We’ve said it before, and we’ll say it again: states don’t have to wait for federal lawmakers to make moves toward progressive tax policy. And so far, 2019 has been a good year for equitable and sustainable tax policy in the states. With July 1 marking the start of a new fiscal year for most states, this special edition of the Rundown looks at how discussions in 2019 have been dominated by plans to raise revenue for vital investments, tax the rich and corporations fairly, use the tax code to help workers and families and advance racial equity, and shore up revenues for infrastructure.
ITEP State Rundown
blog July 12, 2019 State Rundown Special Edition: Fiscal Year Wrap-Up
blog June 27, 2019 State Rundown 6/27: States Look at Raising Incomes at the Bottom, Taxes at the Top
Low-income working families got good news and bad news this week, as Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) enhancements passed in California and advanced in Oregon, while minimum wage increases failed in Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, and Wisconsin. Meanwhile, the momentum for taxing wealth and the very rich continued to grow, as more one-percenters called for enacting progressive taxes, and Inequality.org held a star-studded conference on why and how to do so.
blog June 19, 2019 State Rundown 6/19: Juneteenth Highlights Role of State Policy in Racial Equity Fight
As Americans observe Juneteenth today–the day two years after the Emancipation Proclamation on which news of the end of the Civil War and slavery reached some of the last slaves in Texas—most people’s attention should be on celebrating victories, remembering losses, gathering strength to continue the fight for racial justice, and the accompanying Congressional reparations hearings. In comparison, state tax debates over matters such as reluctance to invest in infrastructure in Michigan and Missouri, approval of income tax cuts in Wisconsin, and a budget standoff in New Jersey may seem unimportant and irrelevant. But we encourage our readers to think about how state policies often serve to enrich and empower white and wealthy households, and how our tax codes and public investments can be redirected toward advancing racial equity in all states.
blog June 12, 2019 State Rundown 6/12: Progress in Taxing the Rich, Expanding EITCs, and Taming Tax Subsidies
This week saw lawmakers in Ohio propose significant harmful tax cuts, leaders in California and Oregon work toward strengthening the state Earned Income Tax Credits (EITCs), and governors in Missouri and Kansas declare a truce to end the practice of bribing businesses in the Kansas City area with tax cuts to move from one side of the state line to the other. Meanwhile, Massachusetts leaders are discussing ways of raising taxes on their richest households, which our latest Just Taxes blog post notes is a promising trend this year across many states.
blog June 5, 2019 State Rundown 6/5: Illinois Gets Busy
Illinois made big news in several tax and budget areas recently, including sending a graduated income tax amendment to voters in 2020, as well as legalizing and taxing cannabis and updating gas and cigarette taxes for infrastructure improvements. Connecticut made smaller waves with sales tax reforms, a plastic bag tax, and a progressive mansion tax. Property tax credits were proposed in both Maine and New Jersey. And Nevada extended a business tax to give teachers a raise. And our What We’re Reading section is brimming with good reads on how states are doing with recovering from the Great Recession, funding education, using cannabis tax revenues, and improving Earned Income Tax Credits (EITCs).
blog May 29, 2019 State Rundown 5/29: In Taxes and Television, Endings Can Be Hard
Like certain recent controversially concluded television shows, tax and budget debates can end in many ways and often receive mixed reviews. Illinois leaders, for example, ended on a cliffhanger by approving a historic constitutional amendment to create a graduated income tax in the state, whose ultimate conclusion will be crowdsourced by voters next November. Arizona’s fiscal finale fell flat with many observers due to corner-cutting on needed investments and a heavy focus on tax cuts. Texas legislators went for crowd-pleasing property tax cuts and school funding increases but left a gigantic “but how will we pay for this” plot hole in their script. And after appearing ready to conclude after countless seasons, Nebraska lawmakers left their school funding, tax reform, and business tax break storylines on the cutting room floor to be picked up for yet another season next year.
