Overall, the top 1 percent, who made more than $360,000 a year in 2014, received an average annual tax cut of $20,000 from the major tax changes between 2005 and 2014 (that doesn’t include last year’s cuts). On average, Ohioans in the bottom 60 percent of the income spectrum (making $54,000 or less) are paying slightly more.
ITEP Work in Action
Advocates and policymakers at the state and federal levels rely on ITEP’s analytic capabilities to inform their debates on proposed tax policy changes. In any given year, ITEP fields requests for analyses of policies in 25 or more states. ITEP also works with national partners to provide analyses of federal tax policy proposals. This section highlights reports that use ITEP analyses to make a compelling case for progressive tax reforms.
ITEP Work in Action September 26, 2016 Policy Matters Ohio: Testimony: Tax Cuts, Flat Tax Aren’t the Answer
ITEP Work in Action August 18, 2016 West Virginia Center on Budget and Policy: Modernizing West Virginia’s Marijuana Laws
“Over the last two decades, states across the country have modernized their marijuana laws to reflect the growing evidence that doing so will help reduce criminal justice costs, help treat… -
ITEP Work in Action July 30, 2016 Montana Budget & Policy Center: The Montana We Could Be
In Montana, the higher a household’s income, the lower share of that income it tends to pay in state and local taxes [see Chart 1]. One reason for this is that people who make less money end up paying a larger share of their income in local sales taxes and property taxes.
ITEP Work in Action May 18, 2016 Michigan League for Public Policy: Review tax expenditures to help fix Michigan’s broken revenue stream
“Michigan has a budget problem, and simply put, there just isn’t enough money to go around. Michigan has experienced crisis after crisis—the Great Recession, nearly record-high unemployment, municipal financial emergencies,… -
ITEP Work in Action May 17, 2016 West Virginia Center on Budget and Policy: New Revenues to Balance the Budget Don’t Have to be Regressive
“Last week, Governor Tomblin finally issued the call for the legislature to come back into a special session to balance the FY 2017 budget. The special session will begin today,… -
ITEP Work in Action May 13, 2016 Oklahoma Policy Institute: New bill would devastate a key tax credit for Oklahoma working families
“Yesterday, a letter signed by more than 150 Oklahoma clergy was delivered to lawmakers and Governor Fallin, urging them not to slash key tax credits for working families to fix… -
ITEP Work in Action May 5, 2016 Hope Policy Institute: Who Really Benefits: Why Large Tax Cuts Don’t Benefit Working Families and Communities
“Large tax reductions proposed at a time when Mississippi already is cutting important public investments due to a lack of revenue would erode the state’s ability to create jobs and… -
ITEP Work in Action May 5, 2016 Louisiana Budget Project: The federal deduction needs reform
“There are two key questions confronting Louisiana officials as they grapple with the most serious budget crisis in a generation: How much new tax revenue does Louisiana need in order… -
ITEP Work in Action May 2, 2016 Connecticut Voices for Children: Impact of the Governor’s, Republican, and Democrat Proposed FY 2017 Budget on Children and Families
“Following hundreds of millions in dollars of cuts to health, human services and education to close a billion dollar budget hole in Fiscal Year 2016 (FY 16), lawmakers are once… -
ITEP Work in Action April 16, 2016 Georgia Budget & Policy Institute: Georgia Work Credit Could Get Families a Better Deal at Tax Time
As Georgians put the finishing touches on their returns to meet today’s income tax filing deadline, one benefit many are missing out on is a tax credit that states can… -
ITEP Work in Action April 15, 2016 Oklahoma Policy Institute: High-income surcharge would help solve budget emergency
“The evidence is now undeniable that Oklahoma is facing a full-fledged emergency. With each passing day, the toll of budget cuts on Oklahoma families, schools, businesses, and communities becomes more… -
ITEP Work in Action April 15, 2016 Hawaii Appleseed: State of Poverty 2016
“In April 2016, the Hawai‘i Appleseed Center for Law and Economic Justice released a report entitled “The State of Poverty in Hawai‘i: How Hawai‘i’s Residents Are Faring Post-Recovery.” The report… -
