26, 2018 Scene: Policy Matters Ohio Proposes State Income Tax Overhaul to Help Low- and Middle-Income Ohioans
After presenting the recommendations contained within a new report Tuesday morning, Policy Matters Ohio researcher director (and the report’s lead author) Zach Schiller was asked whether or not Ohio, a “center-right state,” would realistically support a tax code overhaul that proposed taxing Ohio’s wealthiest at a higher rate.
ITEP Work in Action June 25, 2018 Policy Matters Ohio: Overhaul: A plan to rebalance Ohio’s income tax
Policy Matters proposes the following changes to the state income tax […] This would generate almost $2.6 billion a year, including the cost of expanding the EITC, according to analysis… -
ITEP Work in Action June 13, 2018 Oklahoma Policy Institute: On Immigration Rhetoric, Consider the Facts
These undocumented Oklahomans currently contribute about $85 million in state and local taxes per year, according to our best estimates. They pay sales tax directly when they purchase goods and… -
ITEP Work in Action June 8, 2018 Oklahoma Policy Institute: To Improve Public Safety and Insurance rates, Allow Undocumented Oklahomans to Drive Legally
Oklahoma’s approximately 95,000 undocumented immigrants are a force in Oklahoma’s economy, accounting for about 1 in 30 members of the workforce and contributing roughly $85 million in state and local… -
ITEP Work in Action June 5, 2018 Center for American Progress: The 7 States Suing to End DACA Would Be Harmed by a Victory in Court
Through their employment, DACA recipients are contributors to their localities and states as wage earners and taxpayers. A 2017 state-by-state study by the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy showed… -
ITEP Work in Action June 5, 2018 Oregon Center for Public Policy: Legislature Leaves Oregon Largely Defenseless Against Corporate Abuse of Tax Havens
The repeal of Oregon’s tax haven law flowed from the legislature’s response to the far-reaching tax law passed by Congress at the end of 2017. The federal law required corporations to pay taxes, at a reduced rate, on more than $2 trillion in profits they held abroad. The federal tax law also put in place provisions intended to deter future shifting of corporate profits to avoid taxes.
ITEP Work in Action June 4, 2018 The Commonwealth Institute: On Federal Tax Changes, Virginia Should Continue to Conform
Although some filers would pay more in state taxes under conformity, many of the highest-income filers – the top one percent – will receive large state tax cuts. This is… -
ITEP Work in Action May 31, 2018 NC Budget and Tax Center: Corporations over Carolinians?
Big corporations and wealthy executive have been on quite a run. Corporate profits are at historic levels,[1] stock prices are through the roof, and plush executive pay has become the… -
ITEP Work in Action May 30, 2018 Center on Budget and Policy Priorities: Arizona Proposal Would Finance School Funding Boost, Make Tax Code Less Regressive
The measure would also make Arizona’s tax code somewhat less regressive. Currently, the poorest 20 percent of households pay 12.5 percent of their annual income to state and local taxes… -
ITEP Work in Action May 30, 2018 NC Budget and Tax Center: Revenue Options to Support Children’s Educational Success
The General Assembly legislative session begins on May 16, the same day teachers plan a day of action to highlight the unmet needs their students face in the classroom and… -
ITEP Work in Action May 24, 2018 New Jersey Policy Perspective: Fast Facts: Proposed Tax Changes Would Bring More Balance to New Jersey’s Tax Code
The tax changes proposed in Gov. Murphy’s first budget would bring more balance to New Jersey’s tax code by raising taxes on the wealthiest one percent while reducing them for the lowest-income New Jerseyans.[1] Updating the tax code would also raise nearly $2 billion in new revenue for targeted investments in early education, public transit, health care and other essential public services.
ITEP Work in Action May 22, 2018 NC Policy Watch: Governor Cooper recognizes North Carolina is in a hole, stops digging
Holding off on another round of tax cuts for the richest taxpayers and profitable corporations and keeping the increased standard deduction and lower rate for the majority of taxpayers will… -
ITEP Work in Action May 21, 2018 North Carolina Justice Center: New Report Looks at How Corporate Tax Cuts Have Hurt North Carolina
A new report on corporate income taxes looks at how corporate taxes have been slashed at the state and federal levels, provides evidence that wealthy shareholders are the prime beneficiaries of corporate tax cuts, and shows that corporate tax cuts have not solved North Carolina’s most pressing economic problems. Unless leaders in Raleigh change course, corporations could be in line for yet another tax cut next year if a rate cut to the corporate income tax moves ahead as currently scheduled.
ITEP Work in Action May 18, 2018 Louisiana Budget Project: Black households would bear disproportionate burden of sales tax renewal
Lawmakers can address this imbalance by expanding Louisiana’s EITC. An increase of the state EITC from 3.5 percent to 7 percent of the federal EITC would offset a half-cent cent… -
ITEP Work in Action May 16, 2018 Minnesota Budget Project: Governor Dayton’s Proposed Supplemental Budget Makes Investments In Education, Health And Human Services, Economic Development, Saves For The Future
Governor Mark Dayton released his FY 2018-19 supplemental budget proposal today, focused on making strategic investments to support Minnesota’s economic success, prioritizing working Minnesotans in responding to the federal tax bill, and leaving some of the state’s projected surplus unspent “to cushion against risk.”
ITEP Work in Action May 15, 2018 Michigan League for Public Policy: The Looming Danger of Tax Cut Triggers in Michigan
New analysis by the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy (ITEP) uses current year and two-year forecasts to calculate the impact that a 0.1 or 0.25 rate reduction in the Personal Income Tax (PIT) could have on taxpayers and state revenue. The data shows that any reduction in the PIT actually shifts the tax load further to low-income Michiganders.
ITEP Work in Action May 15, 2018 New Jersey Policy Perspectives: DACA Recipients Contribute $59 Million Per Year in Taxes
The ITEP study found that New Jersey’s young immigrants eligible for DACA contribute $59 million in state and local taxes each year, the seventh highest level of all fifty states.…