Publications by Year
Proposed Missouri Tax Shelter Would Aid the Wealthy, Anti-Abortion Centers Alike
High-Rent, Low-Wealth: Addressing the Racial Wealth Gap through a Federal Renter Credit
A Revenue Analysis of Worldwide Combined Reporting in the States
The (Mostly Untapped) Power of Local Income Taxes
Trump's Plan to Extend His 2017 Tax Provisions: Updated National and State-by-State Estimates
The Pitfalls of Flat Income Taxes
Federal Tax Debate 2025
How Local Governments Raise Revenue — and What it Means for Tax Equity
A Distributional Analysis of Kamala Harris’ Tax Plan
A Distributional Analysis of Donald Trump’s Tax Plan
Extending Temporary Provisions of the 2017 Trump Tax Law: Updated National and State-by-State Estimates
State Earned Income Tax Credits Support Families and Workers in 2024
State Child Tax Credits Boosted Financial Security for Families and Children in 2024
Sales Tax Holidays Miss the Mark When it Comes to Effective Sales Tax Reform
Tax Payments by Undocumented Immigrants
Improving Refundable Tax Credits by Making Them Immigrant-Inclusive
Corporate Tax Breaks Contribute to Income and Racial Inequality and Shift Resources to Foreign Investors
Who Benefits and Who Pays: How Corporate Tax Breaks Drive Inequality
States Should Enact, Expand Mansion Taxes to Advance Fairness and Shared Prosperity
Corporate Taxes Before and After the Trump Tax Law
Is California Really a High-Tax State?
Fairness Matters: A Chart Book on Who Pays State and Local Taxes
Who Pays Taxes in America in 2024
Local Mansion Taxes: Building Stronger Communities with Progressive Taxes on High-Value Real Estate
Revenue-Raising Proposals in President Biden’s Fiscal Year 2025 Budget Plan
Corporate Tax Avoidance in the First Five Years of the Trump Tax Law
Tax Policy to Reduce Racial Retirement Wealth Inequality
House SALT Proposal is Expensive, Unneeded, and Poorly Designed
Impacts of the Tax Relief for American Families and Workers Act
Ongoing Use of Offshore Tax Havens Demonstrates the Need for the Global Minimum Tax
Proposed Tax Deal Would Help Millions of Kids with Child Tax Credit Expansion While Extending Damaging Corporate Tax Breaks
The Estate Tax is Irrelevant to More Than 99 Percent of Americans
Far From Radical: State Corporate Income Taxes Already Often Look Beyond the Water’s Edge
America Used to Have a Wealth Tax: The Forgotten History of the General Property Tax
Local Earned Income Tax Credits: How Localities Are Boosting Economic Security and Advancing Equity with EITCs
Supreme Corporate Tax Giveaway: Who Would Benefit from the Roberts Court Striking Down the Mandatory Repatriation Tax?
States are Boosting Economic Security with Child Tax Credits in 2023
Boosting Incomes, Improving Equity: State Earned Income Tax Credits in 2023
Expanding the Child Tax Credit Would Advance Racial Equity in the Tax Code
Weakening the SALT Cap Would Make House Tax Package More Expensive and More Tilted in Favor of the Wealthiest
Sales Tax Holidays: An Ineffective Alternative to Real Sales Tax Reform
‘Fair Share Act’ Would Strengthen Medicare and Social Security Taxes
Corporations Reap Billions in Tax Breaks Under 'Bonus Depreciation'
Expanding the Child Tax Credit Would Help Nearly 60 Million Kids, Especially Those in Families with Low Incomes
Trio of GOP Tax Bills Would Expand Corporate Tax Breaks While Doing Little for Americans Who Most Need Help
Preventing an Overload: How Property Tax Circuit Breakers Promote Housing Affordability
Extending Temporary Provisions of the 2017 Trump Tax Law: National and State-by-State Estimates
How Local Governments Raise Revenue—and What it Means for Tax Equity
State Income Tax Subsidies for Seniors
Effects of President Biden’s Proposal to Expand the Child Tax Credit
Revenue-Raising Proposals in President Biden’s Fiscal Year 2024 Budget Plan
Tax Avoidance Continues to Fuel School Privatization Efforts
Higher Stock Buyback Tax Would Raise Billions by Tightening Loophole for the Wealthy
The Pitfalls of Flat Income Taxes
State Child Tax Credits and Child Poverty: A 50-State Analysis
Twenty-Three Corporations Saved $50 Billion So Far Under Trump Tax Law’s “Bonus Depreciation” that Many Lawmakers Want to Extend
The Geographic Distribution of Extreme Wealth in the U.S.
