The year may be new, but state lawmakers seem to have the same old resolution: slashing state income taxes...
December 14, 2023
State Rundown 12/14: Tax Policy Debates Ramp Up for 2024
Even as revenue collections slow in many states, some are starting the push for 2024 tax cuts early. For instance, policymakers in Georgia and Utah are already making the case for deeper income tax cuts. Meanwhile, Arizona lawmakers are now facing a significant deficit, the consequence of their recent top-heavy tax cuts. There is another […] -
November 29, 2023
State Rundown 11/29: Thankful for Good Tax Policy
Though Turkey Day has passed, lawmakers in states across the U.S. have yet to get their fill of delicious tax policy goodness... -
Brakeyshia Samms
Senior AnalystRace was front and center in a lot of state policy debates this year, from battles over what’s being taught in schools to disagreements over new voting laws. Less visible, but also extremely important, were the racial implications of tax policy changes. What states accomplished this year – both good and bad – will acutely affect people and families of color. -
Amy Hanauer
Executive DirectorNovember 9, 2023
Abortion-Restricting States Skimp on Funding for Children
States differ dramatically in how much they allow families to make choices about whether and when to have children and how much support they provide when families do. But there is a clear pattern: the states that compel childbirth spend less to help children once they are born. -
Voters had the chance to impact tax policy across the country on election day, and some chose to enact common-sense reforms to raise revenue...
November elections are creeping closer and closer and while that typically means a new batch of lawmakers are elected, it also means voters have another chance to help shape state and local tax policy...
Jon Whiten
Deputy DirectorEven in this slow year for candidate elections, the decisions that voters in states and cities make could strengthen or weaken revenue for needs in their communities and could change how taxes are distributed across the income spectrum. In the places where tax fairness is on the ballot, much is at stake. -
Neva Butkus
Senior AnalystMeaningful investments in Indiana’s future require a smart, and fair, tax code that recognizes current economic realities and can raise a sustainable stream of funding from those most able to pay. -
It may be the off-season for state legislatures, but tax policy changes could soon emerge from the ballot box or the courts. Advocates in Arkansas want voters to decide the future of taxing diapers and feminine hygiene products, and supporters of public education in Nebraska are working to make sure voters have a say on the state’s school choice tax credit. Meanwhile, cannabis firms in Missouri are suing the state over cities and counties stacking sales tax on marijuana.
September 27, 2023
State Rundown 9/27: Some States are Looking to Paint the Budgets Red
When it comes to investments, state lawmakers across the country are positioning their states to be in the red as they pass or debate further tax cuts that will overwhelmingly benefit the wealthy – and some states are now adding an additional coat of red paint... -
September 13, 2023
State Rundown 9/13: The (Policy) Choices We Make
The U.S. Census Bureau released its annual assessment of poverty in America this week... -
Aidan Davis
State Policy DirectorSeptember 12, 2023
State Tax Credits Have Transformative Power to Improve Economic Security
The latest analysis from the U.S. Census Bureau provides an important reminder of the compelling link between public investments and families’ economic well-being. Policy decisions can drastically reduce poverty and improve family economic stability for low- and middle-income families alike, as today’s data release shows. -
Amy Hanauer
Executive DirectorSeptember 7, 2023
How to Better Tax the Rich Men North (and South) of Richmond
When you examine tax policy through the lens of how much working (and poor) people are taxed compared to rich men north (and south) of Richmond, it’s hard not to take Oliver Anthony's runaway hit as a jumping off point to amplify some important facts. -
August 23, 2023
State Rundown 8/23: Tax and Effect
While a number of state tax laws are debated, approved, and vetoed in any given year, many go unnoticed... -
August is here, school is starting, and with that comes back to school shopping...
Marco Guzman
Senior AnalystThis year, 19 states will forgo a combined $1.6 billion in tax revenue on sales tax holidays—politically popular, yet ultimately ineffective gimmicks with minimal benefits and significant downsides. -
July 26, 2023
State Rundown 7/26: The Dog Days of Summer Tax News
The Dog Days of summer are upon us, and with most states out of session and extreme heat waves making their way across the country, it’s a perfect time to sit back and catch up on all your favorite state tax happenings (ideally with a cool drink in hand)... -
Most state legislatures have adjourned for 2023, and that means it’s a perfect time to look at the tax policy trends that have formed thus far...
Aidan Davis
State Policy DirectorNearly one-third of states took steps to improve their tax systems this year by investing in people through refundable tax credits, and in a few notable cases by raising revenue from those most able to pay. But another third of states lost ground, continuing a trend of permanent tax cuts that overwhelmingly benefit high-income households and make tax codes less adequate and equitable. -
Neva Butkus
Senior AnalystState lawmakers continue to make groundbreaking progress on state tax credits, with 17 states creating or enhancing Child Tax Credits or Earned Income Tax Credits so far this year. These policies have the potential to boost family economic security and dramatically reduce the number of children living below the poverty line. -
Matthew Gardner
Senior FellowThe qualified success of Minnesota’s GILTI conformity—to say nothing of the state’s serious dalliance with the game-changing worldwide combined reporting--sends a clear signal that the days may be coming to an end when big multinationals can scare state lawmakers into allowing them to game the tax system. -
From coast to coast, state governors have been busy inking their signature on a growing list of consequential budget and tax bills...
The trend of state lawmakers taking big steps on important tax credits like the Child Tax Credit and Earned Income Tax Credit is coming out in full force this week...
ITEP Staff
Summer is here and many states nearing the end of their legislative sessions. Temperatures are rising in more ways than one in some state legislatures while others seem to be cooling off.
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