A tiny fraction of the Maryland population (0.7 percent) earns more than $1 million annually. But this elite group would receive 61.9 percent of the tax cuts that go to Maryland residents under the tax proposals from the Trump administration. A much larger group, 37.7 percent of the state, earns less than $45,000, but would receive just 4.1 percent of the tax cuts.
August 17, 2017 In Maryland 61.9 Percent of Trump’s Proposed Tax Cuts Go to People Making More than $1 Million
July 20, 2017 Trump Tax Proposals Would Provide Richest One Percent in Maryland with 69.7 Percent of the State’s Tax Cuts
Earlier this year, the Trump administration released some broadly outlined proposals to overhaul the federal tax code. Households in Maryland would not benefit equally from these proposals. The richest one percent of the state’s taxpayers are projected to make an average income of $1,802,700 in 2018. They would receive 69.7 percent of the tax cuts that go to Maryland’s residents and would enjoy an average cut of $123,720 in 2018 alone.
ITEP Work in Action May 5, 2017 Maryland’s Money Matters: ‘Dreamers’ Make Important Contributions to Maryland
It is unclear, as of now, whether the Trump administration will choose to end protections for young adults who came to the U.S. as children and have legal status through the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. If the administration elects to end the program, thousands of Marylanders could lose their jobs and ability to attend college, many business could lose valued workers, and Maryland could lose nearly $14 million annually in state and local tax revenue.
ITEP Work in Action January 10, 2017 Maryland Center for Economic Policy:To Support a Strong Economy, All Marylanders Must Pay Their Fair Share in Taxes
Maryland’s success today is due to our past public investment in good schools, a strong transportation system and other building blocks of a prosperous economy. As another “tax day”… -
media mention August 17, 2015 TV Newsroom: Tax-Free Weekend Offers Great Savings
“The bottom line is that whatever policy goal you want to achieve through a sales tax holiday, there are probably better ways to achieve those goals”, said Matthew Gardner, executive… -
media mention August 14, 2015 Slate: Don’t Fall for Back-to-School Tax Holidays
If shoppers are simply shifting their spending to save on taxes, that means the states are losing revenue. That’s certainly the position of the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy,… -
media mention July 6, 2015 Huffington Post: How Some States Are Trying To Fix Their Crumbling Infrastructure
Carl Davis, research director at the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy, said efforts to raise state taxes to pay for roads and bridges exploded this year. In 2013 and… -
media mention July 6, 2015 Rapid News Network: Michigan Senate could see road fix funding package today
The Michigan Chamber of Commerce today applauded the Michigan Senate for their leadership in passing a comprehensive plan to fix Michigan’s roads. Gas taxes in six other states are to rise Wednesday,… -
media mention July 6, 2015 Planetizen: State Gas Tax Changes Effective July 1: Six Up; One Down
Carl Davis, Research Director of the Institute on Tax and Economic Policy (ITEP) writes where gas taxes used to fund transportation infrastructure increased, if only by decimal points, and about… -
media mention July 1, 2015 Zero Hedge: These Six States Just Raised Their Gasoline Tax
According to the Citizens for Tax Justice and the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy (ITEP), starting today, six states will increase their gas taxes to help pay for transportation… -
media mention July 1, 2015 Convenience Store Decisions: Fuel Taxes Increase in Six States
Six states raise fuel levy to fund transportation projects to make up for federal deficits. According to the Citizens for Tax Justice and the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy… -
media mention July 1, 2015 RTT News: Six States Brace for Higher Gas Tax Rates
Drivers in Idaho, Georgia, Maryland, Rhode Island, Nebraska and Vermont will be charged more at the pump starting July 1, according to the Citizens for Tax Justice and the Institute… -
media mention July 1, 2015 Market Watch: Gasoline Taxes Going Up
Two groups have put together a list of six states in which gasoline taxes will go up beginning Wednesday. Citizens for Tax Justice and the Institute on Taxation and Economic… -
media mention July 1, 2015 Equipment World: Gas Tax Increases for Transportation Funding Start Today in 6 States
The flurry of state gas tax legislation enacted earlier this year now goes into effect for a handful of states across the country, providing an increase in funding for much-needed… -
media mention June 30, 2015 Washington Post: On July 1, Lower tolls, Higher Gas Tax in Maryland; Higher VRE Fares in Virginia
New laws go into effect Wednesday, as do changes that will impact drivers and commuters in the Washington region. Some rail commuters will pay more in Virginia, while drivers in… -
media mention June 30, 2015 Roll Call: Gas Tax to Rise in Six States Next Month
“On Wednesday July 1, six states will raise their gasoline tax rates. While some drivers may view this as an unwelcome development during the busy summer travel season, the reality… -
media mention June 30, 2015 Spokesman Review: Ready For 7 Cents More At Pumps?
Six states are scheduled to increase their gas taxes on July 1 to help pay for transportation projects, according to the Citizens for Tax Justice and Institute on Taxation and… -
media mention June 30, 2015 Washington Post: Fill The Tank Today
The residents of six states will pay more at the pump starting July 1 as increased gas taxes go into effect. Motorists in Idaho, Georgia, Maryland, Rhode Island, Nebraska and… -
media mention June 30, 2015 Detroit Free Press: Senate Plan for Roads Includes 15-Cent Boost in Gas Tax
LANSING – A 15-cent increase in the tax on gasoline, phased in over three years, would be the centerpiece of a funding plan the state Senate is expected to consider… -
media mention June 29, 2015 The Hill: Six States Increasing Gas Taxes on July 1
Six states are scheduled to increase their gas taxes on July 1 to help pay for transportation projects, according to the Citizens for Tax Justice and Institute on Taxation and… -
ITEP Work in Action March 12, 2015 Maryland Center on Economic Policy: Corporate Tax Cut Would Harm Maryland’s Economic Growth
“Reducing the corporate income tax in Maryland would also worsen he situation under which a small share of the state’s households have seen big gains in income over recent years… -
ITEP Work in Action February 28, 2015 Maryland Center on Economic Policy: Maryland’s Poor Taxed More Than Rich; Communities of Color Feel Biggest Pinch
The state’s highest income households pay the lowest percentage of their yearly earnings in state and local taxes compared to middle-class and low-income households. Residents struggling the most to make… -
media mention January 20, 2015 Baltimore Post-Examiner: Maryland Taxes Are Fairer Than Most
Maryland ranked as the 38th least “unfair” state in Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy’s semi-annual taxation report, published on Wednesday. This means Maryland’s tax policies are considered more fair… -
ITEP Work in Action January 16, 2015 Maryland Center on Economic Policy: Low-Earners Paying More in Taxes than the Well-Off in Maryland
Those earning the most in Maryland pay the lowest share of their income in state and local taxes, at just 6.7 percent, according to the Institute on Taxation and Economic… -
media mention January 15, 2015 Maryland Reporter: Maryland taxes are fairer than in most states, report says
“Maryland ranked as the 38th least “unfair” state in Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy’s semi-annual taxation report, published on Wednesday. This means Maryland’s tax policies are considered more fair…