Unfinished Tax Reform: Corporate Minimum Taxes
How the Inflation Reduction Act’s Tax Reforms Can Help Close the Racial Wealth Gap
Boosting Incomes and Improving Tax Equity with State Earned Income Tax Credits in 2022
More States are Boosting Economic Security with Child Tax Credits in 2022
National and State-by-State Estimates of Two Approaches to Expanding the Child Tax Credit
Sales Tax Holidays: An Ineffective Alternative to Real Sales Tax Reform
Abortion-Restricting States Do Least for Children
Creating Racially and Economically Equitable Tax Policy in the South
State-by-State Tax Expenditure Reports
Revenue-Raising Proposals in President Biden’s Fiscal Year 2023 Budget Plan
What the Biden Administration Can Do on Its Own, Without Congress, to Fix the Tax Code
State-by-State Estimates of Sen. Rick Scott’s “Skin in the Game” Proposal
Federal EITC Enhancements Help More Than One in Three Young Workers
Revenue-Raising Proposals in the Evolving Build Back Better Debate
Resources on the Build Back Better Agenda
Analysis of the House of Representatives’ Build Back Better Legislation
The Impact of Work From Home on Commercial Property Values and the Property Tax in U.S. Cities
Boosting Incomes and Improving Tax Equity with State Earned Income Tax Credits in 2021
Investment Income and Racial Inequality
State Income Taxes and Racial Equity: Narrowing Racial Income and Wealth Gaps with State Personal Income Taxes
Repealing the SALT Cap Would Wipe Out Revenue Raised by the House Ways and Means Bill’s Income Tax Provisions
Tax Changes in the House Ways and Means Committee Build Back Better Bill
Why Congress Should Reform the Federal Corporate Income Tax
Options to Reduce the Revenue Loss from Adjusting the SALT Cap
The One Thing Missing From the Qualified Business Income Deduction Conversation: Racial Equity
Sales Tax Holidays: An Ineffective Alternative to Real Sales Tax Reform
Corporate Tax Avoidance Under the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act
The Child Tax Credit in Practice: What We Know About the Payoffs of Payments (Webinar)
ITIN Filer Data Gap: How Changing Laws, Lack of Data Disaggregation Limit Inclusive Tax Policy
Income Tax Increases in the President’s American Families Plan
Effects of the President’s Capital Gains and Dividends Tax Proposals by State
Not Worth Its SALT: Tax Cut Proposal Overwhelmingly Benefits Wealthy, White Households
National and State-by-State Estimates of President Biden’s Campaign Proposals for Revenue
A Proposal to Simplify President Biden’s Campaign Plan for Personal Income Taxes and Replace the Cap on SALT Deductions
The High Cost of Corporate Tax Avoidance (Webinar)
55 Corporations Paid $0 in Federal Taxes on 2020 Profits
Corporate Tax Reform in the Wake of the Pandemic
Taxes and Racial Equity: An Overview of State and Local Policy Impacts
Testimony to Senate Budget Committee on Ending a Rigged Tax Code: The Need To Make the Wealthiest People and Largest Corporations Pay their Fair Share of Taxes
Estimates of Cash Payment and Tax Credit Provisions in American Rescue Plan
How Long Has It Been Since Your State Raised Its Gas Tax?
Comparing Flat-Rate Income Tax Options for Alaska
Testimony to Washington State Legislature House Finance Committee on HB 1496
Child Tax Credit Enhancements Under the American Rescue Plan
ANALYSIS: Cash and Tax Provisions in Biden’s Economic Recovery Plan
State Taxation of Capital Gains: The Folly of Tax Cuts & Case for Proactive Reforms
Webinar: What's Tax Got to Do With It?
Illinois’s Flat Tax Exacerbates Income Inequality and Racial Wealth Gaps
Boosting Incomes and Improving Tax Equity with State Earned Income Tax Credits in 2020
Tax Justice is…
South Strong: Racial Equity and Taxes in Southern States
Sales Tax Holidays: An Ineffective Alternative to Real Sales Tax Reform
New Analysis Compares HEROES Act and HEALS Act, Disaggregates Data by Race and Income
An Updated Analysis of a Potential Payroll Tax Holiday
Trade Deals Aren't Enough: Fixing the Tax Code to Bring American Jobs Back
Who Pays Taxes in America in 2020?
Republican Tax Credit Proposal Would Provide New Breaks to Tax Avoiders Like Amazon and Netflix
Depreciation Breaks Have Saved 20 Major Corporations $26.5 Billion Over Past Two Years
Major Cash Payment and Tax Provisions in the HEROES Act
Analysis: How the HEROES Act Would Reach ITIN Filers
Harris-Sanders-Markey Cash Payment Proposal Would Dwarf Checks Sent Under the CARES Act
State Options to Shore up Revenues and Improve Tax Codes amid Pandemic
Tax Rebates in the Federal CARES Act
Trump’s Proposed Payroll Tax Elimination
ITEP Testimony on the Illinois Earned Income Credit
ITEP Testimony Regarding Connecticut Senate Bill 16, An Act Concerning the Adult Use of Cannabis
Expanding State EITCs: Age Enhancements and a Credit Increase for Workers without Children in the Home
ITEP Testimony In Support of H.B. 222 Income Tax Rates – Capital Gains Income & H.B. 256 Maryland Estate Tax – Unified Credit
State Itemized Deductions: Surveying the Landscape, Exploring Reforms
ITEP Comments and Recommendations on REG-107431-19
Mayor Pete Buttigieg's Proposed EITC Expansion
Corporate Tax Avoidance in the First Year of the Trump Tax Law
Opportunity Zones Bolster Investors’ Bottom Lines Rather than Economic or Racial Equity
States Should Decouple from Costly Federal Opportunity Zones and Reject Look-Alike Programs
How Congress Can Stop Corporations from Using Stock Options to Dodge Taxes
Cannabis Legalization: Tax Cut or Tax Hike?
