April 12, 2023
Deep Public Investment Changes Lives, Yet Too Many States Continue to Seek Tax Cuts
When state budgets are strong, lawmakers should put those revenues toward building a stronger and more inclusive society for the long haul. Yet, many state lawmakers have made clear that their top priority is repeatedly cutting taxes for the wealthy.
April 12, 2023
8 Things to Know About State Taxes
As Tax Day approaches, it’s worth thinking about not only the taxes that we individually pay but the overall condition of our tax code as… -
April 6, 2023
What Income Tax Subsidies Do States Offer to Seniors?
Every state with a personal income tax offers tax subsidies for seniors that are unavailable to younger taxpayers. The best academic research suggests that the… -
April 6, 2023
State Rundown 4/6: More SALT, Please
This week, a bill out of Arkansas that would cut the top personal income tax rate and the corporate income tax rate found its way to the governor’s desk…
April 3, 2023
It’s the Revenue Shortfall, Stupid
Lawmakers have repeatedly stepped on the same rake of slashing tax rates and expecting revenues to magically go up. Now they want middle-class Americans to be the ones who get hit in the face. The con is getting tired. If Congress wants to reel in the debt then it’s time to raise taxes on the wealthy.
March 31, 2023
Minnesota's Tax Code Should Be Based on Ability to Pay, Not Year of Birth
Minnesota lawmakers are considering a carveout that would treat seniors much more favorably than young families. The proposal would fully exempt all Social Security income from state income tax, even for seniors with exceptionally high incomes.
March 30, 2023
State Rundown 3/30: A Win for Tax Equity in The Evergreen State
Over the past week Washington state saw a major victory for tax fairness after the state Supreme Court held the state’s capital gains tax—passed in 2021—constitutional…
March 30, 2023
How Local Governments Raise Revenue—and What it Means for Tax Equity
Most local tax systems are falling short of their potential. Well-structured local tax policies support communities by facilitating important investments and advancing fairness, but the tax revenue sources most utilized by local governments tend to disproportionately weigh on households with fewer resources. Learning from these realities can inform the path to improved tax policies and stronger communities.
March 30, 2023
Better Local Tax Policy Can Help Communities Thrive
From dedicating new taxes to fund climate action and public health to vacancy and “mansion” taxes, many local leaders are already exploring ways to make their tax systems more progressive and sustainable. ITEP is committed to helping local leaders and advocates build on this work by advancing knowledge about local tax solutions.
March 27, 2023
Race-Conscious Tax Policy Discourse is Shifting the Conversation About the Tax Code
As we look ahead to what comes next in our journey to a more race-conscious tax policy debate, it’s worth reflecting on how we got here and what we’ve learned along the way.