blog May 22, 2019 State Rundown 5/22: (Some) State Lawmakers Can (Partly) Relax This Weekend
Lawmakers and advocates can enjoy their barbeques with only one eye on their work email this weekend in states that have essentially finished their budget debates such as Alaska, Minnesota, Nebraska, and Oklahoma, though both Alaska and Minnesota require special sessions to wrap things up. Getting to those barbeques may be a bumpy ride in Louisiana, Michigan, and other states still working to modernize outdated and inadequate gas taxes.
blog May 16, 2019 State Rundown 5/16: Tensions Remain High Over Budgets and School Finances in Several States
Tax and budget negotiations remain at standstills in Louisiana and Minnesota, as school funding debates and teacher protests again captured headlines in several states. Oregon lawmakers, for example, finally passed… -
blog May 9, 2019 State Rundown 5/9: Illinois Moves Closer to a Progressive Income Tax
Lawmakers in Illinois and Ohio have advanced major tax proposals but cannot rest just yet, as they must still get past the other legislative chamber. Their counterparts in Michigan, Minnesota, Nebraska, and Oregon, meanwhile, are all at impasses over education funding, as those in Texas left their school funding disagreement unresolved at least until they reconvene…in 2021. And in an era of many states pre-empting smaller jurisdictions by revoking local decision-making powers, leaders in Colorado and Delaware made moves in the opposite direction, entrusting cities and school districts with more local control.
blog May 1, 2019 State Rundown 5/1: Teacher Uprisings Continue on May Day
Teachers in North Carolina and South Carolina are walking out and rallying this week for increased education funding, teacher and staff pay, and other improvements to benefit students—if you’re unsure why be sure to check out research on the teacher shortage and pay gap under “What We’re Reading” below. Meanwhile, budget debates have recently wrapped up in Indiana, Iowa, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Washington. And major tax debates are kicking into high gear in both Louisiana and Nebraska.
blog April 26, 2019 State Rundown 4/26: Capital Gains Taxes Make Gains and Regressive Proposals Regress
Progressive capital gains tax proposals made news this week in Connecticut and Massachusetts, while Nebraskans came out in force to oppose a regressive tax shift, and North Carolina teachers prepare to rally over their legislature’s proclivity to cut taxes on wealthy households while underfunding schools.
blog April 18, 2019 State Rundown 4/18: It’s Peak Season for State Fiscal Debates
Tax and budget debates are now mostly complete in Alabama, Arkansas, and Colorado, but just starting or just getting interesting in several other states. Delaware and Massachusetts lawmakers, for example, are looking at progressive income tax increases on wealthy households, and New Hampshire may use a progressive tax on capital gains to simultaneously improve its upside-down tax code and invest in education. Nebraska and Texas, on the other hand, are also looking to improve school funding but plan to do so on the backs of low- and middle-income families through regressive sales tax increases. Fiscal debates are heating up in California and Louisiana as well.
blog April 11, 2019 State Rundown 4/11: An Estate Tax Win, Opioid Progress, and Teacher Uprising Updates
Hawaii made progress in pushing back against the increasing concentration of wealth and power by beefing up its estate tax. Delaware, New Jersey, and Rhode Island all took steps toward taxing opioid producers to raise funds to address the ongoing opioid crisis. Oregon lawmakers continue to try to address their chronic school underfunding with a $2 billion annual investment, in contrast to some of their counterparts in North Carolina who are responding to similar issues with the opposite approach, proposing to slash taxes in the face of their school funding issues – just as research highlighted in our What We’re Reading section shows the national teacher shortage to be even worse than previously thought.
blog April 4, 2019 State Rundown 4/4: Ohio Gas Tax and Maryland Minimum Wage Get Needed Updates
Transportation funding was a hot topic this week, as OHIO lawmakers responsibly voted to update their gas tax and offset some of its impact on lower-income families with an Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) boost, while NEW YORK enacted the nation’s first “congestion pricing” charge, and LOUISIANA and VIRGINIA leaders looked at gas tax updates as well—a trend ITEP’s Carl Davis explored in depth today here. Broad tax packages are also being hashed out in LOUISIANA, NEBRASKA, OREGON, and TEXAS. And MARYLAND became the sixth state with a $15 minimum wage on the horizon.
