ITEP Work in Action February 3, 2016 Louisiana Budget Project: A stronger EITC can mitigate sales tax increase
The Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy (ITEP) calculates that the poorest 40 percent of Louisiana households paid 10 percent of their family income in state and local taxes… -
media mention January 19, 2016 Bayou Buzz: Governor Jon Bel Edwards transition report not serious for Louisiana budget hole
“Yet plenty of other material in its pages serves to covey the unserious nature of the effort. For example, in its discussion of tax reform, it exhorts any changes to… -
media mention August 14, 2015 Slate: Don’t Fall for Back-to-School Tax Holidays
If shoppers are simply shifting their spending to save on taxes, that means the states are losing revenue. That’s certainly the position of the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy,… -
media mention July 24, 2015 CNBC: Tax-Free Shopping Ahead for These States
Research by the nonpartisan Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy, however, contends that increased sales during the tax holidays “have been shown to be primarily the result of consumers’ shifting… -
media mention July 20, 2015 The Times-Picayune: Why Aren’t the Governor’s Candidates Discussing Poverty?: Robert Mann
Speaking of inequality, it’s not bad enough just to be poor in Louisiana. You can also count on state and local governments taxing you twice as much as the wealthy.… -
media mention June 22, 2015 Vox: Bobby Jindal and Sam Brownback’s Ridiculous Tax Gimmicks, Explained
Brownback has been defiant. “Some would have you believe this bill represents a tax increase, and that is not accurate,” the governor said last week. “When looked at in totality,… -
media mention May 1, 2015 The Bond Buyer: LSU Bond Deal Was Victim of State’s Woes
“The collapse of LSU’s bond offering mirrors a trend we’re seeing across the nation: state leaders are avoiding making tough budget decisions by pushing these decisions down to the local… -
media mention January 26, 2015 KNOE (CBS Louisiana Affiliate): Study Says Those Who Earn the Least Pay the Most
They say nothing in this life is as certain as death and taxes, and for some taxes mean death to a living wage. A recent study by The Institute of… -
ITEP Work in Action January 16, 2015 Louisiana Budget Project: Taxing the Poor
In less than three months, Louisiana legislators will convene for their annual session. It’s an odd-numbered year, which means it’s a two-month “fiscal” session that’s supposed to be focused on… -
media mention January 16, 2015 The New Orleans Advocate: La.’s poor pay higher share in taxes, study shows
“Louisiana families with incomes below $32,000 per year — about 40 percent of the households — pay an average 10 percent rate in state and local taxes, according to the… -
media mention August 20, 2014 The Motley Fool: The 5 States with the Highest Sales Tax
By Jeremy Bowman: Nearly every state in the union charges a sales tax, and the tax levied on goods and services sold at the retail level is just one of… -
media mention August 1, 2014 Daily World: Sales Tax Holiday Offers Chance to Save
By Mike Hasten “The Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy has called Louisiana’s tax holiday “more hype than help.”” -
ITEP Work in Action May 22, 2014 Louisiana Budget Project: Increasing EITC improves tax fairness, reduces poverty, invests in children
Efforts to modestly raise the minimum wage in Louisiana failed this legislative session — even though the wage isn’t high enough to keep a full-time worker with a child out… -
media mention November 18, 2013 Shreveport Times: Taxes – Where is Louisiana?
Nov. 15, 2013 Written by Tommy Williams Special to The Times Right now, inflation is not meeting expectations — and that may be a good thing. Critics of the prevailing… -
media mention July 31, 2013 The Advocate: Sales tax holiday begins Friday
[email protected] July 31, 2013 State sales tax will take a holiday this weekend, giving consumers a chance to save on the purchases of clothes, appliances, electronics and other goods.… -
media mention April 12, 2013 The Fiscal Times: Bobby Jindal’s Failure Ruins Chances of Tax Reform
(Original Post) By BRUCE BARTLETT, The Fiscal TimesApril 12, 2013 Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal has been a rising star in the Republican Party for some years. But this year he… -
media mention April 8, 2013 The Times-Picayune: Behind Jindal’s tax plan, an old debate that still rages
(Original Post) By Andrew Vanacore, NOLA.com | The Times-Picayune In pushing for an end to income taxes in Louisiana, Gov. Bobby Jindal is calling upon an economic theory about taxes… -
media mention April 4, 2013 MSNBC: Jindal’s radical tax plan not yet dead
(Original Post) By Steve Benen – Wed Apr 3, 2013 11:45 AM EDT It’s been about three months since Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal (R) unveiled his plan to eliminate all… -
media mention April 2, 2013 The Times Picayune: Gov. Bobby Jindal’s tax plan not ‘dead on arrival,’ House Ways and Means chairman says
(Original Post) By Jeff Adelson, NOLA.com | The Times-Picayune on April 01, 2013 at 9:17 PM, updated April 01, 2013 at 11:05 PM Gov. Bobby Jindal’s controversial tax swap plan… -
report April 1, 2013 Governor Jindal’s Tax Plan Would Increase Taxes on Poorest 60 Percent of Louisianans
In recent weeks, Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal has released many details of the tax plan he first sketched out in January. The Governor proposes a revenue-neutral “tax swap” that would repeal all state income taxes and increase the state’s sales tax among other changes. A new ITEP analysis of the Governor’s plan shows that, if fully implemented in 2013, the plan would increase taxes on the poorest sixty percent of Louisianans overall, while providing large tax cuts for the best-off Louisiana taxpayers.
media mention March 22, 2013 The Lens: If everyone wins, as Jindal claims, his tax plan math is bogus
(Original Post) By Tyler Bridges, Staff writer Gov. Bobby Jindal says everyone wins under his plan to eliminate personal income and corporate taxes in Louisiana and jack up the state’s… -
media mention March 20, 2013 The Washington Post: Paul Ryan wants to cut income taxes. Bobby Jindal wants to kill them dead.
(Original Post) Posted by Dylan Matthews on March 20, 2013 at 11:45 am Most conservative policymakers at the federal level just want to sharply reduce the income tax, not eliminate… -
media mention March 19, 2013 The Daily Advertiser: Lawmakers ponder tax reform
Mar. 19, 2013 1:07 AM Written by Bill Decker If Gov. Bobby Jindal’s tax reform plan hurts working people, state Rep. Joel Robideaux doesn’t see how. “I have yet to… -
ITEP Work in Action March 19, 2013 Louisiana Budget Project: Eliminating Louisiana’s Income Taxes Will Hurt the State’s Economy
Gov. Bobby Jindal’s plan to abolish Louisiana’s income taxes is based on a flawed economic analysis and is likely to hurt the state’s economy rather than boost it, according to… -
media mention March 11, 2013 The Advocate: Tax overhaul linked to business rankings
(Original Post) By Mark Ballardand Michelle Millhollon Capitol news bureau March 11, 2013 At the top of a “talking points” memo handed to legislators, Gov. Bobby Jindal justifies overhauling the…