July 26, 2023
State Rundown 7/26: The Dog Days of Summer Tax News
The Dog Days of summer are upon us, and with most states out of session and extreme heat waves making their way across the country, it’s a perfect time to sit back and catch up on all your favorite state tax happenings (ideally with a cool drink in hand)…
July 18, 2023
States and Localities are Making Progress on Curbing Unjust Fees and Fines
Too many state and local governments tap legal-system collections, rather than adequate tax systems, to fund shared essentials like public safety and education. But a growing number of states and localities are choosing a better approach. Momentum for change has continued to build in 2023, with no fewer than seven states enacting substantial improvements.
July 12, 2023
State Rundown 7/12: The Mid-Year Legislative Session Roundup
Most state legislatures have adjourned for 2023, and that means it’s a perfect time to look at the tax policy trends that have formed thus far…
July 12, 2023
Testimony: Tax Policy to Strengthen Social Security
We can make modest reforms to better tax those who are taking a larger share of our wealth and income in order to reinforce a major pillar of our promise to Americans.
July 11, 2023
‘Fair Share Act’ Would Strengthen Medicare and Social Security Taxes
The Medicare and Social Security Fair Share Act would reform the taxes that Americans pay to finance these two important programs so that the richest 2 percent of Americans pay these taxes on most of their income the way that middle-class taxpayers already do.
July 7, 2023
The Highs and Lows of 2023 State Legislative Sessions
Nearly one-third of states took steps to improve their tax systems this year by investing in people through refundable tax credits, and in a few notable cases by raising revenue from those most able to pay. But another third of states lost ground, continuing a trend of permanent tax cuts that overwhelmingly benefit high-income households and make tax codes less adequate and equitable.
July 7, 2023
Refundable Credits a Winning Policy Choice Again in 2023
State lawmakers continue to make groundbreaking progress on state tax credits, with 17 states creating or enhancing Child Tax Credits or Earned Income Tax Credits so far this year. These policies have the potential to boost family economic security and dramatically reduce the number of children living below the poverty line.
July 7, 2023
Minnesota’s Tax Battle of 2023 Signals a Turning of the Tide Against Corporate Tax Avoidance
The qualified success of Minnesota’s GILTI conformity—to say nothing of the state’s serious dalliance with the game-changing worldwide combined reporting–sends a clear signal that the days may be coming to an end when big multinationals can scare state lawmakers into allowing them to game the tax system.
July 6, 2023
State Rundown 7/6: Tax Policy Keeping Governors Busy from Coast to Coast
From coast to coast, state governors have been busy inking their signature on a growing list of consequential budget and tax bills…
June 29, 2023
Corporations Reap Billions in Tax Breaks Under 'Bonus Depreciation'
Since TCJA expanded tax breaks for “accelerated depreciation” starting in 2018, it has reduced taxes by nearly $67 billion for the 25 profitable corporations that benefited the most. Congress is now looking at extending this policy.