blog March 27, 2019 State Rundown 3/27: Spring Bringing Smart State Tax Policy So Far
Though a long winter and a rough start to spring weather have wreaked havoc in much of the country, lawmakers are off to a good start in the world of state fiscal policy so far. In the last week, a progressive revenue package was passed in the nick of time in NEW MEXICO, a service-sapping tax cut was vetoed in KANSAS, and a regressive and unsustainable tax shift was soundly defeated in NORTH DAKOTA. Meanwhile, gas tax updates are on the table in MAINE, MINNESOTA, and OHIO. And exemptions for feminine hygiene products and diapers were enacted in VIRGINIA and introduced in MISSOURI.
blog March 14, 2019 State Rundown 3/14: Tax Fairness Proposed in Illinois
More than three billion dollars could be raised under a major progressive tax plan proposed by Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker this week, the point being to simultaneously improve the state’s upside-down tax code and address its notorious budget gap issues. One state, Utah, may already be looking at a special session to revisit the sales tax reform debate that ended this week without resolution, in contrast to Alabama and Arkansas, where leaders finally resolved years-long debates over gas taxes and infrastructure funding. And lawmakers in four states – California, Florida, Minnesota, and North Carolina – introduced legislation to expand or enact Earned Income Tax Credits (EITC).
blog March 6, 2019 State Rundown 3/6: March Tax Debates Contain Sanity Amid Usual Madness
State policymakers around the nation this week served up a handful of harmful and upside-down tax proposals, but these were refreshingly outnumbered by sound tax and budget policy proposals in several other states. NEW JERSEY Gov. Phil Murphy made tax fairness an explicit priority in his budget address, the NEW MEXICO House passed progressive reforms to improve the state’s schools and tax code, states such as VERMONT are looking to raise funds from legalized cannabis and put it to good use, and many states, including ALABAMA, ARKANSAS, OHIO, and WISCONSIN, are seriously considering much-needed gas tax updates to improve their infrastructure.
blog February 27, 2019 State Rundown 2/27: Temperatures and Tax Fights Continue to Polarize
As another polar vortex heads for large swaths of the country, state tax debates this week were highly polarized in another way. Lawmakers and advocates in MICHIGAN, OHIO, OREGON, UTAH, and elsewhere fought to enact or improve state Earned Income Tax Credits to give a boost to low- and middle-income working families. But the opposite extreme was heavily represented as well, as others pushed for regressive tax cuts for wealthy individuals and corporations, including in KANSAS, NEBRASKA, NORTH DAKOTA, OHIO, UTAH, and WEST VIRGINIA. Even our “What We’re Reading” section has informative reading on how education funding policy continues to contribute to the polarization of opportunities for white families compared to families of color.
blog February 20, 2019 State Rundown 2/20: February and Regressive Tax Cuts, The “Meanest Moons of Winter”
Tom Robbins called February “the meanest moon of winter, all the more cruel because it will masquerade as spring, occasionally for hours at a time, only to rip off its mask with a sadistic laugh and spit icicles into every gullible face, behavior that grows quickly old.” Observers of state fiscal debates might think he was writing about similarly tiresome regressive tax cut proposals, which recently succeeded in Arkansas and advanced in North Dakota despite improved public understanding of the upside-down nature state tax systems, ineffectiveness of supply-side trickle-down tax cuts, and importance of investing in education. But like February (“as useless as the extra r in its name”), seemingly endless anti-tax crusades do come to an end and give way to brighter days and better policy. North Dakota lawmakers still have a chance to reject the current tax-slashing proposal, and progressive policy options remain on the table in many states.
blog February 14, 2019 State Rundown 2/14: We ♥ Taxes!