Benefits of a Financial Transaction Tax
State Tax Codes as Poverty Fighting Tools: 2019 Update on Four Key Policies in All 50 States
Options for a Less Regressive Sales Tax in 2019
Reducing the Cost of Child Care Through State Tax Codes in 2019
Property Tax Circuit Breakers in 2019
Boosting Incomes and Improving Tax Equity with State Earned Income Tax Credits in 2019
Working Families First Credit
Comments on Senate Finance Committee Paper on Anti-Deferral Accounting
Promoting Greater Economic Security Through A Chicago Earned Income Tax Credit: Analyses of Six Policy Design Options
Major Federal Tax Credit Proposals
TCJA by the Numbers, 2020
Tax Cuts and Jobs Act: A Timeline
Election 2020: Tax Policy Essentials
Sales Tax Holidays: An Ineffective Alternative to Real Sales Tax Reform
Most Americans Live in States with Variable-Rate Gas Taxes
Understanding Five Major Federal Tax Credit Proposals
Cost-of-Living Refund Act
American Family Act
Working Families Tax Relief Act
LIFT the Middle Class Act
Rise Credit
Presentation: NCSL Task Force on State and Local Taxation, Taxing Cannabis
ITEP Testimony Supporting H.B. No. 7415, An Act Concerning a Surcharge on Capital Gains
The Case for Extending State-Level Child Tax Credits to Those Left Out: A 50-State Analysis
The Case For Progressive Revenue Policies
Who Pays Taxes in America in 2019?
Corporate Tax Avoidance Remains Rampant Under New Tax Law
Fairness Matters: A Chart Book on Who Pays State and Local Taxes
The Illusion of Race-Neutral Tax Policy
Shared Prosperity: A Progressive Approach to Marginal Tax Rates
Progressive Revenue-Raising Options
Congress Should Reduce, Not Expand, Tax Breaks for Capital Gains
The U.S. Needs a Federal Wealth Tax
Taxing Cannabis
A Simple Fix for a $17 Billion Loophole: How States Can Reclaim Revenue Lost to Tax Havens
Who Pays and Why It Matters | MECEP Policy Insights Conference Keynote Address
Moving Toward More Equitable State Tax Systems
Joint Letter: End the Tax Extenders Once And For All
The Federal Estate Tax: An Important Progressive Revenue Source
The Failure of Expensing and Other Depreciation Tax Breaks
A Fair Way to Limit Tax Deductions
Comments to be delivered during IRS hearing on “Contributions in Exchange for State or Local Tax Credits” (REG-112176-18)
Low Tax for Whom? Indiana is a “Low Tax State” Overall, But Not for Families Living in Poverty
Low Tax for Whom? Oklahoma is a “Low Tax State” Overall, But Not for Families Living in Poverty
Low Tax for Whom? Florida is a “Low Tax State” Overall, But Not for Families Living in Poverty
ITEP Comments and Recommendations on Proposed Section 170 Regulation (REG-112176-18)
Race, Wealth and Taxes: How the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act Supercharges the Racial Wealth Divide
Tax Cuts 2.0 Resources
State Tax Codes as Poverty Fighting Tools: 2018 Update on Four Key Policies in All 50 States
Rewarding Work Through State Earned Income Tax Credits in 2018
Reducing the Cost of Child Care Through State Tax Codes in 2018
Options for a Less Regressive Sales Tax in 2018
Property Tax Circuit Breakers in 2018
ITEP Testimony "Regarding the Final Report of the Arkansas Tax Reform and Relief Legislative Task Force"
Rep. Shuster’s Mixed Bag: Doubling the Gas Tax before Repealing It Entirely
Understanding and Fixing the New International Corporate Tax System
Sales Tax Holidays: An Ineffective Alternative to Real Sales Tax Reform
Federal Tax Cuts in the Bush, Obama, and Trump Years
The Other SALT Cap Workaround: Accountants Steer Clients Toward Private K-12 Voucher Tax Credits
Lottery, Casino and other Gambling Revenue: A Fiscal Game of Chance
The New International Corporate Tax Rules: Problems and Solutions
ITEP's Senior Policy Analyst Richard Phillips Remarks at Facebook Shareholders Meeting in Favor of Tax Principles Resolution
SALT/Charitable Workaround Credits Require a Broad Fix, Not a Narrow One
How Long Has It Been Since Your State Raised Its Gas Tax?
State & Local Tax Contributions of Young Undocumented Immigrants
10 Things You Should Know about the Nation's Tax System
Many Large Corporations Reporting Tax Cut-Inspired Employee Bonuses Were Paying Low Tax Rates to Begin With
Trump Tax Cuts Likely Make U.S. Corporate Tax Level Lowest Among Developed Countries
The U.S. Is One of the Least Taxed Developed Countries
Fifteen (of Many) Reasons We Need Real Corporate Tax Reform
Who Pays Taxes in America in 2018?
