A tiny fraction of the Louisiana population (0.3 percent) earns more than $1 million annually. But this elite group would receive 41.5 percent of the tax cuts that go to Louisiana residents under the tax proposals from the Trump administration. A much larger group, 45.6 percent of the state, earns less than $45,000, but would receive just 3.1 percent of the tax cuts.
August 17, 2017 In Louisiana 41.5 Percent of Trump’s Proposed Tax Cuts Go to People Making More than $1 Million
July 20, 2017 Trump Tax Proposals Would Provide Richest One Percent in Louisiana with 55.6 Percent of the State’s Tax Cuts
Earlier this year, the Trump administration released some broadly outlined proposals to overhaul the federal tax code. Households in Louisiana would not benefit equally from these proposals. The richest one percent of the state’s taxpayers are projected to make an average income of $1,521,500 in 2018. They would receive 55.6 percent of the tax cuts that go to Louisiana’s residents and would enjoy an average cut of $155,290 in 2018 alone.
blog June 21, 2017 State Rundown 6/21: Crunch Time for Many States with New Fiscal Year on Horizon
This week several states rush to finalize their budget and tax debates before the start of most state fiscal years on July 1. West Virginia lawmakers considered tax increases as… -
blog June 7, 2017 State Rundown 6/7: Kansas Success Story and Other State News
This week, we celebrate a victory in Kansas where lawmakers rolled back Brownback’s tax cuts for the richest taxpayers. Governors in West Virginia and Alaska promote compromise tax plans. Texas heads into special session and Vermont faces another budget veto, while Louisiana and New Mexico are on the verge of wrapping up. Voters in Massachusetts may soon be able to weigh in on a millionaire’s tax, the California Senate passed single-payer health care, and more!
blog May 24, 2017 State Rundown 5/24: Several States Scramble to Finalize Budgets
This week, Kansas lawmakers continued work on fixing the fiscal mess created by tax cuts in recent years, as legislators in Louisiana, Minnesota, Oklahoma, and West Virginia attempted to wrap up difficult budget negotiations before their sessions come to an end, and Delaware lawmakers advanced a corporate tax increase as one piece of a plan to close that state’s budget shortfall. Our “what we’re reading” section this week is also packed with articles about state and local effects of the Trump budget, new 50-state research on property taxes, and more.
blog May 17, 2017 Investors and Corporations Would Profit from a Federal Private School Voucher Tax Credit
A new report by the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy (ITEP) and AASA, the School Superintendents Association, details how tax subsidies that funnel money toward private schools are being… -
report May 17, 2017 Public Loss Private Gain: How School Voucher Tax Shelters Undermine Public Education
One of the most important functions of government is to maintain a high-quality public education system. In many states, however, this objective is being undermined by tax policies that redirect public dollars for K-12 education toward private schools.