Happy Valentine’s Day to all lovers of quality research, sound fiscal policy, and progressive tax reforms! This week, some leaders in ARKANSAS displayed their infatuation with the rich by advancing regressive tax cuts, but others in the state are trying to show some love to low- and middle-income families instead. WISCONSIN lawmakers are devoted to tax reductions for the middle class but have not yet decided how to express those feelings. NEBRASKA legislators are playing the field, flirting with several very different property tax and school funding proposals. And VIRGINIA’s legislators and governor just decided to settle for a flawed tax conformity deal rather than hold out for something better. Meanwhile, NEW YORK and Amazon have cancelled their engagement to one another for now.
blog January 31, 2019 State Rundown 1/31: Governors and Teachers Dominate Headlines, Much More in Fine Print
Gubernatorial addresses and the prospect of teacher strikes continued to take center stage in state fiscal news this week, as governors of Connecticut, Maryland, and Utah gave speeches that all included significant tax proposals. Meanwhile, teachers walked out in Virginia, and many other states debated school funding increases to avoid similar results. State policymakers have many other debates on their hands as well, including what to do with online sales tax revenue, how to cut property taxes without undermining schools, whether and how to legalize and tax cannabis, and whether to update gas taxes for infrastructure investments.
blog January 24, 2019 State Rundown 1/24: States Reflect on MLK’s Dream and Teacher Uprisings
This week, as Americans in every state celebrated Martin Luther King Jr. Day and reflected on his dream of peaceful protest and racial and economic justice, many eyes were on the teachers’ strike pressing for parts of this dream amid the “curvaceous slopes of California.” Governors and lawmakers in many states—including Arizona, Georgia, Indiana, Louisiana, Nevada, New Mexico, South Carolina, and Wisconsin—discussed ways to raise pay for teachers and/or enhance education investments generally.
blog January 18, 2019 State Rundown 1/18: Governors’ Speeches Kick Off State Fiscal Debates
Gubernatorial speeches and budget proposals dominated state fiscal news this week, as governors proposed a wide array of policies including positive reforms such as Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) enhancements in CALIFORNIA, a capital gains tax on wealthy households in WASHINGTON, and investments in education in several states. Proposals to exempt more retirement income from tax, particularly for veterans, are a common theme so far this year, having been raised in multiple states including MARYLAND, MICHIGAN, and SOUTH CAROLINA. And NEW JERSEY became the fourth state with a $15 minimum hourly wage. Those wishing to better understand and influence important debates about equitable tax policy should mark their calendars for ITEP’s Data For The Win Webinar on January 30th!
blog January 10, 2019 State Rundown 1/10: States Should Resolve to Pursue Equitable Tax Options
This week we released a handy guide of policy options for Moving Toward More Equitable State Tax Systems, and are pleased to report that many state lawmakers are promoting policies that are in line with our recommendations. For example, Puerto Rico lawmakers recently enacted a targeted EITC-like credit for working families, and leaders in Virginia and elsewhere are working toward similar improvements. Arkansas residents also saw their tax code improve as laws reducing regressive consumption taxes and enhancing income tax progressivity just went into effect. And there is still time for governors and legislators pushing for regressive income tax cuts in multiple states to consult the research and pursue equitable options instead! We have a lot of news to kick off 2019, but be sure to make it down to our “What We’re Reading” section for recent reports on how the federal shutdown is affecting states, previews of the issues likely to dominate legislative sessions this year, and more.
blog December 19, 2018 State Rundown 12/19: Time to Rest and Recharge for Big Year Ahead
With many people enjoying time off over the next couple weeks, and the longest nights of the year coming over the weekend, now is a good time to get plenty of rest and relaxation in advance of what is likely to be a very busy 2019 for state fiscal policy and other debates. Among those debates, Kentucky lawmakers will be returning to topics they could not resolve in a brief special session held this week, New Jersey and New York will both be deciding how to legalize and tax cannabis, and gas tax updates will be on the agenda in Alabama and Illinois. Feel free to cozy up by the fire with some offerings from our “What We’re Reading” section, including eye-opening information on how much corporate subsidies are costing our schools and other services, what states are and should be doing to prepare for long-term needs and a potential recession, and hopeful guidance on how we can do more to stem inequality by strengthening taxes on unearned income like capital gains and inheritances. We at ITEP will be taking our own advice and resting next week, and look forward to returning with more state tax and budget news in the new year!