ITEP Work in Action April 15, 2016 Center on Budget and Policy Priorities: A Fiscal Policy Agenda for Stronger State Economies
“With most state legislatures now in session, policymakers are making fiscal policy decisions that will profoundly affect future economic opportunities in communities across the country. States face a fundamental choice:… -
ITEP Work in Action April 12, 2016 Policy Matters Ohio: Wealthy not paying fair share of state and local taxes
“State and local taxes support schools, fix potholes, keep the snow plowed, the justice system running and the water clean. Economic prosperity depends on these public services. The wealthiest families… -
ITEP Work in Action April 11, 2016 North Carolina Budget and Tax Center: North Carolina’s “Tax Swap” Gives Biggest Breaks to the Wealthiest, Undermines Public Investments for All
“Efforts to rely more on the state sales tax and less on the income tax to support public services have shifted tax obligations to less affluent North Carolinians, while saving… -
ITEP Work in Action April 11, 2016 Pennsylvania Budget and Policy Center: PA Should Raise Needed Revenues in Fair Ways: Short- and Long-term Approaches to Fixing Pennsylvania’s Unfair Tax System
This briefing paper analyzes several options for raising revenue for the Pennsylvania state budget which would fall much less on middle- and low-income families than the existing Pennsylvania state… -
ITEP Work in Action April 6, 2016 Iowa Policy Project: $8.9 million revenue boost with immigration reform
“A new report projects a 24 percent increase in state and local tax revenues from undocumented immigrants in Iowa if they were granted permanent legal residence.” Read full report -
ITEP Work in Action April 5, 2016 West Virginia Center on Budget and Policy: Your Guide to the State Budget
“The state budget directly affects everyone living in West Virginia. It is the one law that makes state government function. It defines how we plan to use our resources to… -
ITEP Work in Action March 28, 2016 Center for American Progress: 4 Reasons Why States Suing to Stop Immigration Actions Stand to Lose Big
“Unauthorized immigrants contribute enormous sums to state and local coffers through taxes: $11.64 billion annually, according to a new report by the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy. Full implementation… -
ITEP Work in Action March 25, 2016 Georgia Budget & Policy Institute: Lawmakers Wise to Reject Reckless Income Tax Measures
This year’s General Assembly produced no shortage of big debates, with subjects from religious exemptions to rape kits grabbing statewide and even national headlines. But beneath the surface lurked a… -
ITEP Work in Action March 15, 2016 Connecticut Voices for Children: Revenue Options are Crucial to Maintaining Public Investments that Promote Prosperity
In confronting the financial crisis looming over state budget decisions, the common-sense choice for Connecticut should be a balanced approach that includes revenue, rather than a cuts-only approach that threatens… -
ITEP Work in Action March 1, 2016 Georgia Budget & Policy Institute: Tax Breaks, Income Tax Cuts Could Harm Georgia Finances
A variety of tax bills await further consideration by state legislators as the Georgia General Assembly enters its final few weeks of the 2016 session. There are 11 tax bills… -
ITEP Work in Action February 29, 2016 Maine Center for Economic Policy: When Budgets Unravel: Unlimited deductions will jeopardize schools and safety When Budgets Unravel: Unlimited deductions will jeopardize schools and safety
Read the full report here “Legislators passed a bipartisan budget last year that funds schools, communities, and programs that give a hand up to those most in need. The budget… -
ITEP Work in Action February 26, 2016 Georgia Budget & Policy Institute: Senate Resolution 756 threatens to disrupt Georgia’s long-term finances
Senate Resolution 756 threatens to undermine Georgia’s ability to remain an attractive state for families and businesses. Passing the amendment creates a rigid formula in Georgia’s constitution that inflicts a… -
ITEP Work in Action February 26, 2016 Georgia Budget & Policy Institute: Slashing Income Tax Delivers Meager Benefit to Most, Jeopardizes Public Services
Georgia lawmakers are considering a pair of proposals that offer a miniscule tax cut to the majority of Georgia families and a massive benefit to the highest-income individuals who need…