blog April 21, 2017 No Room to Swing a CAT in Louisiana Legislature
The Louisiana Legislature has been in session for two weeks now. The stage has been set for fiscal reform and the stakes are high. The state faces a $1.3 billion… -
ITEP Work in Action April 19, 2017 Louisiana Budget Project: Most would get tax cut under Gov. John Bel Edwards’ tax plan
Louisiana is $440 million short of the revenue needed to fund state government at current levels in next year’s budget. The problem gets much worse in the 2018-19 fiscal year,… -
ITEP Work in Action March 6, 2017 Invest in Louisiana: Moving from Budget Cuts to State Investment
Louisiana’s tax system is broken. It doesn’t bring in enough revenue to pay for the things that allow communities to thrive- strong schools, good hospitals and public safety. It taxes… -
ITEP Work in Action January 9, 2017 Louisiana Department of Transportation & Development: Sustainable Solutions for Multimodal Transportation Infrastructure in Louisiana
The Governor’s Task Force on Transportation Infrastructure Investment is an 18-member Task Force established by Governor Edwards to recommend community-driven solutions for Louisiana’s transportation infrastructure investment needs. The Task Force submitted its formal… -
ITEP Work in Action December 19, 2016 The Governor’s Task Force on Infrastructure Investment: Sustainable Solutions for Multimodal Transportaion Infrastructure in Louisiana
Pursuant to the charges of JBE 2016-23, the Governor’s Task Force on Transportation Infrastructure Investment (Task Force) worked diligently over a six-month period to determine what must be done to… -
Pursuant to the charges of JBE 2016-23, the Governor’s Task Force on Transportation Infrastructure Investment (Task Force) worked diligently over a six-month period to determine what must be done to… -
media mention November 3, 2016 The Acadiana Advocate: Task force reveals budget, tax recommendations for Legislature
“Meanwhile, the Louisiana Budget Project, which advocates on behalf of low and moderate income people, said “more is needed to put Louisiana’s budget back in the black.” “A preliminary analysis… -
report August 8, 2016 Achieving Sustainable Infrastructure Revenue with Gas Tax Reform
This brief outlines the causes of Louisiana’s infrastructure revenue shortfall and offers recommendations for how the state can achieve “sufficient increased levels of recurring funding to address the transportation backlog in highway and bridge maintenance needs in Louisiana,” as per the Task Force’s mandate.
media mention June 20, 2016 American Press: Tax changes allow for lower income tax rate
“As costly and unfair as the deduction is right now, it’s very likely that it will become even more so in the next couple of years,” ITEP said. “States that… -
media mention June 16, 2016 Bayou Buzz: Tax Decision Commeth in Louisiana House Committee today
“An economic analysis by the independent Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy (ITEP) found that these bills – House Bills 7 and 17 – would result in $113 million per… -
media mention May 23, 2016 The Advocate: If Gov. John Bel Edwards calls another special session, here’s his gameplan and how it could affect taxpayers
“A study by the Institute for Taxation and Economic Policy, a Washington, D.C.-based group, shows that taxpayers who earn more than $103,000 would shoulder 76 percent of the tax increase.”… -
ITEP Work in Action May 5, 2016 Louisiana Budget Project: The federal deduction needs reform
“There are two key questions confronting Louisiana officials as they grapple with the most serious budget crisis in a generation: How much new tax revenue does Louisiana need in order… -
media mention May 3, 2016 The Advocate: At Baton Rouge events, John Bel Edwards attempts to build support for budget changes, Medicaid expansion
“The Rev. Theron Jackson, of Shreveport, citing an analysis from the Washington-based Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy, said tax hikes from the special legislative session earlier this year will… -
media mention May 3, 2016 Greater Baton Rouge Business Report: Capitol Views: Bill to hike state’s minimum wage temporarily stalls; Edwards talks overhauling state’s tax structure
“Held at Mount Zion First Baptist Church and hosted by Together Louisiana, a coalition of religious congregations and civic organizations, the event highlighted an analysis of the special session conducted… -
media mention April 4, 2016 The Advocate: From business owners to Girl Scouts, Louisiana about to feel pinch from higher taxes starting Friday
“For a worker who earns between $19,000 and $37,000 a year, he or she will pay an average of $210 more in sales tax dollars for a 1 percent sales… -
media mention March 18, 2016 American Press: Where did Louisiana go wrong?
“Semuels talked with Carl Davis, the research director of the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy. She said Davis told her state legislatures are making decisions about taxation that “don’t… -
media mention March 7, 2016 The Advocate: Local governments, businesses say consumers sour when sale taxes hit ‘double-digit ceiling’
“For a worker who earns between $19,000 and $37,000 a year, he or she will pay an average of $210 more dollars in sales tax dollars for a 1 percent… -
media mention February 22, 2016 American Press: Lawmakers examine income tax
“Three identical measures would allow voters to decide whether they want to eliminate the federal income tax deduction that is allowed on state income tax forms. The deduction is in…