A new report from ITEP provides more details on the many breaks and loopholes for wealthy real estate investors like Trump and what a true tax reform would do to close them.
Trump-GOP Tax Law
blog December 1, 2017 New ITEP Report Explains How Tax Reform Should Eliminate Breaks for Real Estate Investors Like Trump
blog November 30, 2017 Republican Senators Debate Size of “Pass-Through” Break, But Proposed Compromises Will Make No Difference to Anyone Who Is Not Well-Off
Senators Ron Johnson of Wisconsin and Steve Daines of Montana want the tax bill on the Senate floor to be amended to offer a more generous tax break for “pass-through” businesses. We have estimated how all the provisions in the tax bill would impact each income group under three possible scenarios. The only thing different in each scenario is the size of the deduction for pass-through income: 17.4 percent (the deduction in the bill as this is written), 20 percent and 27 percent. We find that the size of the pass-through break makes no difference for anyone who is not well off.
blog November 30, 2017 Chained CPI Would Raise Everyone’s Personal Income Taxes in the Future, Would Hurt the Poor Right Away
One of the findings is that every income group would face higher personal income taxes in years after 2025 (including 2027). Chained CPI would gradually push taxpayers into higher income tax brackets and make the standard deduction, the Earned Income Tax Credit, and several other breaks less generous over time. The switch to chained CPI would cause some low-income people to face a tax hike starting in 2019, the second year the plan would be in effect.
blog November 22, 2017 Mick Mulvaney and the 19 States Paying Higher Taxes Under the Senate Tax Bill
One of the more surprising findings of ITEP’s recent estimates on the Senate tax bill is that 19 states would pay more overall in federal taxes if the bill becomes law. This is not just an increase in the personal income taxes paid (which would happen in some states under the House bill). This is an increase in their net federal taxes overall, even including the assumed benefits of corporate tax cuts and estate tax cuts.
report November 6, 2017 Analysis of the House Tax Cuts and Jobs Act
The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, which was introduced on Nov. 2 in the House of Representatives, would raise taxes on some Americans and cut taxes on others while also providing significant savings to foreign investors.
blog October 25, 2017 The Framework’s Tax Increases and Tax Cuts by State
As our report on the Trump-GOP tax framework explained, in nine states plus the District of Columbia, more than a fifth of households would pay higher taxes under the framework.
blog October 24, 2017 GOP Tax Plan Will Mainly Benefit Millionaires Even If Top Rate Remains 39.6 Percent
The Trump-GOP taxframework would reduce the top personal income tax rate from 39.6 percent to 35 percent, but now lawmakers are discussing keeping the top personal income tax rate at 39.6 percent for those with taxable income of more than $1 million. This modification would barely change the proposal’s overall impact.
blog October 11, 2017 Middle-Income More Likely Than the Rich to Pay More Under Trump-GOP Tax Plan
The Trump Administration and GOP leaders continue to wrap their multi-trillion tax cut gift to the wealthy in easily refutable rhetoric about boosting the nation’s middle class. Later today, trucks… -
blog October 5, 2017 The Data Belie the Trump-GOP Tax Cut Rhetoric
The Trump-GOP tax plan is touted as plan for the middle-class but delivers a boon to the wealthy, throws a comparative pittance to everyone else and even includes a dose of tax increases for some middle- and upper-middle-income taxpayers. The data belie the rhetoric.
report October 4, 2017 Benefits of GOP-Trump Framework Tilted Toward the Richest Taxpayers in Each State
The “tax reform framework” released by the Trump administration and Congressional Republican leaders on September 27 would affect states differently, but every state would see its richest residents grow richer if it is enacted. In all but a handful of states, at least half of the tax cuts would flow to the richest one percent of residents if the framework took effect.