Extensions of the New Tax Law’s Temporary Provisions Would Mainly Benefit the Wealthy
Many Localities Are Unprepared to Collect Taxes on Online Purchases: and other E-Retailers Receive Tax Advantage Over Local Businesses
ITEP Testimony on “Post Tax Reform Evaluation of Recently Expired Tax Provisions”
Preventing State Tax Subsidies for Private K-12 Education in the Wake of the New Federal 529 Law
What the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act Means for States – A Guide to Impacts and Options
Key Lessons for States as They Determine Responses to the Federal Tax Bill
The Final Trump-GOP Tax Plan: National and 50-State Estimates for 2019 & 2027
Multinational Corporations Would Receive $413 Billion in Tax Breaks from Congressional Repatriation Proposal
Tax Bill Would Increase Abuse of Charitable Giving Deduction, with Private K-12 Schools as the Biggest Winners
Updated Tax Contributions of Young Undocumented Immigrants
National and 50-State Impacts of House and Senate Tax Bills in 2019 and 2027
How True Tax Reform Would Eliminate Breaks for Real Estate Investors Like Donald Trump
Six More Things to Know About the Senate Tax Plan
Revised Senate Plan Would Raise Taxes on at Least 29% of Americans and Cause 19 States to Pay More Overall
Analysis of the House Tax Cuts and Jobs Act
American Corporations Tell IRS that 61 Percent of Their Offshore Profits Are in 10 Tax Havens
Fact Sheet: Nike and Tax Avoidance
Fact Sheet: Facebook and Tax Avoidance
Fact Sheet: Apple and Tax Avoidance
9 Things You Should Know About the Tax Debate
The Domestic Production Activities Deduction: Costly, Complex and Ineffective
Trickle-Down Dries Up: States without personal income taxes lag behind states with the highest top tax rates
Offshore Shell Games 2017
Benefits of GOP-Trump Framework Tilted Toward the Richest Taxpayers in Each State
Fact Sheet: The Consequences of Adopting a Territorial Tax System
State Tax Codes as Poverty Fighting Tools
Trump Proposals Would Reduce the Share of Taxes Paid by the Richest 1%, Raise It for Everyone Else
Reducing the Cost of Child Care Through State Tax Codes in 2017
Property Tax Circuit Breakers in 2017
Options for a Less Regressive Sales Tax in 2017
Rewarding Work Through State Earned Income Tax Credits in 2017
Turning Loopholes into Black Holes: Trump’s Territorial Tax Proposal Would Increase Corporate Tax Avoidance
Nearly Half of Trump’s Proposed Tax Cuts Go to People Making More than $1 Million Annually
Comment Letter to Treasury on Earnings Stripping Regulations
Rewarding Work Through State Earned Income Tax Credits
Trump’s $4.8 Trillion Tax Proposals Would Not Benefit All States or Taxpayers Equally
Comment Letter on Tax Reform to Senate Finance Chairman
Sales Tax Holidays: An Ineffective Alternative to Real Sales Tax Reform
Trump Budget Uses Unrealistic Economic Forecast to Tee Up Tax Cuts
How Long Has It Been Since Your State Raised Its Gas Tax?
Most Americans Live in States with Variable-Rate Gas Taxes
Public Loss Private Gain: How School Voucher Tax Shelters Undermine Public Education
Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA): A Critical Anti-Tax Evasion Tool
Why States That Offer the Deduction for Federal Income Taxes Paid Get It Wrong
What Real Tax Reform Should Look Like
3 Percent and Dropping: State Corporate Tax Avoidance in the Fortune 500, 2008 to 2015
State & Local Tax Contributions of Young Undocumented Immigrants (2017)
Comparing the Distributional Impact of Revenue Options in Alaska
State and Local Tax Contributions of Undocumented Californians: County-by- County Data
10 Things You Should Know on Tax Day
Who Pays Taxes in America in 2017?
Fifteen (of Many) Reasons We Need Corporate Tax Reform
The U.S. Is One of the Least Taxed Developed Countries
U.S. Collects Smaller Share of Corporate Taxes Than Developed Country Average
Testimony before the Alaska House Labor & Commerce Committee On House Bill 36
Assessing the Distributional Consequences of Alaska's House Bill 115 (Version L)
Fortune 500 Companies Hold a Record $2.6 Trillion Offshore
Affordable Care Act Repeal Includes a $31 Billion Tax Cut for a Handful of the Wealthiest Taxpayers: 50-State Breakdown
Taxes and the On-Demand Economy
The 35 Percent Corporate Tax Myth
Undocumented Immigrants' State & Local Tax Contributions
Combined Reporting of State Corporate Income Taxes: A Primer
Regressive and Loophole-Ridden: Issues with the House GOP Border Adjustment Tax Proposal
State Gasoline Taxes: Built to Fail, But Fixable
State Tax & Revenue Information
Fairness Matters: A Chart Book on Who Pays State and Local Taxes
Alaska's Motor Fuel Tax: A National and Historical Outlier
Multinational Corporations Would Receive Half a Trillion in Tax Breaks from Trump's Repatriation Tax Proposal
Most Americans Live in States with Variable-Rate Gas Taxes
How Long Has It Been Since Your State Raised Its Gas Tax?
