Immigration and Taxes
ITEP Work in Action March 9, 2018 Georgia Budget and Policy Institute: All Georgians Stand to Lose from Immigrant Crackdown Measure
And Georgia immigrants contribute significant state and local tax revenue, including $352 million a year by undocumented immigrants as a whole and $66 million by Dreamers in particular. Read more… -
ITEP Work in Action February 7, 2018 Kansas Center for Economic Growth: New American immigrants in Kansas strengthen the economy
A recent report from the Institute of Tax and Economic Policy (ITEP) shows how undocumented immigrants in Kansas demonstrate their commitment to our state and increase state revenue through the… -
ITEP Work in Action February 7, 2018 Kansas Center for Economic Growth: New American Immigrants in Kansas Strengthen the Economy
Currently, undocumented immigrants residing in Kansas pay nearly $68 million a year in state and local taxes. By granting undocumented immigrants full and legal status, Kansas could receive an additional… -
ITEP Work in Action February 1, 2018 Georgia Budget and Policy Institute: Immigrants Make Georgia Stronger and Better Every Day
Immigrant taxpayers contribute to Georgia’s bottom line. As immigrants start businesses, buy homes, earn wages and spend disposable income at local businesses, they generate considerable state and local tax revenue… -
ITEP Work in Action January 27, 2018 Third and State: Fact Check: Undocumented Immigrants like the Dreamers are not a Drag on State and Local Governments
A recent study by the Institute on Tax and Economic Policy (ITEP) shows that the estimated 137,000 undocumented immigrants in Pennsylvania pay our state and local governments almost $135 million… -
blog January 16, 2018 We Must Protect Dreamers
Last week, a federal court judge in California ruled that the Trump administration cannot end DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) while the case works its way through the courts. Although this is reassuring news for the roughly 685,000 young people currently enrolled or seeking renewals for their DACA status it does not extend protections to new applicants, and it does not lessen the need for congressional action to protect Dreamers.
ITEP Work in Action December 21, 2017 Kentucky Center for Economic Policy: Passage of the Dream Act Would Benefit Kentucky
The Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy (ITEP) estimates that 6,000 (formerly) DACA-eligible Kentuckians currently contribute a total of $8.1 million in local and state taxes annually through sales and… -
ITEP Work in Action December 21, 2017 Policy Matters Ohio: Crackdown on Dreamers could cost Ohio millions
If DACA recipients stay in Ohio after losing work authorization they could earn lower wages and become less likely to file income tax returns. Without the Dream Act, Ohio can… -
ITEP Work in Action December 20, 2017 Wisconsin Budget Project: Giving Young Immigrants a Pathway to Citizenship Would Boost Wisconsin’s Farm Economy
According to a new report from the Wisconsin Budget Project, passing the Dream Act and establishing a pathway to citizenship for immigrant youth would help Wisconsin farms and communities by:… -
ITEP Work in Action December 20, 2017 Wisconsin Budget Project: Dream Act Would Boost Wisconsin Economy and Tax Revenues: Revoking DACA Hurts Both
There are 10,000 young immigrants potentially eligible for DACA who call Wisconsin home. They currently contribute a total of $16 million to local and state taxes annually through sales and… -
ITEP Work in Action December 20, 2017 Michigan League for Public Policy: The benefits of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) on immigrants in Michigan
Researchers at the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy (ITEP) estimate that nationwide, DACA enrollees contribute $2 billion in state and local taxes each year. In Michigan, these young adults… -
ITEP Work in Action December 20, 2017 New Jersey Policy Perspectives: Failure to Act on DACA and Dream Act Would Harm New Jersey’s Tax Revenues
There are 53,000 young immigrants who were potentially eligible for DACA that call New Jersey home. They have attended our public schools, graduated high school and many have enrolled in… -
ITEP Work in Action December 20, 2017 Florida Policy Institute: Dream Act: What’s at Stake for Florida?