October 4, 2017 GOP-Trump Tax Framework Would Provide Richest One Percent in West Virginia with 39.1 Percent of the State’s Tax Cuts
The “tax reform framework” released by the Trump administration and congressional Republican leaders on September 27 would not benefit everyone in West Virginia equally. The richest one percent of West Virginia residents would receive 39.1 percent of the tax cuts within the state under the framework in 2018. These households are projected to have an income of at least $358,800 next year. The framework would provide them an average tax cut of $27,800 in 2018, which would increase their income by an average of 3.5 percent.
October 4, 2017 GOP-Trump Tax Framework Would Provide Richest One Percent in Louisiana with 63.7 Percent of the State’s Tax Cuts
The “tax reform framework” released by the Trump administration and congressional Republican leaders on September 27 would not benefit everyone in Louisiana equally. The richest one percent of Louisiana residents would receive 63.7 percent of the tax cuts within the state under the framework in 2018. These households are projected to have an income of at least $568,200 next year. The framework would provide them an average tax cut of $97,200 in 2018, which would increase their income by an average of 6.4 percent.
October 4, 2017 GOP-Trump Tax Framework Would Provide Richest One Percent in Maine with 38.8 Percent of the State’s Tax Cuts
The “tax reform framework” released by the Trump administration and congressional Republican leaders on September 27 would not benefit everyone in Maine equally. The richest one percent of Maine residents would receive 38.8 percent of the tax cuts within the state under the framework in 2018. These households are projected to have an income of at least $473,000 next year. The framework would provide them an average tax cut of $30,390 in 2018, which would increase their income by an average of 2.5 percent.
October 4, 2017 30% of Marylanders Would Pay More Under GOP-Trump Tax Framework, But the State’s Richest 1% Would Pay Less
The “tax reform framework” released by the Trump administration and congressional Republican leaders on September 27 would not benefit everyone in Maryland equally. More than 30 percent of Maryland households would have higher tax bills, but nearly everyone among the richest one percent of the state’s residents would receive a tax cut.
October 4, 2017 GOP-Trump Tax Framework Would Provide Richest One Percent in Massachusetts with 76.0 Percent of the State’s Tax Cuts
The “tax reform framework” released by the Trump administration and congressional Republican leaders on September 27 would not benefit everyone in Massachusetts equally. The richest one percent of Massachusetts residents would receive 76.0 percent of the tax cuts within the state under the framework in 2018. These households are projected to have an income of at least $771,800 next year. The framework would provide them an average tax cut of $136,960 in 2018, which would increase their income by an average of 4.5 percent.
October 4, 2017 GOP-Trump Tax Framework Would Provide Richest One Percent in Michigan with 62.5 Percent of the State’s Tax Cuts
The “tax reform framework” released by the Trump administration and congressional Republican leaders on September 27 would not benefit everyone in Michigan equally. The richest one percent of Michigan residents would receive 62.5 percent of the tax cuts within the state under the framework in 2018. These households are projected to have an income of at least $502,500 next year. The framework would provide them an average tax cut of $76,560 in 2018, which would increase their income by an average of 4.7 percent.
October 4, 2017 GOP-Trump Tax Framework Would Provide Richest One Percent in Minnesota with 62.2 Percent of the State’s Tax Cuts
The “tax reform framework” released by the Trump administration and congressional Republican leaders on September 27 would not benefit everyone in Minnesota equally. The richest one percent of Minnesota residents would receive 62.2 percent of the tax cuts within the state under the framework in 2018. These households are projected to have an income of at least $632,000 next year. The framework would provide them an average tax cut of $65,780 in 2018, which would increase their income by an average of 2.5 percent.
October 4, 2017 GOP-Trump Tax Framework Would Provide Richest One Percent in Mississippi with 55.2 Percent of the State’s Tax Cuts
The “tax reform framework” released by the Trump administration and congressional Republican leaders on September 27 would not benefit everyone in Mississippi equally. The richest one percent of Mississippi residents would receive 55.2 percent of the tax cuts within the state under the framework in 2018. These households are projected to have an income of at least $404,300 next year. The framework would provide them an average tax cut of $42,060 in 2018, which would increase their income by an average of 3.6 percent.