State Estate and Inheritance Taxes
The Federal Estate Tax: A Critical and Highly Progressive Revenue Source
Fact Sheet: Preserving the Estate Tax
Privatization, Waste, and Unfunded Projects: The Problems with Trump's Infrastructure Proposal
State Tax Preferences for Elderly Taxpayers
Comprehensive Guide to "Repatriation" Proposals
Fact Sheet: What You Need to Know About Repatriation Proposals
Collecting Sales Taxes Owed on Internet Purchases
Fact Sheet: Comparison of House GOP Tax Plan, Trump's Initial Tax Proposal and Trump's Revised Tax Proposal
The Short and Sweet on Taxing Soda
Cigarette Taxes: Issues and Options
State Tax Subsidies for Private K-12 Education
Offshore Shell Games 2016
Comment Letter to FASB on Income Tax Disclosure
State Tax Codes as Poverty Fighting Tools
Property Tax Circuit Breakers
Reducing the Cost of Child Care Through State Tax Codes
Rewarding Work Through State Earned Income Tax Credits
Options for a Less Regressive Sales Tax
How State Tax Changes Affect Your Federal Taxes: A Primer on the "Federal Offset"
Indexing Income Taxes for Inflation: Why It Matters
The Folly of State Capital Gains Tax Cuts
Achieving Sustainable Infrastructure Revenue with Gas Tax Reform
Why Sales Taxes Should Apply to Services
Income Tax Offers Alaska a Brighter Fiscal Future
Sales Tax Holidays: An Ineffective Alternative to Real Sales Tax Reform
Ryan Tax Plan Reserves Most Tax Cuts for Top 1 percent, Costs $4 Trillion Over 10 Years
State Corporate Tax Disclosure: Why It's Needed
How Long Has it Been Since Your State Raised Its Gas Tax?
State Treatment of Itemized Deductions
Distributional Analyses of Revenue Options for Alaska
Higher Education Income Tax Deductions and Credits in the States
Undocumented Immigrants' State & Local Tax Contributions (2016)
Tennessee Hall Tax Repeal Would Overwhelmingly Benefit the Wealthy, Raise Tennesseans' Federal Tax Bills by $85 Million
Rewarding Work Through State Earned Income Tax Credits
Tax Foundation Model Seeks to Revive Economic Voodoo
How Long Has it Been Since Your State Raised Its Gas Tax?
Most Americans Live in States with Variable-Rate Gas Taxes
Testimony before the Vermont Senate Committee on Finance: Tax Policy Issues with Legalized Retail Marijuana
ITEP Comments to the Vermont Senate Committee on Finance: Tax Expenditure Evaluation
Delaware: An Onshore Tax Haven
A Primer on State Rainy Day Funds
State Tax Codes As Poverty Fighting Tools
Rewarding Work Through State Earned Income Tax Credits
Low Tax for Whom?: Tennessee is a "Low Tax State" Overall, But Not for Families Living in Poverty
Low Tax for Whom?: South Dakota is a "Low Tax State" Overall, But Not for Families Living in Poverty
Low Tax for Whom?: Washington is a "Low Tax State" Overall, But Not for Families Living in Poverty
Low Tax for Whom?: Florida is a "Low Tax State" Overall, But Not for Families Living in Poverty
Low Tax for Whom?: Texas is a "Low Tax State" Overall, But Not for Families Living in Poverty
Low Tax for Whom?: Arizona is a "Low Tax State" Overall, But Not for Families Living in Poverty
Sales Tax Holidays: An Ineffective Alternative to Real Sales Tax Reform
Pay-Per-Mile Tax is Only a Partial Fix
Testimony: Adding Sustainability to the Highway Trust Fund
Issues with Taxing Marijuana at the State Level
Undocumented Immigrants' State & Local Tax Contributions (2015)
State Tax Preferences for Elderly Taxpayers
Most Americans Live in States with Variable-Rate Gas Taxes
How Long Has it Been Since Your State Raised Its Gas Tax?
Grocery Tax Exemption Is No Improvement for Idaho
Who Pays? (Fourth Edition)
Who Pays? Fifth Edition
State Tax Codes As Poverty Fighting Tools
Sales Tax Holidays: An Ineffective Alternative to Real Sales Tax Reform
Options for Progressive Sales Tax Relief
State Estate and Inheritance Taxes
Pay-Per-Mile Tax is Only a Partial Fix
STAMP is an Unsound Tool for Gauging the Economic Impact of Taxes
State Gasoline Taxes: Built to Fail, But Fixable
The Federal Gas Tax: Long Overdue for Reform
Improving Tax Fairness with a State Earned Income Tax Credit
Gas Tax Hits Rock Bottom in Ten States
Most Americans Live in States with Variable-Rate Gas Taxes
Tennessee Hall Tax Repeal Would Overwhelmingly Benefit the Wealthy, Raise Tennesseans' Federal Tax Bills by $60 Million
90 Reasons We Need State Corporate Tax Reform
The Sorry State of Corporate Taxes
Personal Income Tax Reform: Improving the Fairness of Taxes in the District of Columbia
Paying for Education Finance Reform in Colorado
A Federal Gas Tax for the Future
Low Tax for Who?
