media mention November 28, 2016 Austin American-Statesman: Wood: The flaws in Trump’s mass deportation plan
“Opponents of undocumented immigrants often assume that these workers don’t contribute to the economy and leech off public services; this simply isn’t true. Many of these people work and contribute… -
media mention October 18, 2016 mySA: Immigrants bring immense value
“And though there are competing analyses about whether unlawfully present immigrants contribute more to the economy than they cost in education and health expenses, what cannot be denied is that,… -
media mention August 30, 2016 Des Moines Register: Undocumented immigrants pay billions in taxes
“An analysis by the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy, updated in February, found that the estimated 11 million undocumented immigrants living in the United States collectively pay $11.64 billion… -
media mention August 30, 2016 Chron: This is where immigrants in Texas are moving to
“‘The 11 million undocumented immigrants currently living in the United States collectively paid $11.64 billion in state and local taxes,’ explains the website for the Institute on Taxation and Economic… -
media mention July 27, 2016 Forth Worth Star Telegram: Texas sales tax holiday for back- to- school shopping is Aug. 5-7
“Sales tax holidays are political gimmicks that fail to deliver on their grand promises,” according to a recent memo by Dylan Grundman with the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy.”… -
media mention July 22, 2016 Dallas Voice: Not in my America!
“And by the way, those illegal immigrants pay taxes. According to the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy, in 2013 they paid $7 billion in sales taxes, $1.1 billion in… -
media mention June 29, 2016 Voice of America: Undocumented Valedictorian: I’m Cheating No One Out of College
“A 2016 report from the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy shows that undocumented immigrants pay well over $11 billion a year in state and local taxes. Contributions range from… -
media mention April 11, 2016 The Gilmer Miller: This Tax Day, A Reminder that Implementing Immigration Executive Action Policies Would Be Good for Texas
“If the Supreme Court unfreezes DACA+ and DAPA, state and local tax coffers will grow by $805 million nationwide, including by $59 million in Texas. A recent report from the… -
report September 17, 2015 Low Tax for Whom?: Texas is a “Low Tax State” Overall, But Not for Families Living in Poverty
Annual data from the U.S. Census Bureau appear to lend support to Texas’ reputation as a “low tax state,” ranking it 39th nationally in taxes collected as a share of personal income.1 But focusing on the state’s overall tax revenues has led many observers to overlook the fact that different taxpayers experience Texas’ tax system very differently. In particular, the poorest 20 percent of Texans pay significantly more of their income (12.5 percent) in state and local taxes than any other group in the state. 2 For low-income families, Texas is far from being a low tax state. In fact, only six states tax their poorest residents more heavily than Texas.
media mention August 24, 2015 Standard-Times: Undocumented Immigrants’ Economic Impact Unclear in Texas
“Meanwhile, about 1.7 million immigrants are unauthorized, according to the center. The report cites the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy as saying that in Texas unauthorized immigrants in 2010… -
media mention August 24, 2015 Policy Mic: What Republicans Don’t Want You to Know About “Securing the Border”
New York’s place on that list is especially salient given its place as the largest of the estimated 200 “sanctuary cities” across the country. The designation reflects a decision by… -
media mention July 28, 2015 NBC: Sales Tax Holidays Complex, Controversial, But Popular With Shoppers
Research by the nonpartisan Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy contends that increased sales during the tax holidays “have been shown to be primarily the result of consumers’ shifting the… -
media mention July 22, 2015 CNBC: Is Your State a Gas Tax Winner–Or Loser?
As states from Connecticut to California scramble to find money to fix crumbling highways, Congress once again is expected this week to put a short-term patch on the nearly insolvent… -
media mention July 13, 2015 Cheat Sheet: 10 Worst States in America for Fair Tax Systems
Americans generally believe that higher income households should pay a greater percentage of their incomes in taxes than lower income households. Yet the exact opposite occurs. The Institute on Taxation… -
media mention July 9, 2015 New York Mag: Rick Perry, Republicans, and the African-American Vote
Empowering state and local governments would make African-Americans more vulnerable to the whims of the very governments that have served them poorly. The state and local tax base is highly… -
media mention November 20, 2014 International Business Times: Immigration Reform 2014: Economic Impact Of Obama Helping Immigrants Includes More Jobs, Tax Revenue
TEXAS Immigrants comprise 21 percent of Texas’ labor force, according to the 2011 U.S. Census Bureau. If all illegal immigrants were removed from Texas, the state would lose $69.3 billion… -
media mention August 6, 2014 Killeen Daily Herald: Sales Tax Holiday Starts Friday
By Alex Wukman … Kelly Davis, Midwest director for the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy, said the three-day tax holiday provides no relief for low- and moderate-income taxpayers throughout… -
media mention June 19, 2014 Los Angeles Times: Hypocrite Watch: Texas Gov. Rick Perry Says He May Move to Calif.
But Texas has sales and property taxes that make its overall burden of taxation on low-wage families much heavier than the national average, while the state also taxes the middle class at rates as high or higher than in California. For instance, non-elderly Californians with family income in the middle 20 percent of the income distribution pay combined state and local taxes amounting to 8.2 percent of their income, according to the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy; by contrast, their counterparts in Texas pay 8.6 percent.
media mention April 28, 2014 San Antonio Express News: Wanna Talk Taxes?
(Original post) By the Editorial Board, April 25, 2014 Because Texas property taxes are among the highest in the U.S., the idea of replacing them is tantalizing. Be careful what… -
media mention March 18, 2014 Burnt Orange Report: The Texas Miracle – The Devil in the Details
(Original Post) by: Joe Deshotel Fri Mar 14, 2014 at 02:00 PM CDT As the American economy begins to gain traction and the national dialogue addresses the subject of income… -
media mention March 10, 2014 Salon: The “Texas Miracle” fraud
(Original Post) FRIDAY, MAR 7, 2014 01:56 PM EST Yes, Texas has seen a lot of growth — but should conservatives really be bragging about it? ALEX PAREENE Remember “The… -
media mention March 10, 2014 The Huffington Post: Why Rick Perry Is So Wrong About California And New York
(Original Post) Posted: 03/08/2014 10:20 am EST Updated: 03/08/2014 10:59 am EST Texas Gov. Rick Perry (R) was the standout star at the Conservative Political Action Conference this year, in… -
media mention March 6, 2014 Washington Monthly: The Texas Miracle that Isn’t
(Original Post) “Oh yes, I know what you’ve heard. And it’s true, as the state’s boosters like to brag, that Texas does not have an income tax. But Texas has… -
media mention October 28, 2013 Burnt Orange Report: Texas State Senators Call for Preservation of the DREAM Act
(Original Post) by: Emily Cadik Sat Oct 26, 2013 at 10:00 AM CDT Eleven state senators – Rodney Ellis, Sylvia Garcia, Juan Hinojosa, Eddie Lucio, Jr., Jose Rodriguez, Carlos Uresti,… -
report September 19, 2013 Texas is a “Low Tax State” Overall, But Not for Families Living in Poverty
Read the Report in PDF Form See all “Low Tax for Who?” states New data from the Census Bureau appear to lend support to Texas’ reputation as a “low tax…