ITEP Work in Action
Advocates and policymakers at the state and federal levels rely on ITEP’s analytic capabilities to inform their debates on proposed tax policy changes. In any given year, ITEP fields requests for analyses of policies in 25 or more states. ITEP also works with national partners to provide analyses of federal tax policy proposals. This section highlights reports that use ITEP analyses to make a compelling case for progressive tax reforms.
ITEP Work in Action February 23, 2023 Policy Matters Ohio: Speaker’s #1 priority – Tax cut for the rich
One of Ohio House Speaker Jason Stephens’ top-priority bills, House Bill 1, is a massive giveaway to the rich, and the first of two such proposals by leading Republicans in… -
ITEP Work in Action February 16, 2023 Minnesota Budget Project: Governor Walz Releases FY 2024-25 Budget Priorities
The Walz administration’s recently released budget proposal names as their priorities making Minnesota the best state for children, investing in the state’s economic future, and promoting the health and safety… -
ITEP Work in Action February 16, 2023 Kansas Action for Children: Flat Tax: Simple Doesn’t Mean Smart
The state has seen increased revenue in recent years, with the state budget including millions of dollars in surplus revenue. The temporary, higher receipts have led to several tax cut… -
ITEP Work in Action February 13, 2023 Oklahoma Policy Institute: The Needs of Everyday Oklahomans Outweigh Tax Cuts that Benefit the Wealthy
As Oklahoma’s 2023 legislative session begins, the perennial push for tax cuts that would shrink state revenue will likely return. In 2022, leaders of the Oklahoma House of Representatives championed tax cuts – primarily… -
ITEP Work in Action February 6, 2023 The White House: Fact Sheet: The Biden Economic Plan Is Working
President Biden has long believed that we must build the economy from the bottom up and middle out, not the top down. … In 2020, 55 of the largest corporations that were… -
ITEP Work in Action February 1, 2023 Hawaiʻi Budget & Policy Center: Closing the Capital Gains Loophole
Eliminating the preferential tax treatment of capital gains income will increase tax fairness and help fund our future. Read more. -
ITEP Work in Action January 31, 2023 New Jersey Policy Perspective: How an Expanded Child Tax Credit Would Help More Hard-Working New Jersey Families
Doubling the maximum credit amount would help hundreds of thousands of children and their families pay for basic needs. Read more. -
ITEP Work in Action January 25, 2023 Kentucky Center for Economic Policy: Reducing the Income Tax Will Weaken the Commonwealth
House Bill 1 in the 2022 Kentucky General Assembly is the next step in a legislative effort to phase down and even eliminate Kentucky’s income tax. This policy path is… -
ITEP Work in Action January 23, 2023 Open Sky Policy Institute: Major Tax and Education Plans Would Quickly Drain Flush State Coffers
The cost of high-profile K-12 finance and tax packages introduced this week would entirely consume the projected $1.9 billion that lawmakers have to enact new legislation in the current two-year budget… -
ITEP Work in Action January 17, 2023 The Commonwealth Institute: Support Virginia Families Through a Commonwealth Kids Credit
True economic prosperity means that families are doing well and have the resources and opportunity to thrive. By coming together, people in Virginia have won an improved Earned Income Tax… -
ITEP Work in Action January 6, 2023 Better Wyoming: Want to Slow Wyo’s Boom-and-Bust Cycle? Tax Jackson.
According to a new report by the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy (ITEP), Wyoming has several options to generate new tax revenue from our ultra-wealthy residents and decrease the state’s… -
ITEP Work in Action November 23, 2022 Montana Budget & Policy Center: Tax Credits for Workers and Families
Montana has an opportunity to invest high state revenues to support families and individuals and improve our tax system. State tax credits targeted to those in most need of assistance… -
ITEP Work in Action November 18, 2022 The Economic Progress Institute: Rhode Island Standard of Need
With scenic beaches, culinary and arts communities, higher education institutions, and a vibrant celebration of culture, Rhode Island can be a wonderful place to live and to raise a family.… -
ITEP Work in Action November 14, 2022 Policy Matters Ohio: Increase Family Security and Expand Opportunity in Ohio
The expanded federal child tax credit (CTC) improved the lives of millions of children and families. We outline how a simple solution — direct payments to families with children —… -
ITEP Work in Action November 11, 2022 Fiscal Policy Institute: Inequality in New York & Options for Progressive Tax Reform
Income statistics have long shown that the top earners in New York State earn relatively more than their counterparts elsewhere in the U.S. Income inequality alone, however, provides an incomplete… -
ITEP Work in Action November 3, 2022 Oregon Center for Public Policy: Wealth Inequality in Oregon Is Extreme
How extreme is wealth inequality in Oregon? So extreme that, together, three billionaires residing in the state have about twice the wealth as that of the entire bottom half of… -
ITEP Work in Action October 24, 2022 Virginia Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission: Options to Make Virginia’s Individual Income Tax More Progressive
Though Virginia has substantially reduced taxes for low and lower-middle income filers, it could further reduce the tax burden for these filers and make the income tax even more progressive.… -
ITEP Work in Action September 28, 2022 North Carolina Budget & Tax Center: Missing the Mark for North Carolina
Inflation isn’t just a pocketbook problem, it’s a budget problem as well. Governments feel the pinch of gas prices climbing higher, food becoming more expensive, and increased competition from private… -
ITEP Work in Action September 1, 2022 Idaho Center for Fiscal Policy: 2022 Special Legislative Session: Understanding Impacts of the Tax and Education Bill
State surpluses and strong revenue growth are leaving many states with a big opportunity this year. Idaho is no exception and is faced with options to advance policies that directly… -
ITEP Work in Action August 30, 2022 Maine Center for Economic Policy: New Tax Relief Plan Will Disproportionately Benefit Wealthy Seniors
This year, lawmakers included a tax change in the state’s budget that will significantly expand tax benefits for pension recipients in Maine. Beginning in 2023, pension recipients will be allowed… -
ITEP Work in Action August 28, 2022 Missouri Budget Project: Special Session Tax Proposal Leaves Out 1/3 of Missouri Taxpayers, Weighted to Benefit Wealthiest
Governor Parson’s recently released tax proposal would leave out about one-third of Missourians, including many of those who pay the highest proportion of their income in state & local taxes,… -
ITEP Work in Action May 27, 2022 Georgia Budget and Policy Institute: New Tax Plan Risks State’s Long-Term Fiscal Health, Worsens Income and Racial Inequities
House Bill 1437, signed into law by Gov. Kemp after a final version emerged during the last hours of Sine Die 2022, sets Georgia on course to make fundamental changes… -
ITEP Work in Action May 13, 2022 Arizona Center for Economic Progress: $2 Billion Tax Cuts for the Rich are Irresponsible
Last year, the legislature passed huge tax cuts whose benefits will only be seen by the richest Arizonans. Once these new tax cuts go into effect, they will reduce state… -
ITEP Work in Action April 6, 2022 DC Fiscal Policy Institute: DC’s Earned Income Tax Credit – The Most Generous in the Nation, but not the Most Inclusive
The DC Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) is a powerful tool for advancing racial, gender, and economic equity. Modeled after the federal tax credit by the same name, DC’s EITC… -
ITEP Work in Action March 29, 2022 The Commonwealth Institute for Fiscal Analysis: Gas Tax Proposal Misses the Mark
Earlier this month, Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin announced a new policy proposal to suspend the state’s 26-cents per gallon gas tax for three months and to cap gas tax rates…