October 4, 2017 GOP-Trump Tax Framework Would Provide Richest One Percent in Missouri with 57.0 Percent of the State’s Tax Cuts
The “tax reform framework” released by the Trump administration and congressional Republican leaders on September 27 would not benefit everyone in Missouri equally. The richest one percent of Missouri residents would receive 57.0 percent of the tax cuts within the state under the framework in 2018. These households are projected to have an income of at least $480,200 next year. The framework would provide them an average tax cut of $62,970 in 2018, which would increase their income by an average of 4.0 percent.
October 4, 2017 GOP-Trump Tax Framework Would Provide Richest One Percent in Montana with 56.9 Percent of the State’s Tax Cuts
The “tax reform framework” released by the Trump administration and congressional Republican leaders on September 27 would not benefit everyone in Montana equally. The richest one percent of Montana residents would receive 56.9 percent of the tax cuts within the state under the framework in 2018. These households are projected to have an income of at least $535,400 next year. The framework would provide them an average tax cut of $68,950 in 2018, which would increase their income by an average of 3.8 percent.
October 4, 2017 GOP-Trump Tax Framework Would Provide Richest One Percent in Nebraska with 59.3 Percent of the State’s Tax Cuts
The “tax reform framework” released by the Trump administration and congressional Republican leaders on September 27 would not benefit everyone in Nebraska equally. The richest one percent of Nebraska residents would receive 59.3 percent of the tax cuts within the state under the framework in 2018. These households are projected to have an income of at least $521,300 next year. The framework would provide them an average tax cut of $80,910 in 2018, which would increase their income by an average of 5.1 percent.
October 4, 2017 GOP-Trump Tax Framework Would Provide Richest One Percent in Nevada with 70.7 Percent of the State’s Tax Cuts
The “tax reform framework” released by the Trump administration and congressional Republican leaders on September 27 would not benefit everyone in Nevada equally. The richest one percent of Nevada residents would receive 70.7 percent of the tax cuts within the state under the framework in 2018. These households are projected to have an income of at least $538,200 next year. The framework would provide them an average tax cut of $113,840 in 2018, which would increase their income by an average of 4.5 percent.
October 4, 2017 GOP-Trump Tax Framework Would Provide Richest One Percent in New Hampshire with 53.3 Percent of the State’s Tax Cuts
The “tax reform framework” released by the Trump administration and congressional Republican leaders on September 27 would not benefit everyone in New Hampshire equally. The richest one percent of New Hampshire residents would receive 53.3 percent of the tax cuts within the state under the framework in 2018. These households are projected to have an income of at least $545,600 next year. The framework would provide them an average tax cut of $69,390 in 2018, which would increase their income by an average of 4.2 percent.
October 4, 2017 GOP-Trump Tax Framework Would Provide Richest One Percent in New Jersey with 82.4 Percent of the State’s Tax Cuts
The “tax reform framework” released by the Trump administration and congressional Republican leaders on September 27 would not benefit everyone in New Jersey equally. The richest one percent of New Jersey residents would receive 82.4 percent of the tax cuts within the state under the framework in 2018. These households are projected to have an income of at least $1,105,200 next year. The framework would provide them an average tax cut of $73,950 in 2018, which would increase their income by an average of 2.3 percent.
October 4, 2017 GOP-Trump Tax Framework Would Provide Richest One Percent in New Mexico with 48.5 Percent of the State’s Tax Cuts
The “tax reform framework” released by the Trump administration and congressional Republican leaders on September 27 would not benefit everyone in New Mexico equally. The richest one percent of New Mexico residents would receive 48.5 percent of the tax cuts within the state under the framework in 2018. These households are projected to have an income of at least $443,700 next year. The framework would provide them an average tax cut of $45,910 in 2018, which would increase their income by an average of 3.6 percent.