There are 72,000 young immigrants who were potentially eligible for DACA that call Florida home. They currently contribute a total of $78 million to local and state taxes annually through… -
ITEP Work in Action December 20, 2017 The Commonwealth Institute: Dream Act Would Boost Virginia Families, Communities, State Economy, and Tax Revenues; Revoking DACA Hurts All
There are 30,000 young immigrants who were potentially eligible for DACA and call Virginia home. They currently contribute a total of $29.3 million to local and state taxes annually through… -
ITEP Work in Action December 20, 2017 NC Policy Watch: Devastating consequences if Congress fails to replace DACA in three months
State and local government coffers would also take a hit if Congress fails to pass the Dream Act, or another effective solution. The Institute for Taxation and Economic Policy estimates… -
ITEP Work in Action December 18, 2017 Center for Public Policy Priorities: The National Dream Act: What’s at stake for Texas?
Researchers estimate that approximately 177,000 young Texas immigrants are potentially eligible for DACA, and they currently contribute a total of $241 million to local and state taxes annually through sales… -
ITEP Work in Action December 18, 2017 Minnesota Budget Project: 4 Reasons DACA should be restored ASAP
DACA results in increased economic activity in our communities and increased tax revenues. DACA recipients in Minnesota contribute an estimated $15 million in state and local taxes annually. Read more… -
blog December 13, 2017 All I Want for Christmas is a Clean DREAM Act
As 2017 draws to close, Congress has yet to take legislative action to protect Dreamers. The young undocumented immigrants who were brought to the United States as children, and are largely working or in school, were protected by President Obama’s 2012 executive action, Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA). But in September, President Trump announced that he would end DACA in March 2018. Instead of honoring the work authorizations and protection from deportation that currently shields more than 685,000 young people, President Trump punted their lives and livelihood to a woefully divided Congress which is expected to take up legislation to address the issue this month.
December 13, 2017 Updated Tax Contributions of Young Undocumented Immigrants
In September 2017, US Citizenship and Immigration Services released updated enrollment data for the program Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA). The updated data included estimates of the number of former DACA enrollees that were now legal permanent residents and those that failed to reapply or their reapplication was denied. The table below provides updated estimates of their tax contributions.
ITEP Work in Action December 1, 2017 Fiscal Policy Institute: Dream Act: What’s At Stake for New York
There are 76,000 young immigrants who were potentially eligible for DACA that call New York home. They currently contribute a total of $115 million to local and state taxes annually… -
ITEP Work in Action October 18, 2017 Michigan League for Public Policy: Immigrant families in Michigan: A state profile
Michigan immigrants also contribute millions in tax revenue each year, and in doing so help pay for important public programs and infrastructure in the state. In 2015 for example, undocumented… -
ITEP Work in Action June 22, 2017 Minnesota Budget Project: DACA recipients make important tax contributions to Minnesota
Minnesota’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrival (DACA) recipients pay an estimated $15 million in state and local taxes, according to a report from the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy… -
blog May 23, 2017 Trump Budget Plan Would Eliminate Child Tax Credits for Working Families Due to Parents’ Immigration Status
As ITEP has detailed, undocumented immigrants are taxpayers, contributing close to $12 billion a year in state and local taxes while also paying federal payroll, income, and excise taxes. In spite of these facts, Mick Mulvaney, President Trump’s budget director, has spread erroneous information to validate the administration’s cruel proposal to strip a proven anti-poverty benefit from undocumented immigrants and their children.
ITEP Work in Action May 5, 2017 Maryland’s Money Matters: ‘Dreamers’ Make Important Contributions to Maryland
It is unclear, as of now, whether the Trump administration will choose to end protections for young adults who came to the U.S. as children and have legal status through the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. If the administration elects to end the program, thousands of Marylanders could lose their jobs and ability to attend college, many business could lose valued workers, and Maryland could lose nearly $14 million annually in state and local tax revenue.
ITEP Work in Action May 3, 2017 The Progressive Pulse: Young Undocumented Immigrants’ Tax Contributions Would Drop by Nearly Half Without the Protection of the DACA Program
Young immigrants eligible for DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) annually contribute $2 billion in state and local taxes, according to new analysis from the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy. The ITEP report finds that this number would drop by nearly half without DACA protection at a time when the Trump Administration has sent mixed signals on whether it intends to honor the DACA executive order in the long term.