report August 27, 2012 Most of Indiana Tax Rate Cut Would Flow to Upper-Income Taxpayers
Alternative Could Provide Larger Tax Cuts for Most Hoosiers Indiana gubernatorial candidate, and current U.S. Representative, Mike Pence recently unveiled his plan to cut the state’s flat personal income tax… -
report July 15, 2012 Four Tax Ideas for Jobs-Focused Governors
As the nation’s governors gather in Williamsburg, Virginia this week, their focus is on their Chairman’s initiative, Growing State Economies. Too often, however, a governor’s knee-jerk response to a lagging economy is to start cutting taxes, even though state tax cuts offer a demonstrably low economic bang-for-the-buck, for a number of reasons.
report May 24, 2012 Tax Bill Signed by Governor Brownback Makes Kansas an Outlier
Kansas Governor Sam Brownback recently signed into law Senate Substitute for HB 2117, a tax bill that dramatically changes the Kansas income tax structure. The legislation will cut taxes by… -
report May 17, 2012 Latest Kansas Tax Bill Carries $680 Million Price Tag and Raises Taxes on Those Least Able to Pay
A joint House-Senate conference committ ee is poised to approve a revised version of the tax bill recently sent to the Governor by the House of Representatives. An Institute on… -
report May 10, 2012 Three Strategies for Making Enacted Kansas Tax Plan Less Unfair and Less Costly
Yesterday, the Kansas House of Representatives passed, and sent to Governor Sam Brownback, a tax plan, Senate Substitute for House Bill 2117, that had been previously ratified by the state… -
report May 8, 2012 Kansas Tax Bill Would Cost $600 Million a Year While Hiking Taxes on Low-Income Families
Kansas legislators are set to vote on a tax bill recently approved by a joint House-Senate conference committee. An ITEP analysis of the agreed-upon tax bill shows that it would… -
report April 25, 2012 How Federal Tax Reform Can Help or Hurt State and Local Governments
Federal tax reform can affect state and local taxes in several ways. The federal government can create, repeal or change tax expenditures in a way that is passed on to… -
report April 24, 2012 Regarding Proposals to Increase Taxes on Upper-Income Rhode Islanders
My testimony focuses in general on the slate of bills in front of the committee today that would raise taxes on wealthy Rhode Islanders. These bills present Rhode Island policymakers… -
report April 1, 2012 Repealing Estate Tax Will Not Create An Economic Boom
Since Tennessee Governor Bill Haslam proposed reducing the state’s estate tax in February, Tennessee lawmakers have shown increasing interest in this idea. Recently, a House subcommittee one-upped the governor by… -
report March 30, 2012 Tax Plans Put Kansas on Road Away from Fair & Adequate Tax Reform
Both the House and Senate have recently passed bills, loosely modeled on the Governor’s plan, that would reduce income tax rates, but their plans are different in very important ways.… -
report March 24, 2012 Idaho House Tax Plan Stacked In Favor of the Wealthy
Most Tax Cuts Flow to the Top 1%, Vast Majority of Idahoans Receive No Benefit An income tax cut recently passed by the Idaho House of Representatives, and backed by… -
report March 6, 2012 Alaska Senate State Affairs Committee Regarding SB 29, The Alaska Tax Break Transparency Act
My testimony today deals with Senate Bill 29, which would take an important first step toward achieving these goals by requiring regular scrutiny of Alaska “tax expenditures”—that is, the various… -
report February 29, 2012 Testimony on Reinstating Maryland’s “Millionaires’ Tax”
SB 249 would permanently reinstate the “millionaires’ tax” that expired at the end of 2010. This testimony emphasizes that the “millionaires’ tax” makes Maryland’s tax system at least somewhat less… -
report February 15, 2012 Arthur Laffer Regression Analysis is Fundamentally Flawed, Offers No Support for Economic Growth Claims
A November 2011 report from the Oklahoma Council for Public Affairs (OCPA) in partnership with Arduin, Laffer & Moore, a consulting group headed by Arthur Laffer, explains the method that… -
report February 8, 2012 “High Rate” Income Tax States Are Outperforming No-Tax States
Don’t Be Fooled by Junk Economics With the economy lagging, lawmakers seeking to reduce or eliminate state personal income taxes are touting their proposals as tools for boosting economic growth.… -
report January 11, 2012 Kansas Governor Tax Proposal: Wealthy Kansans Pay Less, Poor and Middle-Income Kansans Pay More
Kansas Governor Sam Brownback unveiled his long anticipated tax plan last week. Sweeping changes to reduce the state’s reliance on its progressive personal income tax are at the core of… -
report December 14, 2011 Building a Better Gas Tax
State gas taxes are currently levied in every state, and are the most important source of transportation revenue under the control of state lawmakers. In recent years, however, state gas… -
report December 7, 2011 Corporate Tax Dodging In the Fifty States, 2008-2010
In October, South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley suggested that gradually repealing the state’s corporate income tax should be a priority for lawmakers in 2012. Haley’s idea was alarming, but hardly… -
report November 13, 2011 Corporate Taxpayers & Corporate Tax Dodgers
Earlier this year, Berkshire Hathaway Chairman Warren Buffett made headlines by publicly decrying the stark inequity between his own effective federal tax rate (about 17 percent, by his estimate) and… -
report October 4, 2011 Costs of Personal Income Tax Repeal in Kansas
Given the challenging fiscal climate facing Kansas, the proposed income tax plan should be thought of not simply as a tax cut but as a tax swap. News reports confirm… -
report September 22, 2011 State Tax Codes As Poverty Fighting Tools (2011)
This report presents a comprehensive view of anti-poverty tax policy decisions made in the states in 2011 and offers recommendations every state should consider to help families rise out of… -
report August 15, 2011 Texas is a Low Tax State, But Not for Families Living in Poverty
Data from the Census Bureau shows that overall, Texas could be considered a “low tax state.” However, families living near or below the poverty line generally do not experience Texas… -
report August 14, 2011 Washington is a Low Tax State, But Not for Families Living in Poverty
Data from the Census Bureau shows that overall, Washington could be considered a “low tax state.” However, families living near or below the poverty line generally do not experience Washington… -
report August 14, 2011 Tennessee is a Low Tax State, But Not for Families Living in Poverty
Data from the Census Bureau shows that overall, Tennessee could be considered a “low tax state.” However, families living near or below the poverty line generally do not experience Tennessee… -
report August 14, 2011 Florida is a Low Tax State, But Not for Families Living in Poverty
Data from the Census Bureau shows that overall, Florida could be considered a “low tax state.” However, families living near or below the poverty line generally do not experience Florida…