The hand-written scrawls in the margins of the hastily written 500-page Senate tax bill had barely dried when lawmakers began to reveal the true motivation behind their rush to fundamentally overhaul the nation’s tax code.
blog December 4, 2017 They Can’t Help Themselves: GOP Leaders Reveal True Intent Behind Tax Overhaul
blog November 14, 2017 The Bottom 40 Percent Has Grown Poorer, So Why Are Tax Cut Plans Focused on the Rich and Corporations?
The bottom line is that the rich and corporations are doing fine. We don’t need legislative solutions that fix non-existent problems. Only in a world of alternative facts does the top 0.2 percent of estates need to be exempt from the estate tax, for example.
blog October 5, 2017 The Data Belie the Trump-GOP Tax Cut Rhetoric
The Trump-GOP tax plan is touted as plan for the middle-class but delivers a boon to the wealthy, throws a comparative pittance to everyone else and even includes a dose of tax increases for some middle- and upper-middle-income taxpayers. The data belie the rhetoric.
blog September 14, 2017 Census Data Reveal Modest Gains for Working People; GOP Tax Overhaul Could Reverse These Gains
On the surface, census poverty and income data released Tuesday reveal the nation’s economic conditions are improving for working families. The federal poverty rate declined for the second consecutive year… -
blog May 30, 2017 Avocado Toast, iPhones, Billionairesplaining and the Trump Budget
A couple weeks ago, a billionaire set the Internet ablaze when on 60 Minutes Australia he chided millennials to stop buying avocado toast and fancy coffee if they wanted to… -
blog January 28, 2016 Michigan’s “Customer” Service Fail Is a Cautionary Tale about Cutting Taxes and Disinvestment
The Michigan legislature just approved a $28 million appropriation to provide immediate aid in response to the water crisis in Flint, Mich., where vulnerable children and families have been poisoned…