State Tax Codes As Poverty Fighting Tools
Washington is a "Low Tax State" Overall, But Not for Families Living in Poverty
Texas is a "Low Tax State" Overall, But Not for Families Living in Poverty
Tennessee is a "Low Tax State" Overall, But Not for Families Living in Poverty
South Dakota is a "Low Tax State" Overall, But Not for Families Living in Poverty
Florida is a "Low Tax State" Overall, But Not for Families Living in Poverty
Arizona is a "Low Tax State" Overall, But Not for Families Living in Poverty
A Closer Look at TABOR (Taxpayer Bill of Rights)
Tax Expenditure Reports: A Vital Tool with Room for Improvement
Tax Incentives: Costly for States, Drag on the Nation
Sales Tax Holidays: An Ineffective Alternative to Real Sales Tax Reform
Undocumented Immigrants' State and Local Tax Contributions (2013)
Testimony: Evaluating the Motor Vehicle Fuel Tax Reforms in DC's Bill 20-199
Don't Blame the Gas Tax for High Gas Prices
5% Cut in Indiana's Income Tax is Stacked in Favor of the Wealthy
Indiana Senate's Income Tax Cut: Just as Lopsided as the Governor's
Kansas House and Senate Proposals Set the Stage for Tax Hikes on Poor and Middle-Income Families
Governor Jindal's Tax Plan Would Increase Taxes on Poorest 60 Percent of Louisianans
States with "High Rate" Income Taxes are Still Outperforming No-Tax States
Laffer's New Job Growth Factoid is All Rhetoric and No Substance
IDACorp-- Biggest Winner Under Property Tax Plan-- Pays Nothing in State Income Taxes
Kansas Governor's New Plan Increases Taxes on Poor Yet Slashes Revenue by $340 Million
More Inaccuracies, Bigger Omissions: Arthur Laffer's Newest Study of Income Tax Repeal Falls Short
Proposal to Eliminate Income Taxes Amounts to a Tax Increase on Bottom 80 Percent of Louisianans
Previewing Tax Reform in the States: National Trends and State-specific Prospects for 2013
Tax Principles: Building Blocks of A Sound Tax System
Five Steps Toward a Better Tax Expenditure Debate
State Tax Codes As Poverty Fighting Tools
Most of Indiana Tax Rate Cut Would Flow to Upper-Income Taxpayers
Corporate Income Tax Apportionment and the "Single Sales Factor"
State Estate and Inheritance Taxes
Four Tax Ideas for Jobs-Focused Governors
The Progressive Income Tax: An Essential Element of Fair and Sustainable State Tax Systems
Sales Tax Holidays: A Boondoggle
Tax Bill Signed by Governor Brownback Makes Kansas an Outlier
Latest Kansas Tax Bill Carries $680 Million Price Tag and Raises Taxes on Those Least Able to Pay
Three Strategies for Making Enacted Kansas Tax Plan Less Unfair and Less Costly
Kansas Tax Bill Would Cost $600 Million a Year While Hiking Taxes on Low-Income Families
How Federal Tax Reform Can Help or Hurt State and Local Governments
Regarding Proposals to Increase Taxes on Upper-Income Rhode Islanders
Repealing Estate Tax Will Not Create An Economic Boom
Tax Plans Put Kansas on Road Away from Fair & Adequate Tax Reform
Idaho House Tax Plan Stacked In Favor of the Wealthy
Alaska Senate State Affairs Committee Regarding SB 29, The Alaska Tax Break Transparency Act
Testimony on Reinstating Maryland's "Millionaires' Tax"
Arthur Laffer Regression Analysis is Fundamentally Flawed, Offers No Support for Economic Growth Claims
"High Rate" Income Tax States Are Outperforming No-Tax States
Kansas Governor Tax Proposal: Wealthy Kansans Pay Less, Poor and Middle-Income Kansans Pay More
Building a Better Gas Tax
Corporate Tax Dodging In the Fifty States, 2008-2010
Corporate Taxpayers & Corporate Tax Dodgers
Costs of Personal Income Tax Repeal in Kansas
Tax Expenditures: Spending By Another Name
Cigarette Taxes: Issues and Options
Uncertain Benefits, Hidden Costs: The Perils of State-Sponsored Gambling
State Tax Codes As Poverty Fighting Tools (2011)
Rewarding Work Through Earned Income Tax Credits
State Income Taxes and Older Adults
State Treatment of Itemized Deductions
Property Tax Circuit Breakers
The Folly of State Capital Gains Tax Cuts
Split Roll Property Taxes
Reducing the Cost of Child Care Through Income Tax Credits
Property Tax Homestead Exemptions
Capping Property Taxes: A Primer
Taxes and Economic Development 101
Fighting Back: Accountable Economic Development Strategies
Examining Economic Development Research
Texas is a Low Tax State, But Not for Families Living in Poverty
Washington is a Low Tax State, But Not for Families Living in Poverty
Tennessee is a Low Tax State, But Not for Families Living in Poverty
Florida is a Low Tax State, But Not for Families Living in Poverty
Arizona is a Low Tax State, But Not for Families Living in Poverty
Why States That Offer the Deduction for Federal Income Taxes Paid Get it Wrong
How State Personal Income Taxes Work
Indexing Income Taxes for Inflation: Why It Matters
How State Tax Changes Affect Your Federal Taxes: A Primer on the "Federal Offset"
How Property Taxes Work
Income Tax Simplification: How to Achieve It
Tax Policy Nuts and Bolts: Understanding the Tax Base and Tax Rate
Introduction to ITEP's Tax Incidence Analysis
How State Corporate Income Taxes Work
The "QPAI" Corporate Tax Break: How it Works and How States Can Respond
"Nowhere Income" and the Throwback Rule
Combined Reporting of State Corporate Income Taxes: A Primer
Sales Tax Holidays: A Boondoggle
How Can States Collect Taxes Owed on Internet Sales?
Options for Progressive Sales Tax Relief
Should Sales Taxes Apply to Services?
How Sales and Excise Taxes Work
Expert to North Carolina: Don't Cap the Gas Tax
Illinois Must Ignore CME's Tax Tantrum
ITEP's Testimony on Combined Reporting Legislation
ITEP's Testimony on Tax Expenditure Procedural Reform
Connecticut Takes a Stand for Progressive Tax Policy and a Balanced Budget Approach
States Should Not Allow to Bully Them into Forgoing Sales Tax Reform
ITEP's Testimony on Sales Tax Modernization Proposal
Don't Give Up on Pease: States Can Decouple from Recent Federal Tax Cuts for Wealthy Itemizers
In It for the Long Haul: Why Concerns over Personal Income Tax "Volatility" Are Overblown
Should Illinois Tax Retirement Income?
ITEP's Testimony on EITC Legislation
Topsy-Turvy: State Income Tax Deductions for Federal Income Taxes Turn Tax Fairness on its Head
Five Reasons to Reinstate Maryland's "Millionaires' Tax"
The ITEP Guide to Fair State and Local Taxes
A Capital Idea
Dear Wall Street Journal: No Need to File a Missing Persons Report, Oregon's High-Income Taxpayers Have Not "Vanished"
How the Bush Tax Cuts Affect State Revenues
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: 2010 State Tax Policy Changes
Testimony before the Maryland Business Tax Commission: Combined Reporting
Census Data Reveal Washington's Fundamental Tax Mismatch: Washington is a Low Tax State, But Not for Families Living in Poverty
Census Data Reveal Texas' Fundamental Tax Mismatch: Texas is a Low Tax State, But Not for Families Living in Poverty
Census Data Reveal Tennessee's Fundamental Tax Mismatch: Tennessee is a Low Tax State, But Not for Families Living in Poverty
Census Data Reveal Florida's Fundamental Tax Mismatch: Florida is a Low Tax State, But Not for Families Living in Poverty
Census Data Reveal Arkansas Fundamental Tax Mismatch: Arkansas is a Low Tax State, But Not for Families Living in Poverty
Census Data Reveal Arizona's Fundamental Tax Mismatch: Arizona is a Low Tax State, But Not for Families Living in Poverty
Credit Where Credit is (Over) Due: Four State Tax Policies Could Lessen the Effect that State Tax Systems Have in Exacerbating Poverty
"Writing Off" Tax Giveaways: How States Can Help Balance Their Budgets by Reforming or Repealing Itemized Deductions
ITEP's Testimony on TRAC Sales and Use Tax Proposal
ITEP Podcast on Maine Voters' Rejection of Tax Reform - download audio (.mp3)
Pending Georgia Tax Changes Would Redistribute Income From the Poorest Families to the Rich
Massey Pays One-Sixth of 35% Federal Tax Rate, Little in State Income Tax
Leaving Money on the Table: "Federal Offset" Provides Incentive for States to Rely on Progressive Income Taxes
Does Alabama's Tax System "Redistribute Wealth"?
Maryland's Millionaire Migration Debate: Understanding the Relevance of the New Jersey Migration Studies
Proposed Repeal of Refundable Low Income Credit Would Hurt the Poorest Georgians
ITEP's Testimony Before the MD House Ways & Means Committee on Preserving Maryland's "Millionaires' Tax"
ITEP's Testimony on HB 2034 Income Tax Reforms
ITEP's Testimony Before the MD Senate Budget and Tax Committee on Preserving Maryland's "Millionaires' Tax"
Leadership Tax Plan Hits Poor Hardest
Evaluating Special Session Revenue-Raising Options
Determining the Statewide Sales Tax Rate Under SJR 29 and HJR 56
Testimony on SJR 29: Income Tax Repeal
Five Reasons to Preserve Maryland's "Millionaires' Tax"
Who Pays? A Distributional Analysis of the Tax Systems in All 50 States 3rd Edition
A Progressive Strategy for Meeting Illinois' Current and Future Revenue Needs
Where Have All of Maryland's Millionaires Gone?
Perspective on Arizona's Tax Structure - Past, Present, and Future (PowerPoint)
Recent Assertions about State Tax Increases Don't Hold Much Water [Revised Aug 7, 2009]
Testimony before the Maryland Business Tax Commission
Serious Problems, Stark Choices
Kentucky Forward Press Conference - ITEP Statement on Progressive Tax Reform
ITEP Testimony on Corporate Tax Reform before the New York State Senate Select Committee on Budget and Tax Reform
Ready, Set, Reform - How the Income Tax Can Help Make the Illinois Tax System Fairer and More Sustainable
Analysis of HJR 36 "Fair" Tax Plan
Fact Sheet on HB64 Income Tax Proposal
Fact Sheet on SB71 Proposed Income Tax Rate Cut
Budget Hikes Taxes on Low-Income Families to Pay for High-End Capital Gains Cuts
A Capital Idea: Repealing State Tax Breaks for Capital Gains Would Ease Budget Woes and Improve Tax Fairness
ITEP Testimony on HB 642 Tax Reform Proposal before the New Hampshire General Court House Committee on Ways & Means
ITEP Testimony on HB 567 Income Tax Reform
ITEP's Public Comments to the Governor's 21st Century Tax Reform Commission
Latest IRS Data Reveal Fundamental Mismatches in the States
Fair and Sustainable Tax Reform: Options for Louisiana
Building a Better Tax Cut: An Alternative to SB 87
ITEP Testimony on Combined Reporting, Before the Massachusetts General Court Joint Committee on Revenue
Assembly's Tax Plan: More Revenue, Less Fairness
Senate Plan Falls Hardest on Low-Income Marylanders
ITEP Testimony on Governor's Plan: Expanding the Sales Tax
ITEP Testimony on Governor's Plan: Improving the Income Tax
ITEP Testimony on Governor's Plan: Corporate Tax Reform
Assessing the Income Tax Treatment of Social Security Benefits
Combined Reporting - How Does Your State Stack Up?
ITEP Testimony on Tax Reform Bill HB750 in Illinois
ITEP Testimony on Nebraska EITC Expansion
Broad-Based Gross Receipts Taxes: A Worthwhile Alternative?
ITEP Testimony on Combined Corporate Income Tax Reporing in Maryland
ITEP Testimony on HB 444 Proposal to Exclude Social Security Benefits from Tax
Dollars and Cents - Bringing Nebraska's Tax System Into the 21st Century (Powerpoint)
Why Large Corporations Can Do Business in Your State Tax-Free - The "Substantial Nexus" Test
How Will the 2006 Special Session Affect Louisiana Tax Fairness?
Analysis of Proposed Capital Gains Tax Cut
ITEP Testimony on HB 1960 Proposed Income Tax Reform
Achieving Adequacy: Tax Options for New York in the Wake of the CFE Case
ITEP Testimony Bill 16-35 Proposed Income Tax Changes
ITEP Testimony on SB 403 and SB 748 - Combined Reporting & Corporate Minimum Tax
State Corporate Income Taxes 2001-2003
The Impact of the Tennessee Tax Structure Study Commission's Tax Reform Recommendations on Tax Fairness
Corporate Income Taxes in the Bush Years
The Effects of Replacing Most Federal Taxes with a National Sales Tax
The Impact of the Ron Sims Tax Plan on Washington Tax Fairness
A Primer on State Rainy Day Funds
Federal Taxation of Earnings Versus Investment Income in 2004
Value Added Taxes: An Option for States?
State Corporate Tax Disclosure: Why It's Needed
Does Personal Income Tax Progressivity Inhibit Economic Growth?
The Distributional Impact of SB 1374's Personal Income Tax Changes
ITEP Testimony on Maryland Tax Reform Options
Tax Options for Arkansas: Funding Education After the Lake View Case
Options for Income Tax Simplification in Iowa
The Impact of Imposing a "Flat Tax" on Missouri Personal Income
Who Pays? A Distributional Analysis of the Tax Systems of All 50 States [2003 Edition]
Distributional Impact of Alaska Tax Options (PowerPoint)
NEW HAMPSHIRE: Impact of Options for Reforming New Hampshire's Tax System (PowerPoint)
Balancing Act: Tax Reform Options for Illinois
Analysis of the Distributional Impact of HB 577 and HB 578
"Further Evidence" on the Linkage Between Income Taxes and Economic Growth?
How Would Expanding Oregon's Deduction for Federal Income Taxes Paid Affect Elderly Oregonians?
ITEP Testimony Before Virginia Tax Reform Commission
Revenue-Raising Plans for Louisiana: Who Pays?
Analysis of Virginia Tuition Tax Credit Proposal
A Plan for Progressive Tax Reform in Alabama
High Income Tax States Have Strong Economies
Analysis of Tennessee Tax Reform Proposals
Behind the Numbers: ITEP Analysis of NTU Tax Study
Behind the Numbers: ITEP Analysis of NTU Tax Study
ITEP Testimony on Proposed Rhode Island Tax Changes Before the Rhode Island Senate Select Committee
ITEP Testimony on Kentucky's Tax System
An Analysis of SB 535's Proposed Corporate and Personal Capital Gains Tax Cut
The Consequences of Increasing Oregon's Deduction for Federal Income Taxes Paid
Analysis of New York Tax Proposals
Economic Development in Minnesota - High Subsidies, Low Wages, Absent Standards
ITEP Testimony on New Hampshire Income Tax Proposal HB 109
An Analysis of the Effects of an Increase in Maryland's Retirement Income Exemption
Choices for Iowa: Building a Better Tax System
ITEP Testimony on Minnesota Tax Expenditures Before the Minnesota Corporate Subsidy Reform Commission
ITEP Testimony on New Hampshire Income Tax Proposal HB 1668
Tax Strategies for a Strong Minnesota
Who Pays? A Distributional Analysis of the Tax Systems of All 50 States [1996 Edition]
The Hidden Entitlements